08 tammikuuta 2021

Friday Bliss #121 - Charming Tulips

The season of the tulips has begun. Actually I wished to find yellow ones, but no. 
Instead I bought this colorful mix. Winter Wonderland continues: it was snowing yesterday 
the whole day, the temperature a bit under zero.
But the days get longer. The length of the day was 6 hours 12 minutes.

If I had my way, I would remove January from the calendar altogether 
and have an extra July instead. 
- Roald Dahl

January is the best time of year for gym owners. You all come. It’s great!
And then, by Valentine’s Day, you are not coming in anymore.
- David Kirsch

January is the best time of year for gym owners. You all come. It's great! And then, by Valentine's Day, you're not coming in anymore. David Kirsch
Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/january-quotes_2

Feeling a little blue in January is normal.
- Marilu Henner

I love beginnings. If I were in charge of calendars, every day would be January 1.
- Jerry Spinelli

Wishing a beautiful weekend!


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18 kommenttia:

  1. Good morning Riita, nope, I like January, like every season or month. Well, at the moment it is really cold, but on Sunday it should be 5 degrees and then we go on our bike. I like to go out and feel the fresh air.
    Your tulips are great and you can have them for a long time and present them differently again and again. I wish you a nice day and Greetings Eva

    1. Hi Eva,

      I would not skip January either - it is a month of hope and means that the spring is approaching. Have a nice weekend.

  2. Wow...they look pretty. So beautiful in this color too, just love it. If I could I would take them out of your pics right now *gg* You are having snow, we are having rain on the islands. At my place yesterday just a little bit between sun and clouds, but for today it will become more. I alrady had some heavy showers. It doesn’t matter, good for the water basins.

    Have a good start into the weekend and greetings over to you. Enjoy the snow and stay healthy


  3. Liebe Riitta,

    Dein Tulpenstrauß ist ein Traum, diese frischen Farben sind gut für die Seele.

    Alles Liebe für 2021
    wünscht Dir

    Ps.: Hat ihn Sissi schon entdeckt ?

  4. Wonderful tulips - a truly joy in the cold wintertime.
    This january is not so good for gym owners... stay healthy!
    Send you a big box full of light for a happy New Year

    1. You are so right Mascha :) Happy New Year!

  5. Liebe Riitta,
    das sind sehr schöne Tulpen, und ich warte schon darauf, dass die Tulpen bei uns im Garten wieder blühen. Ich mag Tulpen sehr, allerdings musste ich sie zuerst einmal entdecken. Bei uns hat es auch geschneit und über Nacht ist er auch liegen geblieben. Die Temperatur bewegt sich hier auch etwas unter Null Grad. Insgesamt ist der Schnee aber sehr nass und ich denke, dass er über Tag wieder wegschmilzt.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende.

    Viele liebe Grüße

    1. Hi Wolfgang,

      It is wonderful to think about spring and tulips. I planted quite a lot of new bulbs, too. Greetings to Loretta also, have a nice weekend.

  6. Beautiful and colourful tulips. I love tulips but they won't grow in the lowlands. For us, January seems to be a gloomy start to the new year with increasing numbers of positive Covid-19 cases, possible re-implementation of movement restriction soon, and the current monsoon season has caused serious natural disaster such as landslides and flooding in many areas.

  7. I do not like January at all. Neither November. The worst periods of the year.
    Winter wonderland in Somero too.
    All the best!

  8. Tulpen frühestens in der nächsten Woche, das ist schon seit 60 Jahren Tradition bei mir... Frühlingsgefühle kommen hier nicht auf, eher trifft die Aussage von Marilu Henner zu.
    Hab ein schönes Januarwochenende!

  9. das ist ein ganz wunderschöner strauß! ich mag die bunten tulpen sehr und habe jetzt auch sehnsucht nach ihnen! nächste woche werde ich mir auch welche kaufen. hoffentlich darf die gärtnerei öffnen!
    liebe grüße
    ... ich hab ein bisschen schnee mitgebracht ;)!

  10. It looks several of us brought some flowers:) The bouquet of flowers is so lovely and spring like:) Thanks for hosting Riitta!

  11. ...charming in deed. Each day slowly gets longer. Thanks for hosting.

  12. A beautiful, colorful bouquet of tulips, dear Riitta! It's nice that the days are getting longer and that your landscape is covered in white now.
    All the best for 2021 🍀
    and best wishes, Traude

  13. Beautiful tulips photos! Thanks for hosting.

  14. Beautiful flowers. So many colors!

  15. Lo mismo te deseo. Un beso.


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