31 toukokuuta 2019

Pretty in Pink

Once more about this beauty:

Years ago I arranged a plant / seedling exhange happening in my garden. One of the guests, a clematis enthusiast Timo, donated me a tiny clematis seedling. It has proved to be enourmously vigorous and strong. It is a seedling of Clematis Constance and is pretty pink and flowers abundantly. It grows up till 7 meters along the ladders of our house. The only disadvantage is that its branches get very messy and I cut the plant down very often but there she is again - reaching the sky.... Clematis on the Web says it is semi-double, but mine is not. It is not a pure variety and must have been cross-pollinated with some other variety. Allthough messy, beautiful she is!

It is so cold and windy & rainy! I’ll take a warm blanket and put my woollen socks on.
Reading is the best today - I do wish that June brings summer temperatures!

Thank you Mascha for the advice!

Friday Bliss #38 - Fragrant Greeting

We have had cold nights and cold rainy days. My garden is lush & green like never before.
Another bright side of rain is that weeding has been easy. Damned goutweed!!!
It seems that my lilacs don’t bloom this year as abundantly as usual. They must have suffered
from the draught of last summer. But beautiful they are, with their lovely scent.

I have been out working in the garden as much as possible, watched ATP tennis
from Roland Garros, Paris and read Outline by Rachel Cusk. The 1st part of the trilogy
was a bit embarrassing, waiting for Transit in the library queue...

Some views from my May garden.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Wishing you a good start to June! - Ihanaa kesäkuuta ja viikonloppua!
- riitta

The link is open
Helsinki time

30 toukokuuta 2019

My May in Collages

May was a wonderful month of awakening spring. Colourwise it was fresh green,
pale pink, white and blue. My month was active, with many posts, so I made three collages.

 I visited the fabulous František Kupka exhibition at Ateneum Helsinki.

I wrote many posts about my spring garden... 
One was Fabulous green and another Vanishing beauty.

I posted about the ingenious double helix staircase of the central library Oodi,
visited the Helsinki Wintergarden,
saw a graffiti exposition Brats of the Concrete Jungle at Viherpaja Vantaa 
and my correspondent in Dublin sent me a few great photos.

May was a good month with many experiences! Welcome real summer & June.

Monthly collages - Kuukausikollaasit

28 toukokuuta 2019

Makrotex - White - Valkoinen

Runsas viikko sitten luumut ja kirsikat olivat parhaimmillaan, nyt muisto vain.
Mutta uusia valkoisia tulee koko ajan: pihlajat, idänvirpiangervo, syreeni ja omppukin.
When some whites wither, others take their turn!

Celebrating WC in Ice Hockey

My international blog friends might be interested how Finland celebrated The World Championship in Ice Hockey. This was our third WC and the celebration went on in Kaisaniemi park in Helsinki. There was a huge mass of people, more than 40 000! Also President Sauli Niinistö was present and very proud of the team. The over 200 cm tall captain Marko Anttila was the hero.

My photos are from Ilta-Sanomat. Please look at the link with 40 photos of ice hockey fans celebrating.

Digital Art Tuesday

Diese Woche habe ich Juttas Vorgabefoto benutzt, aber nur den Baumstamm mitgenommen.
Machte einen Haufen davon, fügte eine Sonnenblume und ein bisschen Effekte hinzu.
Auf diese Weise entstand eine moderne Version von Vincent van Gogh - sorry Vincent!
This week I used Jutta’s photo, but took only the trunk.
Made a pile of them, added a sunflower and a bit of effects.
This is my modern version of Vincent van Gogh - sorry Vincent!

Das Original

27 toukokuuta 2019

The Green Leaves of Summer

Early summer is mostly green in my garden. Perennials are not yet ready to bloom...
Flowering trees are blooming in white and ground covers in pastel tones.
But the general view is that of different shades of greens.

24 toukokuuta 2019

Rest in Peace Ananas ❤︎

Benivolens Anasagasti Dulce 15.1.2014 - 24.5.2019

Poikani ihana berni Ananas jouduttiin tänään päästämään taivaallisille lenkkipoluille.
Pahanlaatuinen kasvain. Nopeesti se käy, lähtö.
Ananas oli minulle rakkain heidän koiristaan, usein meillä hoidossa.
Tyhjältä ja surulliselta tuntuu.
My son’s lovely Bernese Mountain Dog Ananas - Pineapple was dear to me.
But her malign tumor was not to be cured. I feel sad & empty.

Vanishing Beauty

My trees of Prunus domestica ’Sinikka’ bloomed this spring like never before. 
I got them at a plant exchange happening years ago. My trees are thin due to poor soil 
and they are very high, not an easy task to photograph... Morning sun gives a bit yellowish tone, 
but the blooms were pure white and they were a pretty sight against the clear blue sky.
But all this beauty lasted only for a few days due to hot & sunny weather.

Theres a poem in every flower, 
a sonnet in every tree, 
a tale in every lifetime
its just for you to see...
just listen for the music
that your ears cannot hear, 
just strain yourself for the melody
thats so far and yet so near 
- Arti Chopra

Spare a still moment
Every once in a while.
Take in the beauty around.
Take it in with a smile.
- A. T. Alabi

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold. 
Her early leaf's a flower; 
But only so an hour. 
Then leaf subsides to leaf. 
So Eden sank to grief, 
So dawn goes down to day. 
Nothing gold can stay. 
- Robert Frost

When I met you it was the most beautiful evening
The birds sang and the moon in the sky was glistening
You said let's go to the country, to our countryside
I was thinking, now this thing will work out

When we got there the flowers were blooming, smelling
The sea foamed like beer foams
Instantly went to the beach, took off our excess clothes
The atmosphere was so intoxicating

Oh if I could give you the most beautiful
This huge world of mine
But I won't do that
A brief moment should be enough
When I get to be by your side like this

We wrapped our bodies together, sand stuck to our toes
When we sunk into the intense rhythm of the sea
I guess you joked a bit, straight from mouth to mouth
This is what the grown-ups whisper about


This is an iconing song from 1974 by the Finnish Rauli Badding Somerjoki (1947-1984)
He was not a handsome man, was very shy - but oh so talented!

And of course the whole Finland is excited about
our World Championship in Icehockey! Congratulations!