19 joulukuuta 2019

Christmas Concert by Addictio

Today I have a lot of choral music for you. There are a few Youtube links, 
I hope you find some of them interesting. 

Yesterday I attended the Christmas concert of Addictio Chamber Choir where my son sings bass. They presented many old choral songs as well newer Christmas carols where the public could sing along. Their new director is handsome & very young Riku Laurikka, astonishingly only 25 years old!  He has studied at Sibelius Academy and also in Austria. The church was a bit shadowy, unfortunately it shows on the photos... But I wanted to transmit you a glimpse of the wonderful atmosphere I experienced. I searched on Youtube choral adaptations that sounded similar to Addictio’s voice.

Away In A Manger

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head.
The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay,
The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.

The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes,
But little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes.
I love thee, Lord Jesus! look down from the sky,
And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me I pray.
Bless all the dear children in thy tender care,
And take us to heaven to live with thee there.

Away in a Manger is a Christmas carol first published in the late nineteenth century and used widely throughout the English-speaking world. In Britain, it is one of the most popular carols. Although it was long claimed to be the work of German religious reformer Martin Luther, the carol is now thought to be wholly American in origin. The popularity of the carol has led to many variants in the words. Those above are by Kirkpatrick (1895).⭐️

O frondens virga / Hildegard von Bingen

Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179), also known as Saint Hildegard and the Sibyl of the Rhine, was a German Benedictine abbess, writer, composer, philosopher, Christian mystic, visionary, and polymath. She is one of the best-known composers of sacred monophony, as well as the most-recorded in modern history. She has been considered by many in Europe to be the founder of scientific natural history in Germany. ⭐️

Walking in the Air / Howard Blake

Walking in the Air is a song written by Howard Blake for the 1982 animated film of Raymond Briggs' 1978 children's book The Snowman. The song forms the centrepiece of The Snowman, which has become a seasonal favourite on British and Finnish television. ⭐️

The church was one of our modern churches, not exactly to my taste.
It was designed by architect Heikki Castrén and  built in 1972. 

On hanget korkeat nietokset / Jean Sibelius

Many of our beloved Christmas carols state that there is a lot of snow, it’s freezing cold outside but in the homes it is warm and pleasant. The words of this carol were first published in Santa Claus magazine in 1901. The carol had a special place at Sibelius's home in Ainola: the family's Christmas party began when the composer played the song on the grand piano.

This year white Christmas is only wisful thinking: the southern Finland 
shall have a ’black’ Christmas, meaning no snow. The temperatures continue 
around zero and it’s going to rain, rain & rain!


#all seasons   #der natur donnerstag   #digitalart dienstag   #foto-tunes   #gartenglück    
#image-in-ing   #makrotex   #mosaic monday   #my corner of the world   
#saturday’s critters   # t in die neue woche   #the weekend roundup   #tuesday’s treasures
#uudet värikollaasit   #wandering camera   #willy-nilly   #watw 

15 kommenttia:

  1. sehr, sehr schöne chormusik! vielen dank dafür. die komposition von hildegard von bingen kannte ich gar nicht, sie gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut. wir haben auch gar keinen schnee - im gegenteil! die letzten tage gab es temperaturen um die 15 grad - und das im dezember!
    trotzdem wünsche ich dir doch noch ein wenig schnee und ein frohes weihnachtsfest!
    liebe grüße

  2. Liebe Riitta,
    wieder so ein schöner Post von dir.
    Dafür ganz lieben Dank dafür, auch für die Verlinkung zum Natur-Donnerstag"
    Das Konzert war bestimmt ein ganz besonderes Ereignis,
    noch dazu, wenn der eigene Sohn mit im Chor singt !
    Auch bei uns ist Schnee nicht zu erwarten, es gibt, wie auch in den vergangenen Jahren wohl wieder grüne Weihnachten.
    Ganz liebe Grüße und viele schöne Tage in dieser Zeit wünscht dir

  3. Dear Riita,
    I like that a lot. Our general music director of the Stuttgart Opera is also only 35 years old.

    I know Howard Blake and
    We have rehearsed walking in the air and will sing it in the choir soon.
    It's all wonderful. That to me where I like choir singing so much.

    Thanks for this nice post

    Greetings Eva

    1. The young people are so talented nowadays, amazing! Does it seem so, because we are getting older :)

  4. Thank you, Riitta, for the beautiful post rich in warm atmosphere. It is very nice to listen to the many Finnish Christmas carols: my Jouluradio is always on in the afternoon. :)
    Congrats to the Addictio choir.
    And... it is true that white Christmas is wishful thinking...also in Somero zero snow!

  5. Immer wieder erstaunlich, dass sich so viele Lieder um Schnee, Kälte, Frost usw. drehen. Auch meine Großmutter erzählte oft von den eisigen Wintern mit meterhohem Schnee. Davon können wir heute dank Klimawandel nur noch von träumen. Die wohl nicht kommende weiße Weihnacht als black Christmas zu bezeichnen ist schon hart. Da gefällt mir der Begriff grüne Weihnachten doch ein klein wenig besser.

    Wünsche dir ein frohes Fest und alles Gute für 2020

    1. Hi Arti,
      We Finns say black Christmas, your green Christmas is of course much better. This difference must be because of the language differences. Anyway, enjoy your beautiful green Christmas!

      Liebe Grüsse, riitta

  6. Liebe Riitta, das ist ein wunderschönes, berührendes Posting! Das strahlt so viel Liebe aus!!!
    Dein Sohn mit singt ist so faszinierend für eine Mutter, toll!!!
    Das Wetter lässt kein Schnee zu bei mir! Schön wär es mit Schnee Weihnachten zu feiern.
    Ich wünsche dir eine shcöne vorweihnachtliche Zeit!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  7. ...the beautiful Christmas music add to the joy of Christmas, thank you Riitta.

  8. Dear Riitta,
    Choral singing especially at Christmas time is always something very special. When your own children sing along, it is even more festive and beautiful.
    I wish you a happy Thursday from my heart,
    kind regards moni

  9. Ich kann dich verstehen, was es bedeutet wenn die eigenen Kinder Mitwirken, geht mir auch so.
    Die Musik Links höre ich mir in einem ruhigen Moment an, das tönt schon so verlockend.
    Bei uns gibt es keine weisse Weihnacht wir haben zur Zeit 18° plus.
    L G Pia

    1. I myself cannot sing at all. That is why I always admire people who have musical talent!

  10. Hi Elke,
    We have many great chorus in Finland and they try always to find new music pieces for performing. Hildegard von Bingen seems to be very popular among them.

  11. Muy lindos conciertos. Felices fiestas.

  12. Thank you for all the nice videos and songs. I listened to them with pleasure and find the voices just beautiful. I'm in the right mood for Christmas.

    Greetings to you



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