11 kesäkuuta 2021

Friday Bliss #143 - Family Celebration

This week’s garden bouquet is a colorful & joyful one.
I combined a bit of this and that what is blooming right now.

In Finland high school / college graduates get their white student cap after the examination.
Four years ago we celebrated the graduation party of my granddaughter Helmi
last Saturday it was her brother Hannes’ turn. The tall & handsome grandson will have
a year off because he has to think what he wants to study. In these four years Helmi finished 
her phsychology studies in Aberdeeen. My congratulations to both of them!

The celebration took place this time too at Fanjunkars Cottage in Siuntio. The totally rebuilt cottage
 is historically important as one of our most important writers, Aleksis Kivi 
lived here between 1864 - 1871. His landlady was Miss Charlotta Lönnqvist who offered 
home and creating peace for this poor writer. Those years at Fanjunkars were the most productive 
in Kivi's life. He wrote there also his famous novel Seven Brothers. 
In the cottage there is a museum room showing portraits and the desk of Kivi. 

I said before that the cottage was totally rebuilt. The reason is that after the war it remained 
in the area that had to be rented to the Soviet Union. Sadly under those years the cottage 
got ruined, only the stone foundation was left. The idea to rebuild Fanjunkars Cottage 
lived for long and gladly finally in 2003 the construction could be started. 
Three years later this pretty culture house was ready. 

This kind of mobile decorations made of straw are traditional
Christmas decorations in Finland, even today.

Hannes with his mother Elli, my sweet daughter-in-law and some guests. 
It was a gorgeous sunny day and we enjoyed the party very much. I am not in the photos, 
but here one of Hannes’ pretty little cousins.

Thank you for all the lovely comments you leave week after week at Friday Bliss.
Wishing you all a bright & sunny weekend!


The link is open
Helsinki time

21 kommenttia:

  1. Guten Morgen Riita,
    so jetzt mußte ich mich heute morgen sehr anstrengen, um den englishen Text zu lesen.
    Ich gratuliere Hannes und es war aber auch in früheren Jahren so, dass man auch hier in Deutschland weiße Studentenmützen getragen hat.
    Ich gratuliere Hannes .
    Es ist leider so, dass viele Besatzer viel Unglück über die Zivilbevölkerung bringen, da denke ich immer wieder an Herrn Churchil, der ja der Meinung war, wenn man die Zivilbevölkerung schwächt, man die besten Karten hat. Da gibt es auch ein Zitat von diesem Herrn, ich weiß es im Augenblick nur nicht.
    Aber der Strauß ist der Hit, der ist wirklich sehr gelungen und die Farben soo schön.
    Alles Gute und ein schönes Wochenende.
    Liebe Grüße Eva

    1. Good morning Eva,
      Yes,occupations are a sad story all over the world. Haven't you noticed that there is Google translator first on the right side bar? It's going to be a hot day here, 26 C and I am going out in the nature! Enjoy the weekend.

    2. Autsch,komplett übersehen.
      ;-))) und ich mühe mich so ab, dabei wäre das so einfach gewesen.
      Nun denn.
      Aber so kann man ja auch wieder ein wenig lernen.
      LG Eva

    3. Better late than never Eva :)) I read gladly German text but when writing I feel so uncertain. Anyway blogging gives practice in languages, a plus side too. Hab einen schönen Abend.

  2. Again congrats from me, also for Helmi. At the first moment I was giggeling, cause Hannes looks not happy, missing a smile and it seems that he doesn’t like making fotos ;-)) What a nice day, and I enjoyed to see the pictures and your family. So good that it’s possible to meet again, and especially for this reason. Thanks for sharing with us, and also showing your beautiful bouque. It’s really joy- and colorful.

    Wishing you a good start into the weekend I am sending greetings and hugs over to you


  3. Liebe Riitta,
    ein sehr schöner Post, den ich wirklich sehr gerne gelesen habe, da ich selbst auch zwei Kinder habe, die noch studieren, berührt mich so etwas immer sehr. Und ich freue mich, wenn die Kinder erfolgreich sind. Also auch von mir herzlichen Glückwunsch.
    Das Haus, in dem gefeiert wurde finde ich auch sehr interessant, und danke für den Einblick in seine Geschichte. Schade, dass die Sowjets das Haus so verfallen ließen.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende.

    Viele liebe Grüße

  4. Congratulations to your grandson! What lovely photos.

  5. What a wonderful and beautiful celebration! Congratulations to both of them.


  6. Lovely bouquet. Congratulations to your granddaughter and grandson on their graduation. Glad the cottage was rebuilt in tribute to the writer. I like the pretty tradition Finnish Christmas decoration made from straw. Have a happy weekend.

  7. I hope I can learn flower arrangement from you. Every time I saw your arrangement, I always feel the difference beauty and gorgeousness western style and ours.
    I love your garden bouquet V(*^.^*)V 
    Your grandson looks so handsome with his white graduation cap!
    My husband was was so attracted to the straw Christmas Decoration p;-)
    Great family gathering and sweet lovely faces ♡♡♡

  8. Da sende ich ganz herzliche Glückwünsche an die jungen Leute. Das Haus ist ja sehr besonders. Ich mag die alten skandinavischen Häuser sehr und der Strauß ist wunderschön.

  9. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an den Enkel, ja mit einem gut gefüllten Schulrucksack kann man viel erreichen im Leben. Ich bin so froh, dass unsere beiden Töchter ihr Studium erfolgreich gemacht haben.
    Der wunderschöne Blumenstrauss passt in die Jahreszeit.
    L G Pia

  10. Upea paikka viettää juhlia! Ja sääkin niin kaunis!
    Onnittelut molemmille, Helmille ja Hannekselle!

  11. ...a beautiful family time. I hope that you will enjoy many more in the future.

  12. Congratulations. What an interesting house for the ceremony.
    Regards. Lisbeth

  13. Hallo Riitta!

    Glückwunsch an den Enkel!
    Glücklich schaut er auf dem Bild aber nicht aus ;-)

    Dafür deine ganze Familie! Schön, dass man wieder zusammen kommen kann.

    Ein schönes Wochenende
    und liebe Grüße


    ...die dein Blumenarrangement wieder wunderwunderschön findet!

  14. Dear Riitta,
    the purple-yellow mix of colors is so wonderfully radiant - and so your bouquet of flowers just went perfectly with your beautiful family celebration. I warmly congratulate you on your beautiful and talented family and your grandson on passing his examination. The place for the celebration is steeped in history and I am pleased that the pretty writers house has been reconstructed! The traditional Finnish Christmas mobile is so delicate and beautiful!
    Hugs from Austria, Traude

  15. Diese Stroh-Mobiles in dieser Form habe ich mit meinen Schülern früher in der Weihnachtszeit gemacht. Wusste nicht, dass das eine finnische Tradition ist.
    Wundervolles Bouquet, netter, großer Enkel!
    Bon week-end!

    1. These straw mobiles are very popular in Finland, but it seems that their origin is somewhere in Western / Middle Europe. I did not find an exact information.

  16. Interesting post! Congratulations to the graduates!

  17. Congratulations to your handsome grandson. All the best for his future.
    A nice weekend to you all!


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