31 lokakuuta 2021

Happy Halloween!

Novita yarn colors rose, peony & spruce forest.  

I saw that fabulous Medinilla at Plantagen today, top left.

29 lokakuuta 2021

Friday Bliss #163 - Ghost City

Yesterday I had a doctor’s appointment in the center of Helsinki.
It was past noon but the mist still prevailed. The city looked like a ghost town -
quite appropriate for Halloween weekend! The photos are not that great, taken through 
the windshield. But you get the idea how spooky it looked.
I think I have never seen similar in Helsinki.

There are obviously ’stones’ in my left salivary gland. Yesterday the doctor promised 
a surgery before Christmas. After hearing this, I begged him for a prompt surgery saying that 
our kitten will arrive in December. Both the doctor and the nurse smiled broadly! 
But I was later informed that the surgery will be in 2,5 weeks! This is great news 
because my jaw & cheek are aching considerably. But thinking of Selma keeps my spirit up!

Wishing you all a great Halloween weekend!
Thank you for all the lovely comments you leave week after week at Friday Bliss.

The link is open
Helsinki time

28 lokakuuta 2021

My October in Collage


Most interesting October posts would be:

But the most exciting happening to me was to see our new kitten for the first time.
She was born in Hämeenlinna  on the 2nd of September with 5 other kittens.
We decided to keep the name Selma that the breeder had given her. 
Selma is coming home before Christmas, in mid December or so.

Aasa is a caring mother and all the six kittens begin with S: 
Saana, Santtu, Seela, Selma, Siiri & Silva.


#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #krapu #makrotex / monthly collage
#my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures #t in die neue woche #wednesday around the world

25 lokakuuta 2021

Krapu / Crab w 43 - Eino


Muistan ison ja sokkeloisen Onnelan hovin, jota asutti kummisetäni Eino, yksinkertainen ja vähän hullu vanhapoika. Rakennus oli melko räjähtänyt, mutta kiihotti meidän lasten mielikuvitusta. Minusta hovi puistoineen oli kappale kauneinta Karjalaa: mahtavat vaahterat, huvilan pitsileikkaukset ja lasikuistin pikkuruutujen värikkäät lasit. Einon mansikka- ja vadelmamaat olivat naapuruston parhaiten hoidetut. Eino maksoi meille poimijoille paremman litraliksan kuin meidän äiti ja osti aina Buttenhoffin herkkuviinerit lisäksi. Hän oli sulaa vahaa käsissäni.

Kun Einon voimat hiipuivat, huvila rapistui entisestään ja viljelyt jäivät. Kaupunki luokitteli Vuokselle katsovat maat puistoalueiksi ja anasti ne puoli-ilmaiseksi ja kaavoitti ne kohta luksustonteiksi, joille paikkakunnan silmäätekevät rakennuttivat hulppeat talonsa. 
100 sanan krapuhaastetta vetää SusuPetal. 
Viikon 41 krapusanat ovat hullu, kappale, hiipua.

Crab is a 100 word Finnish writing challenge. 
Words for the week 41 are fool, piece, wane.


I remember the big and labyrinthine Court of Onnela, inhabited by my godfather Eino, a simple and a little crazy single man. The building was a wreck, but it aroused the imagination of us children. I think the villa with its park was a piece of the most beautiful Karelia: the magnificent maples, the wooden lace cuts of the villa and the colorful small squares of the glass porch. Eino’s strawberry and raspberry lands were the best maintained in the neighborhood. Eino offered us berry pickers a better price per liter than my mother and always bought Buttenhoff’s delicacies in addition. He was melted wax in my hands. 

As Eino's strength waned, the villa deteriorated further and the lands were left with no care. The city classified the lands overlooking the River Vuoksi as park areas and grabbed them semi-free and soon zoned them as luxury lots on which the big bosses of the locality built their lavish houses.

Photo Wikipedia.
HUOM.Kuva ei ole siitä Einon Onnelan hovista, vaan kuvituskuva Terijoen villoista.

#der natur donnerstag #garden affair #gartenglück #image-in-ing #krapu #makrotex 
#my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures #t in die neue woche #wednesday around the world

22 lokakuuta 2021

Friday Bliss #162 - Colorful Weekend!

I made the last garden bouquet of the season using Sedum Herbstfreude and grass 
Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster’ - and added color with a big scarf.

This is the 9th garden bouquet or arrangement of the season. 
Above a collage of some others and this flower heart was the first in May.

This wooden harlequin was found at Ars Nova, Turku.
Unfortunately the artist is unknown to me.

Wishing you all a great weekend!
Thank you for all the lovely comments you leave week after week at Friday Bliss.

The link is open
Helsinki time

19 lokakuuta 2021

Photo Challenge - A Book

For my book reviews I photograph always book covers with some acessories, 
that fit to the cover colors or tell about the book’s theme. 
Here five examples of my October books.

This detective story - The Dead Are Not Silent -
happens around Christmas in a snowy Helsinki. By writer duo Rainio & Rautaheimo.

This is  a poetry book - I'm Here in the Woods now -
by one of my favourite contemporary poets Anja Erämaja.

Autumn book is a fictive biography of Tove Jansson by Johanna Venho.

Wings at the Heels is a fictive story of Maria Rankkala who was
dramatist and translator at the Radio Theatre, written by Heidi Köngäs.

Aino A. is a fictive biography of architect Aino Aalto, the spouse of 
the world famous architect Alvar Aalto, by Jari Järvelä.

#der natur donnerstag #garden affair #gartenglück #image-in-ing #krapu #makrotex / a book
#my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures #t in die neue woche #wednesday around the world

18 lokakuuta 2021

Louhisaari Manor, Birthplace of Mannerheim

Louhisaari Manor is a historic baroque manor in Askainen in the municipality of Masku. The mansion is the birthplace and childhood home of Carl Gustaf Mannerheim (1867-1951). The house is a fine and rare example of a Palladian-style country house in Finland. During the restoration of the 1960s, the exterior was restored back to its 17th century style as much as possible. The house is surrounded by a park in English landscape style.

Mannerheim is our heroe. He was born in Louhisaari, but had to move out at the age of 13 after his father left the family & the seven children and moved to live with his mistress to Paris in 1880. Mannerheim's maternal uncle became his legal guardian and financier of his later schooling. The Russian Empire dominated the Grand Duchy of Finland before 1917, and Mannerheim made a career in the Imperial Russian Army. When Finland declared independent in 1917, he served as the military leader of the Whites in the Finnish Civil War of 1918 and as commander-in-chief of Finland's defence forces during the period of World War II and as the sixth president of Finland (1944–1946). 

The Mannerheim equestrian monument in the heart of Helsinki was sculptured by Aimo Tukiainen 
and was unveiled on June 4, 1960, on the Marshal's birthday. The bronze cast cavalry 
is 5.4 meters high and stands on a 6.3-meter-high red granite pedestal, 
so the monument has a total height of almost 12 meters.

In the park there was this beautiful scale model.
We visited the manor in the summer and were pretty much the only visitors.
It was very interesting to stroll around this impressive historique building.

#der natur donnerstag #garden affair #gartenglück #image-in-ing #krapu #makrotex