27 syyskuuta 2016

Flower Wednesday linkup 18

This Chelone obliqua is my favourite autumn bloomer. 
Pretty pink, modest to grow and not spread too eagerly. About 100 cm tall.
Blooming lasts for several weeks, about to finish these days.

Linkki on auki - Tervetuloa!
The link is open - Welcome!

Linkup 1 & the rules.

Lämmin kiitos kaikille osallistujille!
My warm thanks to all for your contributions!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

15 kommenttia:

  1. This is a great plant. Blooms late and for a long time, stays upright in rain and wind and the leaves are good looking throughout the season. I have two tiny white ones as well! Hope they bloom better next year.
    I'll forget the garden totally in a few days. It's about time!!!!

  2. This stunning flower in Northern Italy blooms all Summer long, I so love it, thank you for sharing this wonder in this so gorgeous shade of lilac with us, dearest Riitta !

    So very grateful to you for hosting me today,
    I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you


    Xx Dany

    1. You are so lucky with this plant Daniela, having it in bloom the whole summer ❤︎! Here it blooms from September on.

  3. Beautiful images of the Chelone obliqua, they are growing and flowering like weeds here in my garden.

    1. Another lucky lady! :)) As I mentioned above, I wish my tiny white ones grow bigger next year!

  4. Anonyymi27 syyskuuta

    ...ich kenne diese Blume gar nich
    LG Christiane

  5. This isn't a flower I know. Such a pretty colour and very nice to have at this time of year :) B

  6. This is such a lovely plant! I will look for it in spring. Very pretty mosaic, Riitta! Thank you for hosting. xx Karen

    1. @ Christiane
      @ Barbara
      @ Karen --- I surely recommend this if you can find!

  7. Very pretty in pink.
    By the way: I'm reading now "El Juego del Angel" - really a very good book.
    Send you a little sunshine

    1. I ought to read that too, Zafon is a great writer! Have a nice day!

  8. Never heard of the Chelone obliqua Riitta. It is so beautiful. I will definitely keep an eye out for it.
    Enjoy your beautiful garden :)

  9. Beautiful flowers. I love the beautiful collage!

  10. Hello Riita!
    What beautiful flowers. I did not know this plant.
    Amazing photos.

  11. Hi Riitta,
    marvelous photos of this wonderful flowers. I like this soft color.
    Best regards, Synnöve


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