30 huhtikuuta 2019

Makrotex Challenge - Ylhäällä, Up

The county host pennant in our flag colours of Uusimaa Province
is a fresh sight wavering high UP against the blue sky.
Each province or region has its own colours. As I am Karelian, mine would be red-black.
If you wish to see the different pennant colours, click here.

Hauskaa vappua!

29 huhtikuuta 2019

Cork International Choral Festival

I think I don’t have any Irish blogfriends, but from Germany, Poland & Slovenia I do. This choral festival in Cork, Ireland might interest you. Cork is Ireland’s second largest city after Dublin.

Addictio Chamber Choir, where my son is singing, is participating in Cork International Choral Festival that takes place 1st - 5th May. There  are three choirs from Finland and two from Sweden plus one choir from these countries: Germany, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Slovenia & Ukraine. My son Harri was at my home overnight and my husband took him very early to the airport. He’s going to have two holiday days in Dublin before the competition in Cork starts. Of course I’ll keep my thumbs up and wish Addictio a good performance!

Photo: Addictios FB site, my son Harri in the middle having notes in his hand

A couple of old photos of the choir...

"The Addictio Chamber Choir was founded in 2005 and aims to combine high artistic standards with innovative and joyful performances. The choir has an extensive repertoire ranging from contemporary music to renaissance masterpieces and musical theatre. 
In 2016, Addictio won first prize in the sacred music category at the Cracovia Cantans International Choir Competition and in 2013, they were awarded golden diplomas at both Tampere Vocal Music Festival and Canto sul Garda International Choir Competition. 

Since 2013, the choir’s artistic director has been Elisa Huovinen (b. 1989), a graduate of the Sibelius Academy and the current chairperson of the Finnish Choral Conductors’ Association. In 2018, Elisa won the Gheorghe Dima International Music Competition for choral conductors in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and was also the winner of the inaugural Finnish Choral Conductors’ Competition in Tampere; other awards include the Conductor’s Prize at the Cracovia Cantans International Choir Competition in Kraków in 2016.”


Good luck Addictio & Harri - of course I’m excited!

28 huhtikuuta 2019

Color Collage 18/2019

I want to wish you happy 1st of May & a lot of sunshine!

Welcome Walpurgis Night & May!

Every spring the speed of the nature surprises me. Only a few warm days
are enough to grow buds in the shrubs and trees  ❤︎
The blooming of crocus and Salix caprea has gone, scillas are withering, but
Omphalodes verna blooms in blue carpets - so beautiful.

Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands & England.

We don't have many carnival days in Finland, but Walpurgis Night & the 1st of May
surely belong to them. This two day celebration is called Vappu.
Young and old put their student caps on, kids have colourful balloons, 
people camp in parks and drink champagne or some heavier stuff and chorus are singing.

In addition to booze we Finns drink sima and eat tippaleipä / funnel cakes at Vappu.
Sima is a sweet sparkling brew that is mainly seasonal. It is usually spiced by adding both 
the flesh and rind of a lemon. The alcohol content is very low due to limited fermentation. 
I don’t personally like tippaleipä, but here is a link telling how they are made.

Happy First of May! - Hauskaa vappua!
And a lovely May of course! - Ja ihanaa toukokuuta myös!
- riitta

For Jutta’s project also the originals.
The student cap is my husband’s. He has a pompom because he studied architecture, 
I studied marketing, no pompom for me!

26 huhtikuuta 2019

Friday Bliss #33 - Time of Tiny Flowers

 In my garden spring starts with tiny flowers: Viola odoratus & scillas,
followed by Omphalodes verna.

Wishing happy end of April!
- riitta

The link is open
Helsinki time

23 huhtikuuta 2019

Kukka - A Flower

The topic of Makrotex Challenge this week is a FLOWER. 
After all daffodils & Easter yellows I wanted to have some pink. 
This edited white crocus is for Jutta’s Digital Art Tuesday.


// MAKROTEX CHALLENGE - Kukka, a flower

21 huhtikuuta 2019

Delicate & Fragile as a Bird's Egg

Pale yellow & pale green summer memories ❤︎
I found an older collage (underneath) with nearly the same colours,
so I made this new one in the same shape.

20 huhtikuuta 2019

Frühlingsglück am Ostern

Eigentlich weiss ich nicht ob mein Titel korrekt geschrieben ist: an Ostern oder am Ostern...
Präpositionen sind so schwer auf deutsch. Besser auf englisch schreiben!

At the moment the garden and the nature look still very bare,
only Salix caprea is beautiful & filled with blooms!
I have one big Salix caprea in my garden and there are many in the neighbourhood.

In the garden Viola odoratus and scillas are starting to bloom...❤︎
I replanted & divided these violas last spring and am very happy
that they survived the heat and severe draught of last summer.

And I enjoy a lot the muscaris and tete a tete daffodils on the terrace!

 Frohe Ostern! - Happy Easter!
- riitta

19 huhtikuuta 2019

Photo & Music Mix for Easter

First some yellows found in a garden center...

No Easter post without an Easter rooster...

Then some pinks...

To finish with the first sto bloom...


The singer Jussi Rainio belongs to family. He is the brother of my son-in-law
and won quite recently a very popular television song contest.
I chose a classic and a pop song - choose what you wish to listen...