28 helmikuuta 2022

Colour Collage 9/2022

This week’s shades of Värisilmä's interior paints are soft pastels.

#colour collage #der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex  #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

25 helmikuuta 2022

Friday Bliss #180 - Energetic Orange!

Fortunately this tough February is soon over. We have not been sick, no covid nor flu. But the amount of snow has been exhausting. There was three snowstorms which each ment about 30 cm new snow. 

In addition the Ukraine crisis with alarming news has been in my thoughts. Now Russia has atacked Ukraine, totally incomprehensible & shocking. Finland has about 1300 km of common border with Russia and we have tried to balance with this unpredictable neighbour throughout centuries and the years of the cold war. It was not easy and Finland was accused of finlandization / Finlandisierung. President Niinistö and other politicians say that Finland is not threatened at the moment, but nobody knows what President Putin is after, what his final target is. Finland and Sweden are not members of Nato, perhaps this will change in the future. I try to breath deep and calm down.

To lift my spirits, I had an ORANGE flower week: orange tulips and an orange Kalanchoe. I lack a good photographing place, so I tried several. Under a mahogany cupboard in my living room. There you can see my wedding photo thirty years back.

I gathered here also some orange flowers that I saw at a garden center.

Remember your orange vitamins!

Wishing you a bright & sunny winter weekend and a good start to March!

The link is open
Helsinki time
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

23 helmikuuta 2022

Crazy Amount of Snow!

The topic of Makrotex this week is NATURE.
I’ll share some snow pictures from my garden covered with this crazy amount of snow.


#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex / nature #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

21 helmikuuta 2022

Krapu w 8 - Turhuutta, Vanity


Maija rakasti kaikkea kaunista. Hän säästi kiiltäviä hopeisia ja kultaisia karamellipapereita, jotka silotti kynnellä sileiksi ja saattoi viettää tuntikausia ihaillen äidin isoa nappilaatikkoa, johon äiti oli kerännyt matonkuteiksi leikattavien vaatteiden napit. Kauneimmat napit Maija otti salaa itselleen. 

Iloton ja virsiä veisaava äiti torui tytärtään. Sanoi, että Maija oli kuin harakka, joka varastaisi vaikka hopealusikan, jos vain sen näkisi. Äidistä kaikki kaunis oli turhuutta ja syntiä. Maija ei ymmärtänyt synnin olemusta, se oli mysteeri, joka meni yli lapsen käsityskyvyn. Mitä pahaa oli ihmeen ihanissa kiiltokuvissa ja muissa pienissä aarteissa, joita hän säilytti kauniissa peltipurkissa? Sen kantta koristi kukkaköynnöksen keskellä suojelusenkeli. 

100 sanan krapuhaastetta vetää SusuPetal. 
Viikon 8 krapusanat ovat mysteeri, synti peltipurkki.
Crab is a 100 word Finnish writing challenge. 
Words for the week 8 are mystery, sin, tin.

Photo from here. The text on the card:
Always be happy like a little butterfly. Trust in God, God keeps your good. 
Wishes T. P.


Maija loved everything beautiful. She saved shiny silver and gold candy papers that she smoothed with fingernails and could spend hours admiring her mother’s large button box, in which her mother had collected the buttons of clothes to be cut for rag rug weaving. Maija secretly took the most beautiful buttons for herself. 

Her joyless mother, singing psalms, scolded her daughter. She said Maija was like a magpie who would steal a silver spoon, if only saw it. Her mother thought that everything beautiful was vanity and sin. Maija did not understand the nature of sin, it was a mystery that went beyond the child's comprehension. What was wrong with the wonderfully glossy angel pictures and other little treasures she kept in a beautiful tin can? Its lid was adorned with a guardian angel in the center of a flower garland.

#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex  #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

20 helmikuuta 2022

Colour Collage 8/2022

This week’s shades of Värisilmä's interior paints are Fantasy and Seedling.

#colour collage #der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex  #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

18 helmikuuta 2022

Friday Bliss #179 - Kustavi Church

I have still some summer 2021 memories to share. The Kustavi Church is a wooden towerless church, built by Johan Höckert in 1783. It was built on the site of the previous church that was burnt.  Inside there is a wooden vaulted ceiling, the outer roof is shingled and the church has seating for 480 people. The two-part altarpiece Holy Communion and the Crucifixion was painted by Jonas Bergman in 1744, the pulpit is from the 17th century. The church has been repaired several times. The Kustavi Church with its surroundings is one of Finland's nationally significant built cultural environments.

Votive ships have been donated, for example, in accordance with the promises 
made to God in a maritime distress. The tradition was strongest in coastal areas. 
About half of the more than 200  votive ships that have been or are in Finnish churches 
date back to the 17th and 18th centuries.

A separate bell tower was moved to the church from the village of Kunnarainen in 1793. 

The soldiers’ cemetery was very beautiful with a monument  Those who wait on the shore
by Jussi Vikainen from 1954. 

Wishing you a bright & sunny winter weekend!

The link is open
Helsinki time

14 helmikuuta 2022

Things that Make me Happy!

Family, friends, flowers and books make me happy. Good food and treats make me happy.
Selma and Silva certainly make me happy, even if they have conquered the whole house. 
Many times a day I get heart palpitations because of their running and dangerously looking jumps. 
But they are so good at what they do!
I would not change, but the drawback is that I have had to put almost all of
my nice decorations in storage. Perhaps they get calmer growing older.

We have many book cases and high closets. These two chase each other 
and jump from one bookcase to the other. Their speed is furious!

But they also play nicely and quietly for a long time and love to watch the birds
through the windows.

Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.
- Maya Angelou

In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips.
- Unknown

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you dear readers
and thank you for your blog friendship!!

#color collage #der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex / things that make happy  #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

13 helmikuuta 2022

Colour Collage nro 7/2022

This week’s shades of Värisilmä's interior paints are Golden Wing, Flower Wreath and Creeper.
#colour collage #der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex  #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

Krapu w 7 - Tyhmää / Stupid!


Nainen muisteli elämää ennen netti- ja kännykkäaikaa, jolloin almanakka oli arvossaan. Siihen kirjoitettiin muistiin puhelinnumerot, osoitteet ja lasten sotut. Jos tuo tärkeä muistin tuki hukkui, iski paniikki. Nainen muistaa nähneensä komedian, jossa onneton mainosmies menetti koko elämänsä hukattuaan kalenterinsa. Sen löytänyt pikkuroisto varasti sumeilematta epäonnisen hahmon identiteetin.

Kännykkä on nykyajan almanakka ja jos se häviää, tulee hätäännys ja levoton olo. Siellä on kaikki tärkeät numerot pankkikortin salasanaa myöten, koska ei muuten muista. Varovaisena nainen pitää pankki- ja kelakorttinsa lompakossa, ei kännykän kuorien taskuissa. Mutta mitä hyötyä, jos käsilaukku varastetaan! Naiselle on kerran niin käynyt, varas löysi salasanan ja tyhjensi tilin.

100 sanan krapuhaastetta vetää SusuPetal. 
Viikon 7 krapusanat ovat levoton, hahmo, almanakka.
Crab is a 100 word Finnish writing challenge. 
Words for the week 7 are restless, character, calendar.

I got inspired of this comedy - Taking Care of Business (or Filofax in The UK) from 1990.
Free photo from online.


The woman recalled life before the internet and cell phones, when the almanac was important. It recorded phone numbers, addresses, and children’s social security numbers. If that important memory support got lost, struck the panic. The woman remembers having seen a comedy in which an unfortunate advertising man lost her entire life after losing his calendar. The villain who found it stole cold-bloodedly the identity of the unfortunate character. 

The cell phone is a modern day almanac and if it disappears, there will be distress and restless feelings. There are all the important numbers up to the bank card password, because otherwise you will not remember. Being careful, the woman keeps her bank card in her wallet, not in the pockets of her mobile phone. But what good is it if your handbag is stolen! This has once happened, the thief found the password and cleared the account.

#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex  #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

11 helmikuuta 2022

Friday Bliss 178 - Thank You For Friendship!

It is Valentine’s Day on Monday and because I will not meet all of you before that
I want to offer you tastings of a heart-shaped strawberry cake and send you pretty bouquets.
Thank you so much for your blog friendship 
I visited a garden center and photographed there some bouquets and blooming plants.

Wishing you a bright & sunny winter weekend!

The link is open
Helsinki time