11 kesäkuuta 2022

Garden Glimpses

It has been a wonderful & hard-working garden week.
I have been out in the garden for hours every day. The garden looks lush & blooming.
This pink Syringa vulgaris blooms for the first time ❤︎ The shrub is still small,
grown from a small root sprout.

This clematis Albina plena brings also much joy.
Its flowers are like delicate butterflies ❤︎

It is green all over ❤︎

We have narrow paths leading around the house & garden.
Nice routes for the kitties to walk.

Tulips are starting to wither.
I have planted many planters of annual flowers and herbs, more of them later.

Above one evidence of our garden jobs. We have division of labour:
I cut always the branches and DH takes them to a garden waste point which is totally free. 
My garden is a fully grown garden and there are each year a huge amount of cut branches, 
too much to chip. In addition we get a lot of garden waste of the autumn leaves.

To finish one photo of my yesterday’s garden bouquet.


#colour collage #der natur donnerstag #gartenglĂĽck #how to survive november 

#image-in-ing #krapu #makrotex  #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

7 kommenttia:

  1. Your Garden looks beautiful. I like the colors.

  2. ...the clematis Albina Plena is gorgeous.

  3. Richtig schön durch euern Garten zu Wandeln.
    L G Pia

  4. It's a pleasure to walk through your beautiful garden!
    have a nice new week!

  5. Se ve precioso Riita. Un abrazo.


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