31 maaliskuuta 2022

My March in Collage

March was not a nice month with all the devastating world news.
Also the Finnish spring proceeds very slowly and there is still a lot of snow to melt. 
Fortunately we had three lovely birthday celebrations in the family
and me & DH are almost totally recovered from our flu. My March archive is pretty small
 but these would be the most interesting March posts:

TS Eliot has said that April is the cruellest month, but I hope it is not true!
I wish you all a good start to April

#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex / monthly collages #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

29 maaliskuuta 2022

Signs of Spring

The topic of Makrotex this week is SIGNS OF SPRING.
We have still snow and the nature does not offer yet any pretty signs of spring.
 That is why I’ll share these curious furry creatures nosing my tete-a-tete pot!

#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex / signs of spring #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

27 maaliskuuta 2022

Krapu w 13 - Signe


Calle oli selvittänyt isosetänsä jäämistöä Bromarvissa jo viikkokaudet. Kymmenien roskalavojen täyttäminen oli rankkaa ja poiskuljettaminen hiton kallista! Romahtamaisillaan olevan venevajan ruostunut munalukko pani kauan hanttiin. Lopulta oviaukosta paljastui isosedän isän ylpeys Signe, pölyisenä, hylättynä ja unohdettuna.

Lapsuuden muistot tulvivat Callen mieleen. Isosedän tarinat Signen meriseikkailuista veivät monesti vilkkaan pojan yöunet. Laivalla salakuljetettiin 20-luvulla hirveät määrät pirtua Virosta ja kiperiä tilanteita öisellä Suomenlahdella oli riittänyt. 

Mitä helkkaria tämän ruostuneen laivavanhuksen kanssa olisi tehtävä, tuumi Calle. Romuttamoon suoralta kädeltä? Mutta Signen mukana menisi osa suvun historiaa… Neuvokkaana tyyppinä Calle päätti järjestää Signen kohtalosta somegallupin. Kyllä somekansa tietää, se oli varmaa se! 

100 sanan krapuhaastetta vetää SusuPetal. 
Viikon 13 kravun inspiraationa tämä Caran kuva.
Crab is a 100 word Finnish writing challenge. 
Week 13: A story based on the above photo by Cara.


Calle had been clearing his great-uncle's estate in Bromarv for weeks. Filling dozens of rubbish skips was tough and transporting them away damn expensive! The rusted padlock of the boathouse on the verge of collapse was tough to open. Eventually, the doorway revealed Great-uncle’s father’s pride, Signe, dusty, abandoned, and forgotten. 

Childhood memories flooded into Calle's mind. Great-uncle’s stories of Signe’s sea adventures often kept the lively boy awake at night. In the 1920s the ship was used smuggling terrible quantities spirit from Estonia and there were many tough situations in the Gulf of Finland at night. 

What the hell should be done with this rusty old ship, Calle mused. Wreck yard outright? But Signe would go with part of the family history… As a clever guy, Calle decided to hold a gallup on social media about Signe's fate. Yes, the social media knows, that's for sure!

#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex  #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

Colour Collage 13/2020


#colour collage #der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures

25 maaliskuuta 2022

Friday Bliss #184 - Beautiful White Muscari

I had a pot of white muscaris and they were so beautiful!
Yet photographing was challenging: either there was too much light or too little.
In addition my kitten assistants were very eager to help me in my job.
I made a test and put the pot on the window sill - it took them a couple of seconds to find it
and I had to put the pot safe in my big lantern again.

The World Happiness Report 2022 says Finland came first for the fifth continuous year. 
Looking at each country from 2018-2020, the report finds these 10 to be the happiest in the world:

Finland 🇫🇮
Denmark 🇩🇰
Switzerland 🇨🇭
Iceland 🇮🇸
Netherlands 🇳🇱
Norway 🇳🇴
Sweden 🇸🇪
Luxembourg 🇱🇺
New Zealand 🇳🇿
Austria 🇦🇹

That certainly is good news. And good news is also that my corona test was negative.
Nevertheless I have been sick for the whole week with this respiratory infection
with strong mucous cough, rasp throat and running nose. In order to lift my spirits 
I have entertained myself with audiobooks about Alfie the cat. Wonderful books for every catlover!

Hope you are all well. Wishing a happy weekend for you all!

The link is open
Helsinki time

22 maaliskuuta 2022

My Secret Sin

The topic of Makrotex this week is SWEET.
The only sweet stuff I have at home is a jar of honey and another of cloudberry jam.
Cloudberry jam is my secret sin and I spread it on digestive biscuits 
in order to cheat myself that it is healthy!

#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex / sweet  #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

21 maaliskuuta 2022

Krapu w 12 - Nine Lives


Silva on kuin gepardi minikoossa: virtaviivainen ja salamannopea. Häntä pystyssä se tassuttelee pomon elkein. Ruokapalvelu pelaa, mutta Silva keksii alituiseen huimia metsästysoperaatioita, joissa heikkoutta ei tunneta. Kun se bongaa surisevan kärpäsen katonrajasta, seurauksena on täysi kaaos: hypitään pitkin seiniä, eikä vertikaalinen ulottuvuus ole muuta kuin hidaste! 

Yhtenä iltana olin saada slaagin ollessani keittiössä tekemässä iltavoileipiä: yläkerran portaikosta kuului aivan kaamea räsähdys ja sirpaloituvan lasin helinää. Putin ohjuksineen oli varmasti hyökännyt! Mutta ei, Silvahan se. Kissa oli kiivennyt portaikon tauluhyllylle ja pudottanut alas yhden akvarellin. Jokainen porras oli täynnä lasinsirpaleita eikä kissaa missään - se lymysi shokissa sohvan alla, pitkään.

100 sanan krapuhaastetta vetää SusuPetal. 
Viikon 12 krapusanat heikkous, pomo, vertikaalinen.
Crab is a 100 word Finnish writing challenge. 
Week 12 words to be included weakness, boss, vertical.


Silva is like a cheetah in mini size: streamlined and fast as lightning. The tail upright it paws like a boss. The food service is good, but Silva constantly comes up with dizzying hunting operations where no weakness is known. When it spots a buzzing fly on the ceiling, the result is complete chaos: jumping along the walls and the vertical dimension is nothing but a challenge!

One evening I got almost a heart attack while I was in the kitchen making sandwiches: from the upstairs staircase I heard a loud & horrible crackle and the sound of shattering glass. Putin and his missiles must have attacked! But no, it was Silva. The cat had climbed to the picture shelf and dropped one watercolor down. Each step was full of shards of glass and no Silva in sight. It was hiding in shock under the sofa for a long time.

#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex  #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

20 maaliskuuta 2022

Colour Collage 12/2022


#colour collage #der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures

18 maaliskuuta 2022

Friday Bliss #183 - Longing for the Summer!

I have told you about our visit to Kustavi last summer. We stayed at the summer cottage of DH’s daughter Nana. The place is on the seaside and the views over the sea are very peaceful and beautiful. They have there the old cottage with sauna, a boathouse and a new cottage built two years ago. It is a cape with a lot of granite cliffs in sight - that I love.

At the summer cottages we Finns have mostly outdoor toilets called huussi!
Nana and Sami have a brand new one.

Unfortunately their brown Tibetan terrier Sisu died a couple weeks ago 
and the black Milo is now alone.

Me and DH did there some gardening jobs. Among other things made 
this small planting with Stachys bysantina and Physocarpus opulifolius ’Diablo’
and some low spireas - all seedlings from my garden.
On the shore there was a rotten salix where tens of Vanessa atalantas lived!
They looked stunning in the warm evening sun. Somehow I am not able to upload the video.

Last weekend we celebrated the 50th birthday of Nana and the 18th birthday of her son Anton.
Anton here in a black t-shirt. Essi hugged her aunt.

Looking longingly forward to the summer.
Thank you for the all lovely comments last week. Wishing you a bright & sunny winter weekend!


The link is open
Helsinki time

16 maaliskuuta 2022

Krapu w 11 - Lohtu, Consolation


Härkälinnun kaamea rääkynä herättää Linnean juhannuspäivään. Aamu valkenee idyllisenä järvenselän yllä. Aurinko lämmittää suloisesti kasvoja hänen istuessaan laiturilla ja vesi hyväilee ihanasti paljaita varpaita, mutta mieli on apea. Kaikkien mielestä Linnea on toivoton vanhapiika, onhan hän jo 27-vuotias. Ei Linnea miesten suhteen nirso ole, vapaita miehiä ei vaan heillä päin ole. 

Eilen Linnea oli ollut taas innokkaasti miestä metsästämässä. Pikkusiskon kanssa mentiin ensin lavatansseihin, mutta kaikki tanssittajat olivat tolkuttomassa humalassa. Sitten kerättiin niityltä tyynyn alle seitsemän erilaista kukkaa - vaan ei sulhoja unessa näkynyt. 

Nyt Linnea hiipii itkuisena keittiöön ja ryhtyy ahmimaan suruunsa suklaajäätelöä. Se maistuu aamuauringossa suloiselta kuin suudelma.

100 sanan krapuhaastetta vetää SusuPetal. 
Viikon 11 krapusanat itku, selkä, jäätelö.
Crab is a 100 word Finnish writing challenge. 
Week 11words to be included crying, back (open water), icecream. 


A red-necked grebe awakens Linnea to Midsummer's Day. The morning brightens idyllic over the open water of the lake. The sun warms sweetly her face as she sits on the dock and the water caresses the bare toes delightfully. Yet her mind is blue nevertheless. Linnea is considered by everyone to be a hopeless old maid, over 27 years old. She is not picky about men, but there are no free men around. 

Yesterday Linnea had been eagerly man hunting again. With her younger sister they went at first to dance, but all men were too drunk. Then seven different flowers were collected from the meadow under the pillow - but no bridegrooms were seen in the dream. 

Now Linnea creeps crying into the kitchen and begins to devour chocolate icecream in her grief. It tastes sweet in the morning sun - like a kiss.

#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex  #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

14 maaliskuuta 2022

Sunny Yellow

The topic of Makrotex this week is YELLOW.
Here some tulips and forget-me-nots from last year - in the colours of Ukraine.
This tulip is ’Akebono’, high with a big flower.

Then I have this piece of 
kinetic art by an unknown artist.
I saw it at Ars Nova, Turku and it lookeed fabulous. It felt three dimensional depending on where 
I stood and as if parts of it were floating in the air. 

#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex / yellow #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures