31 maaliskuuta 2020

Rainbow Colors in the Spring Sky

Wood pigeons have arrived in my garden. That gave me this idea of pigeons bringing
spring joy to us and rainbow colors to the sky. Two versions.
I used Jutta’s wonderful original.

May this adorable baby elephant bring joy & good luck to all of us!

#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #foto-tunes #gartenglück 
#image-in-ing #makrotex  #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #t in die neue woche 
#the weekend roundup #tuesday’s treasures #uudet värikollaasit #willy-nilly #watw

30 maaliskuuta 2020

Confusing March

This March we have wittnessed the whole world gradually shutting down before
a common pandemic and the number of victims exploding. Without going into details 
the Finnish government has taken similar drastic & extreme measures as governments elsewhere. 
Most of the Covid-19 cases are in my home province Uusimaa and traffic in and out 
has strongly been limited. The state of emergency shall most probably be extended today.
Elderly & risk groups are asked to stay at home - but walking in the nature is still allowed!

Before the closure of museums & theatres  I visited Art Museum Sinkka at Kerava and
National Theatre in Helsinki where I saw a classic tragicomedy called Gabriel. 
I took you also to Luxury treasures of Sinebrychoff Home Museum.

Now that you may have more time to read, I would love to recommend you Patria 
by Fernando Aramburu - a thick book of over 600 pages but so well written! Aramburu was born 
in San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain - so he knows his theme. Patria tells about the terrorism 
of ETA and how ETA broke the warm friendship between two families and split a small village 
in two opposite fronts.  Translated as Homeland available at Amazon. 
 Five star reading experience for me ❤︎

What may April bring? 
I wish you and your family health & hope, sun & green sprouting spring.
Did you know that  Flowers Can Dance?

#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #foto-tunes #gartenglück 
#image-in-ing #makrotex  #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #t in die neue woche 
#the weekend roundup #tuesday’s treasures #uudet värikollaasit #willy-nilly #watw

29 maaliskuuta 2020

Nutmeg Colors

T in die neue Woche

Santa Maria Novella is a wonderful church in Florence.
To me it was more beautiful than the Dome. I’m glad I could visit last October.

#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #foto-tunes #gartenglück 
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#the weekend roundup #tuesday’s treasures #uudet värikollaasit #willy-nilly #watw

28 maaliskuuta 2020

Earth Hour Today at 8.30 pm

Photo: Liisa Takala / WWF

WWF's Earth Hour originated in Sydney, Australia in 2007, 
with over two million people participating. In 2008, the event expanded globally. 
This evening at 8.30 pm your local time.

WWF's Earth Hour, the world's largest climate event, will be celebrated this year safely at home, online or by displaying a light sign on climate and nature. Online events bring people together in Australia, Singapore and also in Finland. In Helsinki the lights are turned off for example of the lanterns of the main railway station, Finlandia Hall and the Cathedral.

The ’Stonemen’ of Helsinki Railway Station, photo: Raine Laaksonen WWF

Earth Hour turns off lights from familiar landmarks around the world. Turning off the lights of landmarks, cities, businesses and organizations is a symbolic gesture for climate and nature. Climate change is worrying in Finland too: according to the Climate Barometer published in 2019, 41 per cent of Finns have changed their behavior due to climate change. Deeds for a common earth are needed now.

Aurajoki, Turku, photo: Sami Kilpiö WWF

We are living in an extraordinary time, which requires a spirit of solidarity. 
That's what Earth Hour is all about. Together we can show the sign of light 
for the good of nature, the planet and humanity. 
- WWF Secretary-General Liisa Rohweder.

There are many beautiful videos by The Piano Guys on Youtube - I chose this joyful one.
All nations of the world call this planet home, regardless of race or wealth.
We struggle all together to overcome this pandemic, too.

The Weekend Roundup M

Starts with M:
Museums: Massive prehistoric Mammuth or other Monster

Starts with M:
Measuring Minutes & Moments...

Starts with M:
Mass, mess, miss - Moss!

Starts with M & my favourite:
Miracles of May 2019

Tom’s choice Mix:
Mixed fruit salad or Macedoine

#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #foto-tunes #gartenglück 
#image-in-ing #makrotex  #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #t in die neue woche 
#the weekend roundup #tuesday’s treasures #uudet värikollaasit #willy-nilly #watw

27 maaliskuuta 2020

Friday Bliss #81 - Joys of Spring

I bought a pot of muscaris and tete a tete daffodils while grocery shopping.
In room temperature flowers open very quickly and catkins were picked up during my walks.

I made a small jungle corner with my Buddha, hope it brings peace of mind.

I put some catkins in candle holders, they say Easter to me!

Stay safe and well my dear friends!

The link is open
Helsinki time

There seems to be problems with Inlinkz now and then...

25 maaliskuuta 2020

DIY - Simple Feather Wreath

You need a glue gun, feathers of your choice and some basic wreath
that needs uplifting. I chose natural brown feathers and my old willow wreath.
This DIY took only a few minutes. The wreath shall decorate an inner door at my home
but looks beautiful also as table decoration with a yellow candle. - OBS.  Careful if lit!

There is not yet much color to be seen in the nature, only dark green of conifers 
& blue of the sky. During my walks I see a few kids with their bikes and a dog now and then.
This lion pair guards the entrance of a neighbour...

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#image-in-ing #makrotex  #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #t in die neue woche 
#the weekend roundup #tuesday’s treasures #uudet värikollaasit #willy-nilly #watw

23 maaliskuuta 2020

To Keep Calm & Stay Positive....

... is extremely hard right now, as we are all so afraid. Perhaps this apocalypse teaches us to Carpe Diem, complain less and be thankful for each day and for what we’ve got. This is a terrible lesson for mankind - we cant control life, instead have to humble ourselves before The Universe. 

Positive thinking is the topic of Makrotex this week. What keeps me personally positive & thankful? The sun & the nature, the coming spring & summer, my family and  this peaceful corner of the world where I live.

For Jutta’s Digital Tuesday I combined these two photos.

To talk about happines is absurd right now, but the UN has published its Happiness Report. 
Finland is the happiest country in the world for the third time running! 
The report lists 153 countries and the top ten are: Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, 
Norway, Holland, Sweden, New Zealand, Austria and Luxembourg. 

I searched for wise quotes on positive thinking and advise how to overcome our fears:

Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.
- Victor Hugo
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow. 
- Helen Keller
Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.
- Marcus Aurelius

Louis Amstrong - What a wonderful world

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#image-in-ing #makrotex  #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #t in die neue woche 
#the weekend roundup #tuesday’s treasures #uudet värikollaasit #willy-nilly #watw

22 maaliskuuta 2020

Amethyst Colors

Amethyst colors in flowers... That Rhododenron is a bit too pink... never mind!
Well, the summer is coming this year too ❤︎

Amethyst colors from different art exhibitions...
The big photo from Silent beauty at Ateneum, down right corner
by Helene Schjerfbeck from On my travels I found myself at Ateneum, too.

#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #foto-tunes #gartenglück 
#image-in-ing #makrotex  #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #t in die neue woche 
#the weekend roundup #tuesday’s treasures #uudet värikollaasit #willy-nilly #watw

T in die neue Woche

Kuusijärvi / Spruce Lake recreation area has a rail to walk and nature to enjoy.
A weathered grey log building photographed there.
Recycling old photos... That is what’s going to happen for an unknown time....

Sometimes we have taken Sissi along... Here she has found a bird or squirrel.

I love the above photo with grass roof, another log building from the same place.
On the photo my former blog name...

#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #foto-tunes #gartenglück 
#image-in-ing #makrotex  #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #t in die neue woche 
#the weekend roundup #tuesday’s treasures #uudet värikollaasit #willy-nilly #watw