30 toukokuuta 2022

My May in Collage

TIME FLIES and we are soon in June and that is great!
I have been tidying the garden and cut off dead branches, but there is still a lot to do.
For example our terrace floor waits to be painted and DH has to cut three big dried lilacs. 
DH has been very busy making construction plans for the house of his daughter Nana. 
But in a week’s time I hope I’ll get him for my garden slave :)

The most interesting May posts would be:

Wishing you sunshine & all the best for June!


#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november #image-in-ing #krapu 

#makrotex / monthly collages  #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

29 toukokuuta 2022

Colour Collage 22/2022

Wishing sunny Sunday! 


#colour collage #der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november 

#image-in-ing #krapu #makrotex / flower #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

27 toukokuuta 2022

Friday Bliss #193 - My May Garden

It feels that the summer has finally arrived! In the beginning of this week the weather was gorgeous with summer temperatures at about 22 C. On Thursday it began to rain and will continue still for two days. But rain is welcome, because it has been very dry. I’ll share some glimpses of my garden this week. Plums and cherries are in full bloom and they look wonderful. The garden has not yet fully grown, for examples the hostas are just showing and many shrubs don’t have leaves yet.

I don’t remember the variety os these pastel tulips, I chose them because they were on offer.
They look better in real life than on the photos.
Tulipa sylvestris are delicate and beautiful every spring!

I replanted this flower bed last summer, interesting to see how it looks later.
There are coming among others Lilium martagon.

This vigorous Clematis Constance is growing along our house ladders.
It is not yet in full bloom.

With the kittens we have fun every day.
They are trying to catch bees eagerly, silly them!

I read this week Oh William! by Elizabeth Strout and liked it very much.

We have got great news: My husband’s granddaughter Noora is having a baby 
in late November  ❤︎ DH will be a great granddad. Isn’t it great!

Happy Spring Weekend!
Linking also to Frühlingsglück of Loretta and Wolfgang.


The link is open
Helsinki time

23 toukokuuta 2022

Addictio Chamber Choir at Temppeliaukio Church

The Temppeliaukio Church / The Rock Church, Helsinki is located on a rocky hill and has been excavated inside the rock. The church is round in shape and its dome is surrounded by a strip of narrow skylights. Inside the dome is copper and excavated granite is left visible on the walls. The church is one of Helsinki's most popular tourist attractions and, due to its good acoustics, a popular concert venue. Last Friday I attended the 15th year anniversary concert of Chamber Choir Addictio where my son Harri sings bass.

I lived for a while in that red building seen at the background.

HERE you can find stunning photos of the church and text in English.
The page is really worth a visit!

Addictio is a Helsinki-based chamber choir founded by its singers in the autumn of 2005.  
The choir was born out of the enthusiasm of its singers to form their own choir, where they could make as much music as possible, experimenting and to a high standard - not forgetting the fun.  
Their basic repertoire includes traditional and new Finnish and European mixed choir music. 

The present director is this handsome guy, Riku Laurikka (b. 1994) who graduated 
from the Sibelius Academy’s choir conducting class as a master of music in the spring of 2021. 
In 2017-2018, he studied at the University of the Arts in Graz, Austria. 

These are the well-known stone steps that lead from Oksasenkatu up to 
Temppeliaukio and the church.

Wishing a sunny week!


#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #makrotex / wall 

#mosaic monday #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

22 toukokuuta 2022

Colour Collage 21/2022

My eyes saw black, not forest green, sorry. Wishing sunny Sunday! 


#colour collage #der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november 

#image-in-ing #krapu #makrotex / flower #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

20 toukokuuta 2022

Friday Bliss #192 - Cherry Blooming in Pink

I visited the pink hanami at Roihuvuori Cherry Park that was grounded by the initiative of
Japan born Helsinki entrepreneur Norio Tomida and the
 first 52 cherry trees were planted 
on World Environment Day in 2007. 
Now there are over 150 Prunus sargentii trees in the park.

Last weekend the park was packed with people, saw on the news. Even on Wednesday afternoon
there were crowds of people enjoying this pink hanami and sunshine.

Everybody was taking photos, included myself.

Happy Spring Weekend!


The link is open
Helsinki time

17 toukokuuta 2022

Looking Down

The topic of Makrotex this week is LOOKING DOWN.
While walking in the garden and looking down I see kittens 
and low spring flowers in blue and yellow.
Selma and Silva are very enthusiastic to go out!

Wishing a sunny week!


#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november #image-in-ing #krapu 

#makrotex / looking down #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

15 toukokuuta 2022

Colour Collage 20/2022

Wishing sunny Sunday with these summer memories! 

HERE you can see more of that phlox bouquet at the right top corner
& HERE more of the floating


#colour collage #der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november 

#image-in-ing #krapu #makrotex / flower #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures