30 marraskuuta 2020

Brown Mix

First some quick mobile shots from a grey Helsinki...

... and then something a bit Christmassy...

Happy Advent time!

#der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #makrotex / brown
#my corner of the world #t in die neue woche #värikollaasit

29 marraskuuta 2020

Flag of Dominica

Flag of Dominica

Aino must have used some random generator in choosing countries & flags.
I had never heard about Dominica that is an island country in the Caribbean, 
number of inhabitants less than 72.000.

T in die neue Woche

My neighbourhood is a residential area where houses from the 50s mix with modern architecture.
Bigger properties are being divided and new modern houses or row houses grow like mushrooms 
in the rain. Here two fresh looking & inviting entrances.

I’m running out of doors nowadays. But on this first Advent Sunday we may
open the door to December and Advent time. Here a selfmade wreath for you.

Wishing you joyful Advent time!

#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing 
#makrotex  #t in die neue woche #tuesday’s treasures #värikollaasit

28 marraskuuta 2020

My November in Collage

I am so happy that this long and dark November is soon over.
A lot of time was spent simply at home reading and starting to decorate for Christmas. 
I have walked in the neighbourhood almost daily. Only once I made a visit to the center of Helsinki, 
because had to see my dentist. Some spring bulbs were planted and 10 books were read.

The coronavirus situation has been getting worse in Uusimaa / Helsinki region.
New tougher restrictions are valid from November 30 till December 20. This means that
 museums, theatres & cinemas are closed and many sport activities are cancelled.
It is recommended that we don’t meet any other people than those with whom we are living with.
No public gettogethers, no family reunions either, the funerals being the only exception, 
max 10 persons are allowed.

I doubt that Uusimaa / the capital region shall be shut for Christmas as it was in the spring.
We’ll see.

In Novembr I read or listened 12 books, among them Margarita that won the greatest
literature prize in Finland - The Finlandia prize. French Pierre Lemaitre is a must reading!

Wishing you all a good start to December - stay well!

#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #garden affair #gartenglück #image-in-ing 
#makrotex / monthly collages  #t in die neue woche #tuesday’s treasures #värikollaasit

27 marraskuuta 2020

Friday Bliss #116 - Flowers That Don’t Wither

Last week Loretta and Wolfgang wrote about posters in home decoration and I thought 
to share today some flowers that don’t wither.  I have many small flower paintings / posters
which I photographed for you. Most of these are in my newly renovated room.

I have had the above white peonies by Clay Perry for many years. 
He has fantastic floral photos, please see the link!

This is oil on silk. It was originally a congratulation card that I framed. 
The size of painting part is 16 x 12 cm.

This fairy sitting on a flower is a wood carving by my aunt.

This oil painting is really tiny, the size only 7 x 7cm.

These fabric squares of only one inch are not flowers but go to this post. They came from 
a swap group to which I belonged years ago. They look nice in a golden framed shadow box.

And yes, I have these fake white phalaenopsis as well!

Hope you liked my unwithering flowers - wishing a pleasant weekend!


The link is open
Helsinki time

26 marraskuuta 2020

The Cruelest Month

“April is the cruelest month, breeding
lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
memory and desire, stirring
dull roots with spring rain.”
- T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land

To me the cruelest month is November - colorless, wet  and dark.
Some impressions from my daily walks.

But you can find a lot of materials for DIY works: chestnuts, cones,
lingonberry & blueberry twigs and twigs with beard moss... I made this chestnut cone
twenty years ago and it is as good as new!

Seeing the non existent colors of the Finnish nature in November, 
you’ll understand why my thoughts turn to Christmas!

#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing 
#makrotex  #t in die neue woche #tuesday’s treasures #värikollaasit

23 marraskuuta 2020

Fur Safe & Stripes

A few photos from my kitchen. We have a widening of the window sill
where Sissi keeps an eye on birds. It is covered with DC Fix, imitating weathered wood 
with stripes. Also the wooden blinds create stripes for Makrotex. The candles are fur safe, 
leds with batteries. Every extra light is needed in this November darkness.

A very simple edit for Jutta’s Digitalart Dienstag: some sparkles from the first photo.

Wishing happy & sparkling last week of November!


#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing 
#makrotex / with stripes  #my corner of the world #t in die neue woche #tuesday’s treasures 

22 marraskuuta 2020

Colors of Chilean Flag

Color Collage 47/2020 / Flag of Chile 
To me red means Christmas. These photos were taken in December last year.
We got a bit of snow, but by now it has all melted away.