29 marraskuuta 2019

Friday Bliss #64 - Christmas is Sneaking

Christmas is already all over. Last week I visited two garden centers and Koiramäen pajutalli
that is a charming present shop located in an old environment.
The northern part of Finland got new snow, here the ground is still bare.
The positive side is that it is not slippery when doing my daily Nordic Walkings.

This puff plum pastry is very typical pastry during Christmas time in Finland.
They are usually star-shaped and we call them JOULUTORTTU, delicious with coffee or even glögg.

At Koiramäen pajutalli’s stall there were even two Christmas pigs snoaring!
The smell was not nice, I can tell you :)) But kids love them.

This big amaryllis pot looked fabulous at a garden center. Maybe it is at its best
at this stage. I am not sure if the flowers have enough space to open.

My white Christmas cactus is ridiculously small :))

This was a nostalgic photography book showing how Finland was in the 1950s.
A tip for the Finnish Santas!

A bunch of book bloggers were invited to YLE, Finnish Broadcasting Company.
Yle has a poetry award called Dancing Bear and we were the ones who read  the nominees
and blogged about them. I am in the back row, in the middle.

Wishing beautiful First Advent & a good spirit for your Christmas preparations!!

The link is open
Helsinki time

15 kommenttia:

  1. Hi Riitta,
    oh, those pictures and decorations are wonderful!
    Wishing you a lovely 1.Advent too and a beautiful time!
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

  2. Guten Morgen liebe Riita,
    das dachte ich auch zuerst, als ich den Topf mit den Amaryllen gesehen habe. Habe die Blumen genug Platz?

    Auch sonst, das Gebäck und das Fotosbuch aus den 50ern schön hast du das mir nähergebracht.
    Ich finde es immer wieder genial, wie die finnische Sprache ausgesprochen wird.
    Ein entfernter Nachbar von mir ist Finne mit einer Deutschen verheiratet und sein Sohn sitzt im Landtag von Baden-Württemberg für die Grünen. Daniel Renkonen. Seine Eltern wohnen noch hier und manchmal sehe ich ihn auch. Aber der kennt mich schon lange nicht mehr.

    Ich wünsche dir auch eine wunderschöne Adventszeit.

    Liebe Gruß Eva

  3. Liebe Riitta,
    ich glaube gerne, dass der Geruch der beiden Schweine nicht so angenehm ist, aber auf dem Bild sehen sie süß aus. Eine Bekante von uns hatte auch mal Schweine. Sehr intelligente, neugierige Tiere.
    Die Weihnachtsdeko gefällt mir sehr gut, sie sieht gemütlich aus. Unglaublich, dass im Norden Finnlands schon Schnee liegt. Wir haben hier bei uns wieder um die zehn Grad.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende.

    Viele liebe Grüße

  4. I love the Advent season with all the lights, and today the decoration at my home continues. Interesting to read also from the traditions, to cute with Christmas pigs. Sure, they don't necessarily smell good but they are cute. Absolutely ingenious I find the sign, the words, I have to remember it.

    Thanks for taking me along, I liked it very much again.

    I wish you a nice first Advent weekend and send love greetings to you


  5. Happy Thanksgiving and happy shopping for Christmas. The photos are all beautiful. I am beginning to have the feel of Christmas.

  6. Happy First Advent to you and peaceful December!

  7. Ritta, such lovely local scenes! That pastry looks delicious. And your Christmas cactus is quite pretty. I have not seen such a pale pink one before.


  8. Keine Bange, die Amaryllen im großen Topf werden herrlich erblühen!-
    Den Spruch auf dem letzten Foto finde ich gut.
    Bon week-end!

  9. Dear riitta,
    if all Amaryllis are flowering at the same time, it could get tight, but it'll just look wonderful. Thank you for the wonderful impressions of the Finnish pre-Christmas period. The quote from the last photo is good. We should all take that to heart.
    Have a nice Friday, dear greetings

  10. Preciosos preparativos para navidad. Besos.

  11. Dear Riitta
    Wonderful, I love your great Pictures!
    Have a blissful Friday and

  12. Pretty pictures! It looks like you will have a lovely Christmas season.

  13. lovely pictures! the little christmas cactus is so lovely - I think next week I'll buy one of them for my windowsill. it must be funny to have a look to this 50ies suomi book!
    have a nice 1st advent!
    ♥ mano

  14. ...these garden shops sure have classy decorations for the season. Thanks for sharing this lovely post and for hosting Friday Bliss.


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