28 helmikuuta 2020

Friday Bliss #77 - À la Japanese

We have got some 2019 statistics of he first full year of operation of Central Library Oodi: A total of 3.1 million visits were made to Oodi and the total number of visits to all libraries in Helsinki reached a whopping 9 million. The number of audiobook downloads increased by 84 per cent. 

Audiobooks are a growing trend and there are many companies who offer paid audiobook services. Recently I have listened to several audiobooks and one of the most interesting was The Little Book of Ikigai. The Essential Japanese Way to Finding Your Purpose in Life by Japanese Ken Mogi. The book was published in 2017, perhaps you have read it? I’ll leave you a LINK, in case you wish to read more and listen to a podcast.

 Pink cherries & Japanese maples fit to the Japanese theme and the Ikebana arrangement 
that I photographed last spring in The Winter Garden of Helsinki.

To finish, I’ll pamper you with a fresh fruit and berry salad that is not fattening. 
No added sugar & plenty of vitamins. Hope you like it!

The link is open
Helsinki time

There seems to be problems with Inlinkz now and then...

18 kommenttia:

  1. Dear Riitta,
    Books to listen to are increasing. I've already noticed that.
    Our library is also very well represented there. I'm not so much in favor of this, I prefer to read.
    Yes, and I'm really looking forward to the Japanese cherry blossoms,
    there are also here. I've also shown on my blog.
    Thank you for the salad, I will now eat it for breakfast.
    Greetings Eva

    1. Thank you Eva - have a splendid day ❤︎

  2. OMG Nova!

    I somehow lost your nice comment on my fruit salad & audiobooks :(( I am so sorry. I answered to you that I am also an oldfashioned girl and have had many prejudices towards audiobooks. Now that I tried them in February, they are not so bad. But the voice of the reader is extremely important, some voices irritate a lot.

    Perdon - saludos y abrazos, buen fin de semana ❤︎

    1. Yes, I already wrote again but it was gone...more than a devil today ;-)

      Oh yes again...readers are extremly important. I have some voices from actors which I love. Not everybody can read that you can feel the words.

    2. Blogger seems to tease us today :))

    3. We have to take it as it comes ;-)

      But I just read your kommi at my post....and thank you so much♥ You made my day. There you can see that blogging it still good for learning. You know them and gave your knowledge to me/us. Thanks again.

  3. More than a devil today...written again and gone... :-(

  4. Liebe Riitta,
    das sind sehr viele Besucher für eine Bibliothek. Das finde ich sehr gut und zeigt, dass in Finnland noch sehr viel gelesen wird.
    Bisher habe ich noch nie ein Audiobuch gehört. Irgendwie kann ich mir das nicht vorstellen.
    Der Wintergarten ist auch umwerfend schön.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein wundervolles Wochenende.

    Viele liebe Grüße

  5. Good morning dear Riitta,
    lovely pictures of a Japanes Garden! It looks wonderful and your fruitsalad makes me hungry :O)
    I guess, I will have breakfast now!
    Wishing you a wonderful and lovely weekend, dear friend!
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

  6. Beautiful Japanese cherry blossoms and Japanese garden. The fruit salad looks delicious. Happy Weekend!

  7. Las imágenes se ven preciosas del jardín japonés. Los libros los que me gustan son los de papel. La ensalada estupenda. Besos.

  8. mit so wunderschönen blüten und so leckerem obstsalat lasse ich mich gerne verwöhnen! und lesen ist immer gut!!
    liebe grüße

  9. You certainly show us today some of the reasons Finland is the happiest country! Well used libraries, a love of reading (including listening to books), many museums and cultural opportunities, the flowers .... and obviously you know how to eat healthfully. (The salad is beautiful and it is the way we too like to eat). Thank you for hosting.

  10. Dear Riitta
    Your fruit and berry salad looks delicious. I would love to try it. I don't usually eat a lot of fruit. But when they are cut so nicely, I like them very much.
    Have a sunny friday and hugs

  11. Dear Riitta,
    I have no experience with audio audio books. But I am a friend of the Japanese Gardens. The cherry blossom is really a special festival every time. The blossoms are simply enchanting.
    Thank you for the delicious fruit salad. ♥ I am happy to help myself to it and then start cheerfully and with lots of vitamins into March!
    warmly moni

  12. Ihailen suuresti japanilaisuutta kaikissa sen eri muodoissa.
    Näyttely on varmasti hieno ja sydäntäni sykähdytti kuva Viherpajan japanilaisesta puutarhasta!
    Sieltä on niin paljon muistoja harjoitteluajoiltani ja urani alkuvuosilta.
    Maaliskuussa tehtäväni oli viikonloppuisin lakaista polut pudonneista kirsikan terälehdistä parin tunnin välein. :)
    Ihanaa viikonloppua!

  13. I'm not a fan of listening to books. I read very quickly and listening takes too long. The photos from the garden display are very beautiful, especially those cherry blossoms.


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