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Foto: Public domain |
This week's Floral Bliss is posted already today for I want to wish you Happy May Day!
We don't have many carnival days in Finland, but the 1st of May surely is one of them.
We call these two day celebrations by the name Vappu.
Young and old put their student caps on, kids have colourful balloons,
people camp in parks and drink champagne or some heavier stuff and chorus are singing.
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The famous statue in the first photo is situated near the market place in the centre of Helsinki
and is called Havis Amanda.
It is designed by the sculptor Ville Vallgren and since 1908 the statue has delighted
both citizens of Helsinki as well as tourists.
At 6 o'clock pm on the 30th of April students put a huge white student cap on her head.
Usually there is a big & loud audience. I'm too old for these crowds and prefer to stay at home.
Last year I made this collage to the Color Collage Challenge.
It seems that we got some new snow near Vappu last year - I had totally forgotten!
Colors of Vappu - showing also my husband's student cap.
The pompom in his cap means that he was a student of technology, I studied marketing - no pompom.
I connect red roses to the political celebrations of the 1st of May.
In my garden Rosa rugosa 'Rotes Meer' is most close to red,
so I chose a cut red rose from March 2017 & another from my garden.
so I chose a cut red rose from March 2017 & another from my garden.
I just have to add this lovely Spring Banner that my friend Milli made for my book blog.
If you need some visual help, please contact her.
Jos kaipaat visuaalista apua jossain, kurkkaa & ota yhteyttä:
Helsinki time
Please join & share your photos with us!
Wishing you a great May Day! - Hyvää vappua!
Hienot kuvat. Iloista juhlintaa. Vappuaamuna aikaisin kaduilla ja puistoissa näkee, että juhlittu on.
VastaaPoistaHyvää vappua sinulle!
Oikein hyvää vappua sinulle myös !! :)
PoistaHienot kuvat ja upeaa vapputunnelmaa! Ihanaa vapun aikaa ja alkanutta viikkoa♥
VastaaPoistaIhanaa vappua Päde!
PoistaHauskaa Vappua sinullekin, Riitta! Thanks for the information about the celebrations!
VastaaPoistaYou are right: last year it snowed abundantly on April 29th. I remember very well because we travelled to Fin on that day and we had already summer tyres: at the Lohjanharju we were a bit afraid...but on Vappu it was melted.
Oh my! With summer tyres - so dangerous! I believe you got home alright.
PoistaHauskaa vappua! Simaa ja tippaleipiä ja villasukat!
Thank you...it was alright.
PoistaKiitos, samoin!
Herrliche Bilder, liebe Riitta, wenn ich am 01. Mai in Finnland Urlaub machen würde, hätte ich mich auch für ein paar Stunden unter das Volk gemischt und die besondere Atmosphäre des Vappu-Festes auf mich wirken lassen. Wenn alles friedlich und harmonisch ist, ist es wunderbar. Vielleicht läßt sich das eine oder andere Paar zu einem finnischen Tango hinreißen? Das wäre nach meinem Geschmack...
VastaaPoistaEs tröstet mich, dass Du inzwischen auch lieber zu Hause bleibst und den großen Trubel meidest. Alles hat im Leben seine Zeit.
Ich stelle mir gerade vor, wie Deine Augen leuchten, während Du beobachtest, wie Dein Mann seine fesche Studentenmütze mit dem Bommel anprobiert. Da kann Frau schon feuchte Augen kriegen...
Ich wünsche Euch ein schönes Fest und sende liebe Grüße
Danke liebe Edith <3
PoistaEs gibt ungefähr immer 10.000 - 20.000 Zuschauer dabei wenn man die Studentmütze auf den Kopf von Havis Amanda steckt. Meistens junge Leute. Hier ist regnerisch heute und sehr ruhig, passt mir gut :) Hab einen schönen ersten Mai.
Interesante celebración. Buen día.
VastaaPoistaYour collages are wonderful!
VastaaPoistaHei Riitta,
VastaaPoistahave a happy MAy Day too!
Love and hugs, Claudia xo
A very unique and funny tradition you have.
VastaaPoistaEarlies with us in GDR it was the Battle day of the workers and we had red cloves. Today it is only still a free from work day. Some trade unions organize rally, but nobody of the normal people goes there... -
Send you a big box full of warm sunsdhine
Happy May Day week Riitta ....sorry I am late to say thank you for hosting!