15 tammikuuta 2021

Friday Bliss #122 - Snow Chaos & Winter Wonderland

On Tuesday and Wednesday we had a real snow chaos all over the country.
In the Helsinki region we got approximately 40-50 cm new snow. It was terrible,
the traffic in chaos and cars buried in snow. Me & hubby spent hours on the yard shoveling, 
three times a day. By yesterday the snowfall was fortunately over and we had 
blue sky and sunshine with -13 C. In short a stunning winter day!

Wishing a sunny weekend!


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22 kommenttia:

  1. Like Madrid the chaos, and also over her at the beginning of the week when all the Tinerfeños wanted to drive up to see the snow on the Teide. They had to close the roads in the beginning, too icy for the cars with the summer wheels on^^

    Really stunning at your place...that’s winter how I just love it. Thanks for sharing and also for you a sunny weekend

    Greetings and hugs


    1. Good morning Nova,
      We have lived here for 20 years and I don't remember similar: so much snow in a short time. It was tough and exhausting - but we survived. I have looked photos of Madrid on El País - but we have winter tyres!!! Tinerfeño is such a fun word. Greetings, riitta

    2. Oh, I wouldn’t have thought that. Over here you have only summer tyres, so no wonder that some of the cars couldn’t get forwards^^

      For me is Canario more funny...cause some people are thinking of the bird *gg*

  2. Hello Riita,
    but winter has you under control and so much snow. I do not know what to say. That's a lot, but it looks nice. We haven't had that much snow in many years.
    Yes, on such a beautiful winter day as you show it, you can take such beautiful pictures, plus a blue sky, perfect.
    Eva wishes you a nice weekend

    1. I would be happy with less snow - but what to do :)) Happy weekend to you too Eva.

  3. das sieht ja wirlich nach einem winterwunderland aus! aber ich kenne das problem mit dem schneeschaufeln auch, aber bei uns waren es nicht 40 cm sondern nur ca 8 cm. dein zarter nelkenstrauß sieht wunderschön frühlingshaft aus und macht mir auch sehrsucht nach blumen. leider haben hier ja alle gärtnereien und blumenläden geschlossen, aber ich hoffe, heute wenigstens ein paar tulpen im supermarkt zu finden.
    liebe grüße und viel sonne am wochenende!

    1. Snow means a lot of shoveling. This time our backs tolerated the job well. Warm wintergreetings ove to you Nova.

  4. Puutarhatuolit näyttävät majesteettisilta pehmeine istuimineen nyt! Meille ei tullut lunta, kuin sentti pari. Tuuli pöllyytti kinoksia vanhoista lumista. Nyt on pakkasta -24. Prrrr... Mukavaa viikonloppua!
    PS. Soitetaan huomenna jotain kaunista ja herkkää.

    1. Kyllä olisi vähempikin riittänyt, sillä olin niin nääntynyt, että luulin kuolevani. Vanha nainen! Meillä pakkanen samaa luokkaa, brr - tupailma. Juu, soitetaan jotain kaunista Tarjan muistoksi. Surullista.

  5. That was a lot of snow. In photos the snow looks beautiful but in reality, it is a totally different thing. Being lockdown or having to deal with such snow and back breaking shoveling is no fun at all. Good that the snow fall is over now. Take care and stay safe.

    1. It was really too much snow. Odd snow phenomenon in Spain, too. Two very cold days, temperatures below -20 C - then again warmer.

  6. Your benches fully covered with snow are so picturesque.
    Temperature in Somero -24 this morning!

    1. We have also - 24 C. It is ’tupailma’ as we Finns say! I don’t want to go out :DD

  7. Hallo Riitta!

    Soooooooo viel Schnee! Schick mal welchen rüber, damit unsere Kinder wieder Schlitten fahren können :-))

    Und ich auch, denn ich liebe Schnee!

    Liebe Grüße


  8. The lovely snow pictures and the wonderful yellow flowers, that's a good combination.

  9. Por España también ha nevado mucho, por mi pueblo no. Tu jardín se ve bonito. Besos.

  10. Surprise - snow in Texas on Sunday - it was of those "seldom" occasions. But never has it snowed all day long with so little to show, lol (my image is from N. California, not Texas) Feel sorry for you that you have to do this 3 times a day so you still get in and out of the door! The hepas on the garden chairs says it all. Must be exhausting. Stay warm and relax in between:) Jesh

  11. I wished for some of this snow chaos...😳😂

  12. ...I'd like some "Snow Chaos & Winter Wonderland" here! Thanks for hosting.

  13. Wow that's a LOT of snow. Contrasts so beautifully with your sweet indoor photos. I do love your work; the lighting always looks fresh and perfect.

  14. Pretty snow! Have a good weekend.

  15. I certainly sympathize with your husband shovelling repeatedly the same day. It happens here too sometimes; fortunately not too often.


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