30 huhtikuuta 2022

My April in Collage

Isn’t it great that we are already in May! And the spring starts finally to arrive also in Finland.
Selma and Silva got sterilized and I have had to keep an extra eye on them,
but by now they don’t have to wear these ’dresses’ any more.
And they walked in the garden for the first time! Selma was a bit afraid, 
but Silva walked on the paths very eagerly and wanted to repeat it all the time.
Garden work has started and I love to spend outdoors a couple of hours a day!

Easter was celebrated in April, so there were multiple Easter related posts,
otherwise I have been half dormant still:

Wishing you all healthy and happy May!


#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november #image-in-ing #krapu 

#makrotex / monthly collages  #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

29 huhtikuuta 2022

Friday Bliss # 189 - Happy First of May!

April comes to its end and the spring has come even to Finland. The snow has melted away 
and I have started to work in the garden. There are tiny signs of new growth: 
crocuses, scillas and bursting buds. I got these sunny tulips from a visiting friend
and combined them with lime button chrysanthemums.

Selma and Silva got sterilized and they wore this kind of protectic wear,
which was much more comfortable than collar. The first days they were tired 
but are now their lively selves. They will celebrate their 8 month birthday on May 2.

Vappu - May Day and the eve of First of May are traditional big celebrations in Finland
with student caps, balloons, booze, tippaleipä and sima / mead, a fermented citrus drink.
But I have grown too old for extravagances and prefer take it easy and stay home!

Skål to Spring & Happy First of May!


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Helsinki time

27 huhtikuuta 2022

Krapu w 17 - Spring Ponderings


Lumi hautasi kasvit alleen kuin massiivinen painopeitto. Seurauksena timanttituijilla on huono tukkapäivä eli holtittomasti hapsottavat latvukset.  Mutta kätevä emäntä kierrättää ja sitoo hapsotukset ojennukseen ohuilla ja joustavilla rikkinäisistä sukkahousuista leikkaamillaan suikaleilla.  Terijoensalavien hamlaus sujui suit sait akkukäyttöisellä oksasahalla ja niitten koomiset nutipäät pukkaavat pian hentoa versoa.

Kaukaa viisas emäntä haravoi vaahteranlehtivuoret jo syksyllä ja keskittyy keväisin ihastelemaan ensimmäisiä idänsinililjoja. Eikä antaudu epätoivoon, vaikka vapuksi luvataan perinteisesti räntäsadetta. Pois hempukkahepeneet, toppahaalari pitää naisen lämpimänä ja huumorin plussan puolella. 

Mutta emännällä ei ole aavistustakaan, miten välttyä ulkopuuhastelun aiheuttamalta aivotyökapasiteetin romahdukselta, minkä tämäkin krapu kiistatta osoittaa. Skål keväälle  ja vapulle kuitenkin kamut!

100 sanan krapuhaastetta vetää SusuPetal. 
Viikon 15 kravun sanat ovat hento, epätoivo, lämmin.
Crab is a 100 word Finnish writing challenge. 
Week 15: A story including the words delicate, despair, warm.


The snow buried the plants under it like a massive weighed blanket. As a result, thuja Smaragds have a bad hair day, i.e. recklessly fringing crowns. But the handy lady recycles and binds the fringes back to shape with thin and flexible strips she has cut from broken tights. The cutting of Salix bullata went smoothly with a cordless chainsaw and their comic ’heads' will soon show delicate sprouts.

The far-wise lady rakes the maple leaf masses in the fall and focuses on admiring the first blue scillas in the spring. And she won’t give in to despair, even though sleet has traditionally been forecst for First of May. Away with glad rags, a quilted overall keeps her warm and humor on the plus side. 

But the handy lady has no idea how to avoid the collapse of brain work capacity caused by outdoor chores, as this text undoubtedly shows. Skål for spring and First of May, though!


#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november #image-in-ing #krapu 

#makrotex  #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

26 huhtikuuta 2022

Signs with Text

The topic of Makrotex this week is TEXT.
I photographed some text signs that I have at home:

🍀Tervetuloa = Welcome

🍀I don’t have time to hate, I’m busy loving!
🍀If you don’t like my attitude, call 1-800-Get-A-Dog!

    Wishing a sunny week!


#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november #image-in-ing #krapu 

#makrotex / text #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

24 huhtikuuta 2022

Colour Collage 17/2022

Summer & strawberry cakes in my mind!

#colour collage #der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures

23 huhtikuuta 2022

Winter vs Summer

The good news is that this massive amount of snow is almost totally gone!
But lets compare some winter vs summer views of my garden.

We got a LOT of snow this winter. There were a few days of snow chaos in January and February. At the end of January the Valtteri storm with strong winds and heavy snowfall brought over 40 cm of new snow and a week later again we got 30 cm of new snow. There have been lesser snowfalls in March and even in April and the winter has seemed endless. I think these February photos give you the idea of the Finnish winter reality. 

The first photo shows the outdoor stairs that we don’t use at all in the winter. 
This beautiful pink Atragene Constance is growing along the roof ladders.
Don’t know why it did not drop its leaves.

I got this Pterocarya rhoifolia at a plant swap as a 40 cm high young plant.
It has grown beautifully and also started to bloom.

My garden Singer hosts different annuals each year combined with 
lime Lysimachia mummularia.

Along this small pergola structure there are growing
Parthenocissus and lime Humulus lupulus.

The same plants also decorate these garden arches.

I have a few towers like this constructed by myself.
Sad to say that this Clematis alpina has not lately been blooming this abundantly.

Around our terrace we have trellis and the Clematis Negritjanka 
is every summer just gorgeous.

Longing so badly for the spring, apple blossoms and lilacs.

Wishing a good & sunny weekend!

#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #how to survive november #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex  #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures

22 huhtikuuta 2022

Friday Bliss #188 - Shades of Green

Today I’ll share with you these face pots with curly Tradescantia hair.
I bought the pots last summer at 7 € each, one is white and the other grey.
I don’t have any big green plants because of the kittens.
That is why I often visit garden centers and admire their great assortments.
A few photos from such visit to follow.

On Sunday 24 April we celebrate the flag day of Åland.
Åland  / Ahvenanmaa is an autonomous and demilitarised region of Finland since 1920 
by a decision of the League of Nations. It is the smallest region of Finland by area 
and population of only 30.000. Its only official language is Swedish and Mariehamn is the capital city.
In this new unstable geopolitical situation (Russia’s attack to Ukraine) there has been
discussions whether the demilitarisation of Åland is wise or not. 
Some say it should be cancelled, but no decisions yet on the matter.


Wishing a good & sunny weekend! 

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Helsinki time