30 lokakuuta 2020

Friday Bliss #112 - Happy Halloween!

It is Halloween weekend. I don't personally celebrate Halloween, so I don't have
any scary decorations either. But I thought to share these masks I photographed 
at a square in Florence last autumn - even if they are more beautiful than scary. 

For Jutta’s Digitalart Dienstag I made last year this manipulation
- Party over The Arno:

"The Venetian masks got tired of home corners and decided to travel.
They invaded Florence and scared the people.
But they thought that the party was really fun.

It seems that the coronavirus is taking the whole world, and Europe in particular, directly to hell. 
Led Zeppelin’s song Stairway to Heaven dates back to 1971. The heavy metal singer Jarkko Ahola 
has a fantastic voice, please listen! 

In fact, I am in heaven at the moment because three months of  renovation and moving project 
is now doneHallelujah!  You see, we had a beautiful & modern flat in an apartment house 
in Helsinki and it was our intention to sell this old Vantaa house with laborious garden and to move 
to an easier place. But in the beginning of August we decided to stay here, much because of 
the coronavirus and the changed reality - no travels & no desire to stroll in the city center, 
the countryside is wiser. So we renovated the whole house and moved our belongings 
from the flat back here. What an arduous project but now it is done!


I wish you Happy Halloween or peaceful All Hallow’s Day, whatever everyone is celebrating!

The link is open

Helsinki time

27 lokakuuta 2020


The theme at Makrotex is ROUND.
A merry-go-round is certainly round. This one was found in Florence. 

#all seasons #der natur donnerstag  #digitalart dienstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing 
#makrotex / Round  #my corner of the world #t in die neue woche #värikollaasit 

23 lokakuuta 2020

Friday Bliss #111 - A Book & a Memory

This weekend Ill spend a lot of time listening to the Helsinki Book Fair, online.
Recently I read a novel Finnjet, My Love and it brought memories to my mind.
GTS Finnjet  was built at Wärtsilä Shipyard in Helsinki 1977. It was the world’s 
biggest and fastest cruiseferry at the time and sailed from Helsinki to Travemünde, Germany.  
There was space for 1500 passengers and 350 cars.
Plot summary: Three welders  / three musqeteers who worked at the shipyard in the 70s 
fly to India in 2008 to wittness the demolition of the Finnjet in Alang. 
Great description of a friendship that has not always been so smooth.

Ferry trips to Sweden, Estonia and Germany are very popular among the Finns.  There are
many companies - Vikingline, Tallink-Silja, Finnlines... I am not so fond of cruises 
but have sailed to Stockholm & Tallinn and once to Germany. As teenager I sailed with 
M/S Finnpartner to Travemünde and spent the summer in Grosshansdorf, a small town 
near Hamburg and stayed at the home of the sweet Weingardt family. It was a HOT summer! 
visited the Hamburg Zoo and probably also the Ahrensburg castle. 

Photo underneath: GTS Finnjet in Helsinki, the Finnish Wikipedia.

My simple calluna plantings look like this. The variegted ivy is fake,
but I thought it adds a bit of light to the plantings.


Wishing a beautiful weekend!


The link is open

Helsinki time

20 lokakuuta 2020

Hobby - Reading

Satu Vasantola - Kaikki kadonneet  / All Those Lost

One of my hobbies is reading and I write reviews at my book blog Kirja vieköön! 
So far in October I have read mostly new releases by Finnish writers. Many bookstagrammers  
publish very elaborate photos, I prefer to focus on the cover. Accessories are often florals.

Pirjo Toivanen - Siskoni Italiassa  / My Sister in Italy

Hannimari Heino, Kristiina Wallin - Matkakirjeitä / Travel Letters

 The only international writer is Pulitzer Prize winner Jhumpa Lahiri, who has Indian roots, 
grew in The US and lives now in Rome - and writes in Italian! 
I have loved her previous books, but this made me a bit embarassed.

Jhumpa Lahiri - Dove mi trovo / Where I Find Myself / Missä milloinkin 

#all seasons #der natur donnerstag  #digitalart dienstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing 
#makrotex / hobby  #my corner of the world #t in die neue woche #värikollaasit 

19 lokakuuta 2020

Escape at Night

I participate weekly to a writing challenge. The text must be 100 words the title included. The hostess Susu gives every week three words that have to be included in the text. Last week the words were apartment, honest & to be afraid of. This is the text I wrote. In Finnish it was exactly 100 words, translated into English a lot longer - due to articles and prepositions, we don’t have those in Finnish.


It was a gloomy and stormy night. Pipsa had escaped from the annoying atmosphere at home to the family's old villa. The moon glew in the sky like in Transilvania and the wind howled in the corners, creaking at old structures. Pipsa considered herself a calm and sensible woman, but before dark she just had to check all the doors and windows so that no murderer could get inside. Maybe My sister, the Serial Killer wasn’t the best choice for tonight’s reading?

Pipsa listened to the sounds of the old wooden villa and was honestly afraid. Not soothing internal speech nor deep breathing helped. The horror escalated and in the wee hours Pipsa rushed to her car with a red baseball bat and filleting knife. She had to get to town and home apartment and tolerate hubby’s grumpy face.

My original photo.

#all seasons #der natur donnerstag  #digitalart dienstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing 
#makrotex  #my corner of the world #t in die neue woche #värikollaasit 

18 lokakuuta 2020

Autumn Yellows

Voirousku / Northern Bearded Milkcap / Lactarius repraesentaneus

T in die neue Woche

I participated in Nova’s T in die neue Woche in October 2019 for the first time. I tried to look my posts to find out whether I have published these arches before, but did not find. Anyway, no one remembers the old posts, right? During this odd year I am starting to run short of photos because being mostly at home there is not much to photograph. 

Last autumn I made a gorgeous trip to Florence. We had then no idea of the coming pandemic. This park with beautiful arches was found on a steep hill near the Boboli Gardens - my post about it HERE. I walked there early one Sunday morning and the view over Florence was breathtaking ❤︎

#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #gartenglück 
#image-in-ing #makrotex #t in die neue woche #värikollaasit

16 lokakuuta 2020

Friday Bliss #110 - Color to the Weekend

I saw these wonderful & bright orange fair trade roses at Lidl, they cost less than 4 €.
I added some grasses and decorated the arrangement with blue glass pebbles & shells.
Ready in a minute! This is actually my utility room where I photograph books & bouquets.
The light is good because of big windows, but no calm background.

One advantage of clearing the house: I found these shells & glass pebbles, 
had no idea that I had them! Found also other small decoration items, how nice is that!

Wishing a beautiful weekend!

The link is open
Helsinki time

15 lokakuuta 2020

Morning Walk

Our house is situated in the middle of the property. There are paths or walkways 
around the house and I walk many rounds a day with Sissi.
So far the autumn has been warm and petunias are still in bloom.

Here we go to the pond side of the garden. My garden Singer is still
without autumn plantings. One early autumn it looked like this
and in January 2018 it was totally covered with snow!

Also our dogs Muru and Hani loved to run around the house. An old photo of Hani ❤︎

The Helsinki Book Fair is celebrated next week online only.
I have been looking at the programme & old photos - so many good memories!

Last year sculptor & artist Miina Äkkijyrkkä wrote me this great inscription.
She is a very colorful person & known for her cow sculptures.
My post about her performance at the fair & her biography can be read here.

#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing 
#makrotex  #my corner of the world #t in die neue woche #värikollaasit 

12 lokakuuta 2020

Autumn Leaves

"The falling leaves drift by my window
The falling leaves of red and gold
I see your lips the summer kisses
The sunburned hands I used to hold

Since you went away the days grow long
And soon I'll hear old winter's song
But I miss you most of all my darling
When autumn leaves start to fall"

I see this through my bedroom window.

Behind the green-white Cornus there is one of the maples planted by me.
That one is huge and produces masses of leaves to rake.

#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing 
#makrotex / colorful #my corner of the world #t in die neue woche #värikollaasit