25 syyskuuta 2020

Friday Bliss #107 - Autumn Blues

From May to September I have made 18 garden bouquets or other flower arrangements.
This nro19 is probably the last garden bouquet of the season. I used what was blooming: 
autumn aster, clematis ’Negritjanka’, Veronica and Phalaris arundinacea.
Decorated the table with lime Humulus lupulus ’Aureus’, though it does not show much.

I often photograph books with florals to my book blog.
This book Home Front told how the women managed when husbands and sons were at front
during our Continuation War 1941-1944. I liked the book.

Wishing you a happy weekend!

The link is open

Helsinki time

24 kommenttia:

  1. Dear Riita,
    a beautiful autumn bouquet with the asters and all in blue. Everything from the garden, nice. I haven't counted all of my bouquets yet, but I think that will work for me too.
    Yes, women in the war and here all alone, the man at the front.
    Never knowing whether you will survive all of this in good health.
    I wish you a nice weekend.
    Greetings Eva

    1. Thank you Eva. Those times of the World War II were so dreadful throughout Europe. A lot of Finnish literature is being published on the matter.

  2. For sure it was certainly not easy for mothers. Thinking about my grandma with seven kids. For me it’s always interesting when older people talk about it, the feelings, the fears and how they could handle it. Normally everybody would think that war is horrible, but so many rulers still do it :-((

    All your bouquets were so pretty, also the one you show today. Cause of the color it looks a bit autumnal. I love it, and maybe you are lucky for next week ;-)

    Wishing you a good start into the weekend I am sending greetings over to you


    1. I agree with all you said. In the 1940s countries were not yet industrialized, instead main nacional production came from farming. It was tough for women to cultivate the land, reap the harvest and take care of the cattle. Added with the fear of their dearest ones. World peace seems an utopia.

      I have it so well now and feel grateful. Wishing you a sunny weekend.

  3. Liebe Riitta,
    mir haben alle Deine 19 Blumen Arrangements sehr gut gefallen. Wenn dieser Blumenstrauß für dieses Jahr der letzte ist, dann freue ich mich schon auf das neue Jahr, wenn Du dann neue Arrangements zauberst.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein wunderschönes Wochenende.

    Viele liebe Grüße

    1. Thank you Wolfgang. This summer has been different due to the coronavirus. The winter passes quickly and let's hope we have the vaccine till next summer.

  4. Good morning dear Riitta
    I love your flowers especially the colour. The autumn aster grew also in my garden, but now they are faded.
    Now I would like to say thank you for making the link tool available every week.
    Have a lovely weekend and hugs (also to Sissi)

    1. Me and Sissi say thank you <3 I thank you in return for participating and sharing your flower arrangements and the fantastic views near your home! Sunny weekend.

  5. wieder ein ganz wunderbarer strauß!! die farben sind sommerschön und doch riecht es schon ein wenig nach herbst. ich mag es, dass du bücher in deinen bildern zeigst. dieses hier ist bestimmt sehr interessant. meine oma und mutter hätten sicher auch einiges zu diesem thema beitragen können. leider leben sie nicht mehr und ich habe viel zu wenig von ihnen erfahren.
    liebe grüße

    1. Thank you mano. I read a lot, during the last weeks less because of my renovation project... Those were tough times for Europeans, so many died, so many widows & orphans. Hopefully that disaster never repeats.

  6. Your purple flowers combination is beautiful. Thank you for hosting. Have a wonderful day.

  7. Bezaubernd, was dein Herbstgarten noch hergegeben hat!- Ich habe erst vor kurzem, als ich ein Porträt von Tove Jansson geschrieben habe, mich mit der Kriegssituation in Finnland beschäftigt, die ja besonders und grausam war und durch lange Auswirkungen auf Land & Zusammenleben gekennzeichnet. Wir sollten solche Dinge besser voneinander wissen, um uns auch heute besser zu verstehen.
    Alles Liebe!

    1. Thank you Astrid for your kind words.
      Right now I'm reading a Finnish novel that tells about a German circus group that travels & performs in Germany during the World War II. Those times were awful there two; the young protagonist is a Jewish girl from Dresden, she survived the bombing & joined the circus group. Very interesting & fascinating this book too, with a lot of classical music.

  8. The colours you are proposing today are truly autumn colours.
    Thanks for sharing and have a safe and nice weekend you too!

  9. ...beautiful blues!

  10. The colours is very nice from atutumm flowers !!!
    Have a beautiful Weekend, hug, Elke

  11. The world of families changes when the men, brothers, fathers, sons are off to war. Hope we can remember, "never again!" Thanks for this beautiful bouquet in weekend! Have a lovely weekend, Jesh

  12. Gorgeous flowers! Have a good weekend.

  13. Guten Morgen Riitta!

    Kurz und knapp "Einfach nur schöööön"

    Liebe Grüße


  14. Liebe Riitta,

    Dein 19. Strauß schaut himmlisch aus, zum Verlieben *seufz*

    So eine wundervolle Zusammenstellung, ein Traum.

    Ein schönes Wochenende und alles Liebe
    wünscht Dir

  15. Otro ramo precioso Riitta, me gusta mucho. Besos.


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