19 toukokuuta 2016

My White Hanami

Puutarhassa on ihanaa valkoista Hanamia, kun valkokukkaiset kukkapuut kukkivat. Kirsikka ja luumut täyttä päätä, samoin pilvikirsikat. Iso vanha omenapuuni aloittelee. Se on vaan niin iso, että lähelle kukkaa en pääse. Kaunista on!

Kirsikka - Cherry

I have a white Hanami in my garden! The cherry and the plum trees are in full bloom, as well as my four Prunus sylvatica. My big old apple tree is starting. Unfortunately it is so tall that there is no way to get a close up. But these all are splendid!

Luumu - Prunus
Omena - Apple

Pilvikirsikka - Pin Cherry - Prunus sylvatica

6 kommenttia:

  1. What gorgeous trees Riitta and so much blossom. Worth the long winter for that beautiful sight :)

  2. Dear riita,
    it is beautiful your photos and this natural life.
    Have a nice day

  3. Magnificas fotografias das árvores em floração, gostei de ver.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  4. Onpas sulla upeita valkokukkaisia puita.
    Osallistu kastehelmi arvontaan.
    Hyvää torstai päivää.

  5. Hello Ritta, your blossoms are just gorgeous. A lovely sight to see! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

  6. You've truly got such a stunning garden, my wonderful friend, thank you for sharing your wonderful blossoms with us !

    Sending you my daerest love ever



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