20 marraskuuta 2021

Always Fresh as New

I have this & white ceramic pumpkins still on the kitchen window sill. 
Soon they will be replaced with Christmas decorations.

#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures #wednesday around the world

13 kommenttia:

  1. ... oh yes, and I love to cook pumpkin soup, the whole family likes to eat it. But today we're going to the farmer, he slaughtered duck and turkey ... my pots are already waiting in the kitchen. I look forward to cooking. I wish you a nice weekend, Riitta.

    1. Your family is going to have a delicious wekend Viola! Enjoy.

  2. Vastaukset
    1. Tosi kivat kestokoristeet syksyyn. Kukkatalosta löysin.

  3. Draga Riitta,
    Am zis ca dupa 15 noiembrie nu mai vreau sa vad dovleci si pe cei din decorul curtii sa-i inlocuiesc ... cu ceva de sezon. Dar inca nu am reusit! Au trecut cu bine cele cateva nopti de inghet si inca au culoarea unei toamne aurii(usor deplasat pentru acum).Deocamdata sunt acoperiti de frunzele cazute din nuc.
    Dar dovleacul

  4. tau face fata cu brio chiar si in decembrie! Imi place mult culoarea si tesatura din jur.Ii va sta bine si pe ramuri de brad... ca un glob!
    O zi frumoasa iti doresc,

  5. Herkullinen, vaik puraisemaan ei päästä! Väri on todella upea!

  6. ...a lovely shade of green.

  7. I like that pumpkin Ritta!

  8. no problem with decay here :-)


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