I’ll remember the January 2021 forever of a real snow inferno - in two days we got
50 cm new snow. There was also a period of freezing weather, under minus 20 C.
Otherwise quite normal, if you can say that under a pandemic- endless monotonous days, tired days,
not much daylight. But no covid nor colds - a reason to be happy about.

February was a tough month, too. The winter continued severe with snowfalls & strong colds.
In addition we had icy rains that difficulted to scratch the car windows.
We were sick and tired all three: Sissi was very sick, started then to eat better. Hubby was
couching for weeks and my flu (not corona said the test) did not seem to go away.
It was a quiet month, mainly in expectation of spring. The snow slowly melting
and the first snowdrops blooming.
April offered all kinds of weather. There were some sunny days and pretty warm days
and I went eagerly outdoors to plant thujas and preparing the terrace for the summer.
But then the weather changed: it was rainy and so frightening cold, even wet snow.
a gorgeous goshawk who sat for a while outside the window.
May did not offer the nicest weather, though in mid May we had a few wonderful & warm
June was a wonderful summer month with sun & warm weather. I met children & grands
& friends - so lovely. Finland was opening up after the coronavirus outbreak.
visited the art exhibition The Blue Planet and wrote two posts about Ainola, the home museum of Jean Sibelius: HERE & HERE.
Weatherwise July was oh so beautiful, hot and sunny - but torturing dry.
I photographed practically nothing in the garden, nor wanted to see the sad withering plants.
on the first of July. So, it was an active month for me, visiting museums & other sightseeings
and meeting with friends & family. If you wish to take a peak to my July, visit these blog posts:
Erkkola, an artist home on Tuusulan Rantatie Agapanthus in the Wintergarden of the City of Helsinki
August was mostly cool and rainy till the last week which I spent in Kustavi and Turku.
I posted only 10 posts and shared you my experiences from Housing Fair in Lohja HERE & HERE,
The weather was cool and rainy with ocassional sunny days. The most interesting posts would be:
The most interesting OCTOBER posts would be:
But the most exciting happening to me was to see our new kitten Selma for the first time.
Selma was born in Hämeenlinna on the 2nd of September with 5 other kittens.
We decided to keep the name Selma that the breeder had given her. Selma is coming home
before Christmas, in mid December or so.
I usually hate Novembers, but the month was not so bad and it practically flied.
and the challenge really helped to survive this grey month. I visited Didrichsen Art Museum
with a friend and we saw jewellery designer & sculptor Björn Weckström’s fabulous exhibition
Selma and Silva arrived on the 11th of Dec. and have brought so much joy
to our quiet Christmas. We got our third vaccination just before Christmas and am happy about it.
When reading my monthly posts, it is clear that the pandemic has been present in many months. In Finland the summer was fortunately free and the museums could be safely visited.
I enjoyed the summer & family gettogethers very much. Now the pandemic situation is worse again
and the weather has been bright and sunny, almost -20 C. Today a bit warmer.
Dear blog friends, I wish you all a healthy & happy New Year!
#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #krapu