Lampaankääpä / Sheep polypore / Albatrellus ovinus
27 syyskuuta 2020
Arch of Parthenocissus
#der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #makrotex
#t in die neue woche #värikollaasit
#t in die neue woche #värikollaasit
26 syyskuuta 2020
My Autumn Garden
We have had some splendid warm and sunny days, but my time has gone mainly inside renovating.
In two days it’s going to be finished - yippee! This is how my garden looked this week,
on a misty morning. Autumn is orange, yellow and fabulous red!
Wishing you bright autumn days.
#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #garden affair #gartenglück
25 syyskuuta 2020
Friday Bliss #107 - Autumn Blues
From May to September I have made 18 garden bouquets or other flower arrangements.
This nro19 is probably the last garden bouquet of the season. I used what was blooming:
autumn aster, clematis ’Negritjanka’, Veronica and Phalaris arundinacea.
Decorated the table with lime Humulus lupulus ’Aureus’, though it does not show much.
I often photograph books with florals to my book blog.
This book Home Front told how the women managed when husbands and sons were at front
during our Continuation War 1941-1944. I liked the book.
Wishing you a happy weekend!
The link is open
Helsinki time
22 syyskuuta 2020
Taivas / Sky
This week the theme of Makrotex is SKY / TAIVAS. I photograph seldom skies.
These I found in my archives - the sky in different seasons.
#der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #makrotex
#t in die neue woche #värikollaasit
#t in die neue woche #värikollaasit
20 syyskuuta 2020
Miniature Treats
Today I'll invite you to open the door and taste my miniature treats.
A few years ago I was very enthusiastic about dollhouses & roomboxes.
A few years ago I was very enthusiastic about dollhouses & roomboxes.
This roombox is made using an old wall clock, inherited from my father-in-law.
The clock was broken, so my miniature treasures found a place to be displayed.
I have myself ’baked’ all the above goodies out of Fimo Soft clay.
It is easy to use and is hardened in the oven. The mold for muffins was a button!
I belonged then to a miniature group and have swapped these cakes & strawberries.
I wish you found my treats delicious!
#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing
18 syyskuuta 2020
Friday Bliss #106 - In the Autumn Sun
This morning no trace of yesterday’s stormy winds.
Yesterday a strong storm called Aila swept over Finland causing a lot of damages.
It was at its strongest on the west cost, in my garden or house fortunately no damages.
If you wish to see storm photos click to MTV News.

Last Sunday was a cool & windy day, but sunny. We had a picnic at our terrace
celebrating my husband’s birthday. His daughters Sanna and Milla came to see
their father and Milla left with some Hostas and Rodgersias to her young garden.
No photos of our guests this time either, not even grandson’s Meeko!
I added some garden materials to last week’s carnations:
seedheads of Heuchera and last phlox flowers. Soon the garden bouquet time is over.
Wishing you a happy weekend!
The link is open
Helsinki time
14 syyskuuta 2020
Something Important
The topic of the week at Makrotex is SOMETHING IMPORTANT.
Sissi certainly is important to me, so is home.
Here she is inspecting my renovated room. Above the bookcase is good to look around.
I am very pleased with my renovated room. All my stuff is not yet there,
but my poetry books are already on the shelves.
Soooooo boring!
#der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #makrotex
#t in die neue woche #värikollaasit
#t in die neue woche #värikollaasit
13 syyskuuta 2020
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