07 joulukuuta 2019

The Weekend Roundup W

Tom’s choice Water:
Weird view of Water, my home reflected on garden pond

Starts with W:
World tour for Wedding - young Japanese bridal pair in Florence

Starts with W:
Wildlife on Weather vane

Starts with W & my favourite:
Wishful thinking: Winter Weather Wholly in White
Photo from earlier winters...


#all seasons   #der natur donnerstag   #digitalart dienstag   #foto-tunes   #gartenglück    
#image-in-ing   #makrotex   #mosaic monday   #my corner of the world   
#saturday’s critters   # t in die neue woche   #the weekend roundup   #tuesday’s treasures
#uudet värikollaasit   #wandering camera   #willy-nilly   #watw 

12 kommenttia:

  1. Ritta, this is a wonderful group of W finds. Such a sweet couple, I hope their married life stays wonderful. I too like snow, snow that I can look at and play in BUT then leave it behind. Your snow picture is sooo pretty.

  2. Guten Morgen Riita,
    was sind das für hübsche Schneebilder. Wir bekommen jetzt erst mal Regen und Regen.
    Laut Wettervorhersage tut sich in Sachen Scnee gar nichts. Macht auch nicht, man kann am Wetter gottseidank nichts ändern.
    Ein hübsches Paar, hoffentlich hält es, aber der Mensch verändert sich nun mal und heute ist es eher selten, dass ein Paar so lange zusammen ist.
    Meine Schwester hat dieses Jahr die Diamantene Hochzeit 60 Jahre.

    Einen schönen TAg und ein schönes Wochenende wünscht dir Eva

  3. There's even such a nice birdbath by the pond. What a beautiful house and a great shot with the reflection.

    Every W is done great again by you. I also like your garden decoration super good. Great idea and with the snow enchants it.

    I wish you a nice second Advent weekend and I am sending greetings over to you


  4. I love that last image and the bride and groom look wonderful.

  5. Very nice reflection of your house. Beautiful couple. Nice weather wane. Snow so white.

  6. ...a Weird and Wonderful sight!
    ...World travelers.
    ...I love it.
    ...W ishful thinking: Winter Weather Wholly in White is a great string of Ws.
    Thank Riitta for stopping by, have a Wonderful Weekend.

  7. Brr on the winter weather, but wow for the weather vane. Enjoyed your W post. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!

  8. Clever combinations and awesome shots!

  9. Dear riitta,
    what wonderful winter world (all of this begins with "W")! ;-)
    The "wildlife on the weather vane" is my favorit!
    I wish you a wonderful Sunday,
    best regards

  10. Todas preciosas. Besos.

  11. That last photo is wonderful!


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