16 toukokuuta 2017

Floral Bliss #21

We have had a bit warmer, but the spring is a month late. So not much bliss to show you. 
Therefore I start with a lilac mosaic from last May,
to be followed with some modest photos of yesterday.

Carex siderosticta in bloom

Lilium martagon starting to grow

Old wheels aside my pond...

Sambucus racemosa

Tulipa tarda starting to bloom

We don't have many huge & old trees in Finland.
But this oak called The Oak of Paavola is huge and well-known.
It is said to be 400-500 years old and has won the title of the most beautiful tree in Finland.
The photo was taken on Sunday, no leaves yet. Lohja, Southern Finland.

This photo from online.

Helsinki time

Please join & share your photos with us!

Aurinkoa toivon viikkoosi!- Sun to your week!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

25 kommenttia:

  1. Ihastuttavia kuvia taas. Syreenikollaasi hyvin kaunis, samoin muut kukkakuvat. Vanha puu satumainen, pitkine oksineen.
    Sen alla olisi ihanaa istuskella hetkinen. Tuntea sen ikä ja voima, kuunnella tuulessa oksien kuiskimaa tarinaa.
    Aurinkoista viikkoa :-)

    1. Vanhat puut ovat ihania. Meidän tontilla ei sellaisia ole, vain yksi ikivanha omenapuu, jonka kukinta on aina kevään kohokohta. Kiva kun kävit, nautitaan keväästä!

  2. Your garden is beautiful and I like the biggest tree too!

    1. I certainly would be happy to have that oak in my garden :) Great that it has been preserved. Wishing you lovely spring days Carol.

  3. Kuvasi ovat ihania uudelleen.
    Pidän näitä vanhoja puita
    Se on maaginen olento, joka säteilee voimaa.
    Meidän täytyy säilyttää tällainen puita kunniaksi
    ♥ Terveisiä

    1. Oh you translated in Finnish! I read German very well, but perhaps the others don't. So kind of you! This oak is really spectacular. Thank you for visiting - have a nice evening!

  4. Dearest Riitta,
    I so love your Spreing !!!

    Thanking you heartily for hosting every week such lovely party,
    I'm wishing you a beautiful remainder of your week,
    sending hugs across the many miles

    XOXO Daniela at - My little old world (sweetlydreamingofthepast.blogspot.com)

    1. The best of spring still to come for it has been exceptionally cold. But it is lovely to see how everything has started to grow. Wishing you sunny spring days Dany <3

  5. I like the old wheel next to the pond and the plants growing in and around it. The ancient special oak is magnificent! Thank you for organising the linkup. I'm taking pleasure in joining in once again and seeing so many beautiful plants and flowers from other participants. All the best Riitta.

  6. Lovely lilac mosaic - mine are just now blooming. I love the wheel in your garden, and the pretty tulips. That tree is so beautiful.....there is something so sacred about an ancient tree. Thank you for hosting, dear Riitta! Hope you have a lovely week. xx Karen

  7. Hi Rittaa,
    wonderful plants and flowers and pictures! Thank you!
    I LOVE this old Oaktree, such a Beauty!
    Have a wonderful week,
    sending Love and hugs,
    Claudia xo

  8. Very soon your garden will be filled with beautiful flowers. Love the yellow flowers and that is a huge and beautiful oak tree! It looks very impressive even without the green leaves. Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful day!

  9. You do such a fine job with your flower photos. Thank you for posting. And let me tell you, Seattle in NW USA is also about a month late in spring warmth, and we've had the most rain EVER!

  10. thank you for hosting, yours Bernadette

  11. Beautiful Riitta. It looks like you will have your Spring merge into Summer at this rate ! B x

  12. Die Flieder-Collage ist wunderschön. Die Lilien sehen so gesund aus. Bei mir werden sie immer von den Lilienhähnchen zerfressen. Und das Wagenrad als Deko sieht toll aus. Tulipa tarda ist bei mir schon verblüht. Wunderschön ist das Foto von der alten Eiche! Welch ein ehrwürdiger Baum! Was der wohl schon alles erlebt hat...
    Liebe Grüße

  13. Those tulips are beautiful Riita. I might see if I can get a few pics in .

  14. Wonderful photographs and that tree is very special, thanks for showing it to us.

    All the best Jan

  15. Truly gorgeous florals and colours Riitta. That magnificent oak is great to see. So beautiful and grand even without its leaves :D)

  16. Las flores se ven muy lindas y el árbol maravilloso. Besitos.

  17. Hi Riitta,
    fantastic photos of all these wonderful flowers, but I like the wheel and thr tree too.
    Best, Synnöve

  18. Hello Riitta! The tree, with the large branches, is so impressive; it must be so lovely to see such great tree; nature is amazing...
    And the flowers are stunning, from the tulips, lilacs to those that are not so known, by me. For instance, I do not know to much about Carex siderosticta. Very interesting details captured from up close.
    Wonderful aspects from nature in Spring! Have a great Sunday! Alexa

  19. Dear Riitta,
    I like the old cartwheel and the little blue flowers (Scilla?) at the pond. The wild tulips are beautiful.
    Have a nice weekend!

  20. I love that old wheel by pond. Beautiful collection of photos. Thank you for hosting Floral Bliss. Have a good Sunday.


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