27 heinäkuuta 2019

Welcome to Morning Tour in My Garden!

I photographed early this morning some views of my garden.
The overall outlook is not very lush because I have rearranged the plantings a lot.
The summer is not the best season to replant, but it is much nicer to do in a lovely weather.

Lavatera thuringiaca and Veroniga virginica ’Alba’  grow besides ’Diabolo’.

In front of our terrace there are blooming Phlox paniculata ’Lilac phlox’ and
clematis  integrifolia 'Petit Faucon’. Sometimes this clematis has five petals
but this summer mostly four. Its seedheads are very decorative!

 The funniest plant in bloom is Dipsacus fullonum.
It self seeds moderately and pops up in unexpected places. I like it and let it grow.

Tradescantia Andersoniana-group plants are also funny and I like them.
But somehow they are challenging to photograph. I have four colours of them.

My other phloxes grow in a shady bed, so they are not yet in full bloom.

The cherries are ripe and we are getting a LOT of plums!

Two years ago I replanted my daylilies and don’t know who is who.
That is why I have some growing in pots in order to group them better this summer.
They are still in bud.

To finish a photo from earlier years. Wishing you a colourful weekend!
- riitta

21 kommenttia:

  1. Thanks for taking us to this lovely walk...
    Have a colourful weekend you too!

  2. You have green fingers. Your garden flowers are so beautiful and I love the arch.

    1. Thank you Nancy. I inherited my green entusiasm from my mother 💕

  3. Es ist ein wunderschöner Garten mit Pflanzen, die mir auch gut gefallen.
    Rosa Phlox und lila Waldrebe passen gut zusammen und blühen auch zur gleichen Zeit. Bestimmt sitzt Du gerne auf der Terrasse und schaust auf die Blüten? Die wilde Karde finde ich dekorativ, auch wenn sie sich in Massen selbst aussät. Man kann sie dort wo sie stört einfach ausreißen.
    Gerne habe ich den Morgenspaziergang mitgemacht.
    Liebe Grüße von Ingrid, der Pfälzerin

    1. Vielen Dank Ingrid, dass du mit mir spazieren gegangen bist 😍

  4. ...a gorgeous garden that must keep you very busy!

    1. Garden is my outdoor gym and keeps me fit :)

  5. Wow, how Beautiful... Thank u for showing.

  6. Dear Riitta,
    Thank you very much for this wonderful walk through your (paradise) garden.
    The many-sided and wonderful flowers are pure joy.
    Best regards

  7. I thoroughly enjoyed your garden tour. It's a beautiful feeling that comes forth from your post. The colours, shapes and also the perfumes that would be there are gorgeous. The seed heads are pretty too. You've a good eye for creating a lovely haven of blooms 🏡

  8. Fabulous flower portraits Riitta. Mornings are the best times to be out ... and best for photos too!

  9. Liebe Riitta,
    deine Blüten Pracht fasziniert mich immer wieder aufs Neue.Man sieht: du hast den " grünen Daumen"!
    ♥liche Sonntagsgrüße

  10. Aivan ihanan vehreää!!
    Puutarha on aina pala paratiisia. <3

  11. Se ve precioso tu jardín, me encanta. Besos.

  12. Hi Riitta,
    so wonderful flowers!Here a lot of the flowers git burned by the sun .... so sad, but they will recover, I am sure :O)
    Wishing you a wonderful new week,
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

  13. Wow, do I see Rose Mallow (Malva alcea) in your garden? If so, then the local longhorn bees (Eucera macroglossa) would feel at home with them and they would be amazed in which paradise they had landed!
    Best regards, Heidi

  14. So soft and beautiful! You speaks the plant's language :)



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