10 syyskuuta 2019

Amos Rex - Ars Fennica

I saw the Ars Fennica nominees at Amos Rex Art Museum. Two Icelandic, two Finnish and one Swedish contemporary artists competed for the € 40,000 prize - the biggest art award in Finland. The jury had selected the nominees and the winner was elected by Roland Wetzel, the director of the Museum Tingeuely  in Basel.  I'll tell you the award winner and audience favorite at the end of this post - so you can think about who might be your personal favourite.

1. Petri Ala-Maunus FI (b. 1970) - History and Utopia of Landscape

Enormous woodland landscape dominating the entire wall, in romantic style.
He painted this long painting for 9 months. It consists of seven panels and is 14 m long.

2. Miriam Bäckström SE (b. 1967) - Psychopath 

Two huge textile missiles floating above the heads. The working process is complicated.
A great amount of strongly enlargened photos has first amalgamated into a kind of mix. 
Then a computer programmed weaving  machine has woven the objects. 

3. Ragnar Kjartansson IS (b. 1976) - The Boat

Photo Art Basel

A stunning blue landscape with a boat floating & a hetero pair. The 2,5 h lasting video 
consists of repeating - only minimally changing - scenes between the couple. 
The artist ironizes our rich western world using Switzerland as a symbol of the welfare. 
The stereotypes between genders are made clear with courting nuances and behaviour of the pair.

4. Egill Sæbjörnsson IS (b. 1973) - The Paintings & The trolls in Hellsinki

Sæbjörnsson's work was fun and colorful: he had created a café based on the Icelandic 
traditional belief that trolls called Huldufolk are real. The public could get acquainted 
with the book Trolls in Hellsinki and the orange piano played troll music by itself.

5. Aurora Reinhard FI (b. 1975) - Broken

Reinhard's nominee work consists of nine different parts, modeled by herself.
She studies the struggle of power between sexes. In the art world men dominate and 
there is a long tradition of naked ’ resting nudes’ - the painters being 90% men 
and the models women. The artist provokes with the roles left for a woman: 
a madonna or a whore.

Für Juttas Digital Art Dienstag habe ich eine Bearbeitung von Reinhard bearbeitet.
Ich kann mich nicht genau an den Namen dieses Werks erinnern - eine gekreuzigte Künstlerin?

For Jutta’s Digital Art Tuesday I made an edit of one of Reinhard’s works.
I don’t remember the exact name of this work - a crucified female artist?

Well, which would be your favourite?

The award winner was the boat video of  Ragnar Kjartansson! I only watched the video for a few minutes, so I missed its secrets. The audience favourite was Petri Ala-Maunus with his huge green landscpe. My personal favourite was Aurora Reinhard. From Helsinki the Ars Fennica nominees go to Stockholm.


24 kommenttia:

  1. Anonyymi10 syyskuuta

    Love riitta,
    what an impressive exhibition. My favorites are the "Psychopatin" and the scene with "Man and Woman at the Table", it's almost spooky.
    I like your picture editing very much, here the colorfulness seems exactly fitting!
    Good Tuesday and best regards

    1. The man smoking a cigar and the lady were really small. They impressed me too enourmously. The guide said that they are made with 3 D printer! Amazing, isn't it!

  2. Ich liebe Natur, daher finde ich dieses riesige Waldlandschaft ganz großartig !
    Überhaut die ganze Ausstellung ist faszinierend.
    Deine Bearbeitung zum DigitalArt Dienstag ist auch toll ausgefallen, dafür ♥lichen Dank.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Vielen Dank Jutta. Man kann nicht richtich vorstellen wie gross die Arbeit war! Die Landschaft ist sehr detailliert.

  3. I like art very much and also go to museums a lot. Class I find the seated people on the armchairs! They look so real at first sight!
    Thank you, Riita, for liking my header. It's a plugin and I can change it anytime. If you click on the individual pictures, you get to the appropriate postings.


    I like the second edition, the crucified figure!



    1. Hi Anne,

      Those tiny figures are made using 3 D printer! I don't know how it is possible, but they were stunning.

  4. Gostei destes trabalhos estão espectaculares e aproveito para desejar uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  5. Also liebe Riita,
    ich habe mir einige Inspirationen geholt. Da gefällt mir doch einiges sehr gut, was ich verwerten kann.
    Eine tolle Ausstellung und auch deine Bearbeitung gefällt mir wieder einmal sehr gut.
    Lieben Gruß Eva

    1. Es erfreut mich sehr, dass du einige Ideen gefunden hast liebe Eva. Schönen Abend, lg riitta

  6. Jedes einzelne Kunstwerk ist beeindruckend und mein Favorit ist " Gebrochen".
    An Platz zwei steht sofort deine Bearbeitung!
    ♥liche Grüße

    1. Aber das kann nicht wahr sein Lieselotte! Gebrochen ist toll.

  7. ...an exhibit with something for everyone.

    1. The art works were very different indeed!

  8. Marvelous displays! A very interesting place to visit, and I'm glad you were able to share this with us at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2019/09/a-visitor.html

    1. Hi Sue,

      The museum is interesting itself, too: it has been excavated under a square in the center of Helsinki!

  9. I wouldn't want to be a judge. How does one compare? I was most touched by the landscape and the crucified woman.

  10. Interesante exposición. Besitos.

  11. I wished, I could visit this museum. Great Art.

    Like your Performance 👏

  12. Hello Riitta,
    Your post is very intriguing... I think I like "The Boat" best.
    Thanks indeed for sharing!

  13. It's always fun to see pieces of art from all over the world. I don't understand some of it but, that's OK :)

    Thanks for your link on 'My Corner of the World'! It's lovely to see you this week!

    My Corner of the World

  14. These works are so widely different that it would be difficult to be a judge. My personal favourite is the enormous landscape! The Boat would be second.

  15. Wow, fascinating work!


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