30 syyskuuta 2021

My September in Collage

September passed quicly. The weather was cool and rainy with ocassional sunny days.
The most interesting posts would be:

Round house Pyörre, Lohja Housing Fair
Ett hem home museum, Turku
Tove Jansson as painter at Didrichsen Art Museum

Wishing you all a fine October!


#der natur donnerstag #garden affair #gartenglück #image-in-ing #makrotex /monthly collages
#my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures #t in die neue woche #wednesday around the world

28 syyskuuta 2021

Krapu w 39 - Voi niitä aikoja! / Those Were the Days!


Muodissa oli BB-ruutu, kellohameet ja tupeerattu tukka. Tyttö yritti kovasti saada aikaiseksi samaa huoletonta pariisilaislookia kuin Brigitte Bardotilla. Kurvit eivät tosin olleet aivan samoin kohdillaan, mutta keltaruutuinen brodyyrisomisteinen mekko oli. Onneksi hiukset olivat vaaleat ja puolipitkät. Hän veti ne ylös poninhännälle, tupeerasi ja suihkutti hurjan määrän hiuslakkaa. Otsalle ja ohimoille tuli vielä viehkeät kiharat.

Lavatansseissa kävi flaksi. Voi herranjestas, kun hengästytti ja tuli kuuma.  Kainaloissakin orastavat hikiläikät. Hävetti, ei Brigitte varmaan hikoillut missään tilanteessa. Ei hänestä maalaistytöstä ollut maailmannaiseksi. Eikä nyt kymmenien vuosien jälkeen ollut enää väliäkään. Brigitteenkin aika oli jättänyt jälkensä. Kauneus on katoavaista - ja nuoruus.

Krapua vetää SusuPetal. Viikon 39 krapusanat ovat suihkuttaa, orastava, otsa.
Crab words for the week 39 are spray, incipient, forehead.


BB-gingham, bell-shaped skirts and big hair were in fashion. The girl tried hard to create the same carefree Parisian look as Brigitte Bardot had. Although the curves weren’t exactly the same, she had a yellow & white gingham dress with embroidery. Fortunately, her hair was blonde and half-long. She pulled the hair up on a ponytail and sprayed a wild amount of hairspray. She made still charming curls on the forehead and temples.

While dancing, she was popular and hot. Oh gosh how breathless she felt! Incipient sweat spots also in the armpits. What a shame, Brigitte probably didn't sweat under any circumstances. A country girl like her would not turn out to be like her idol. And now, after decades, it no longer matters. The time has left its mark even on Brigitte. Beauty is vanishing - and youth.

#der natur donnerstag #garden affair #gartenglück #image-in-ing #krapu #makrotex 
#my corner of the world #tuesday’s treasures #t in die neue woche #wednesday around the world

27 syyskuuta 2021

Anu Pentik Exhibition, WAM, Turku

The installation exhibition of Anu Pentik In the beginning there was a seed at the Wäinö Aaltonen Museum in Turku was stunning. In recent years, the 79-year-old Pentik has focused on artistic work and the exhibition follows her life cycle and begins with the lovely flowering dandelion fields of childhood. Followed by lightly flying seedheads and after that a gloomy phase of loss of creativity and doubt. I have no pictures of this depression phase as the room was very dark. Finally, the colors and the joy of creativity are found again and finally the artist achieves peace. 
Pentik reportedly worked on this exhibition for a couple of years and used more than 400 meters of nearly 200-year-old log, 900 kilos of stoneware clay, 800 kilos of casting clay and 600 kilos of paper porcelain mass. 

Anu Pentik (b. 1942) lives and works in Posio and observes her surroundings 
with the most sensitive eyes. The sources of inspiration for her production are the animals, 
colors and shapes of Lapland's nature, but above all the different shades of experienced life.
Anu Pentik story - Dare to dream (in English)

Dandelion field of childhood

To the flight

Garden of joy


Also big ceramic plates were fantastic. They depicted different phases of dandelion.

#der natur donnerstag #garden affair #gartenglück #image-in-ing #krapu #makrotex 
#my corner of the world #tuesday’s treasures #t in die neue woche #wednesday around the world

26 syyskuuta 2021

Novita Wool Colors

Now that the autumn weather  is coming cooler, we will return to Novita yarn colors again. 
This week Novita Nalle's three colors: gooseberry, hay and saffron.

24 syyskuuta 2021

Friday Bliss #158 - Route Helsinki - Turku - Kustavi

Lahnajärvi Cafe is situated midway from Helsinki to Turku. It was one of Finland's first roadside cafes and it was opened in 1952, the year when Helsinki hosted the Summer Olympics. As the highway passed the cafe, it ran into trouble and was closed for a couple of years. The new owner thoroughly renovated the cafe and reopened it in 2020. The tourist is offered coffee and delicious pastries from their own bakery and food of course. There is also a local farm shop and beach. 

Tuesday night is an evening for motorcyclists at Lahnajärvi cafe. Photo moottori.fi

Lahnajärvi Cafe is very nostalgic to us. We stopped there of course
and had a cup of coffee with their delicious bakery.

Before reaching Kustavi, one has to drive over this stunning Kaitainen Bridge in Taivassalo. It is very high and to me who is afraid of high places, driving over it was thrilling. The bridge was built in the Kaitainen Strait, where traffic was previously handled by two ferries. The Kaitainen Bridge in Taivassalo is one of the longest bridges in Finland. It is almost 500 meters long and has an underpass height of 13.5 meters. The bridge was completed in 1982. The views from this bridge represent the Taivassalo seascape at its best. As it was not possible to stop on the narrow bridge, I searched online for a couple photos where you can see the bridge in all its splendor.

Photo Kari Hirvo

This week I had simply Anemone hupehensis in a bottle.

Wishing you all a relaxing & sunny weekend, stay well & healthy!
Thank you for all the lovely comments you leave week after week at Friday Bliss.

The link is open
Helsinki time

22 syyskuuta 2021

Stunning Fall Colors


We have had some fresh but sunny fall days, about 10 C. Red and yellow fall colors 
are at its best. Some impressions from my garden and the neighbourhood.


#der natur donnerstag #garden affair #gartenglück #image-in-ing #makrotex 
#my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures #t in die neue woche #wednesday around the world

21 syyskuuta 2021

Old Cemetery in Lohja

A while ago I visited the Church of St. Lawrence in Lohja. It is one of Finland’s
most beautifully decorated medieval churches. I took also some photos of its beautiful cemetery 
where old and newer graves mix with each other.

Lohja is a bilingual city and many names had a Swedish clang
- Wikström, Österman, Johansson, Alenius...

The grave of a well-known politician and former Prime Minister Johannes Virolainen (1914-2000) 
and his second spouse is beside the church entrance.


#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #inspired sunday #makrotex
#my corner of the world #tuesdays treasures #t in die neue woche #wednesday around the world