30 syyskuuta 2022

Krapu / Crab Week 38

100 sanan krapuhaastetta vetää SusuPetal. 
Viikon 38 krapu sisältäen sanat ärinä, sohva, vaihtaa.

Crab is a 100 word Finnish writing challenge. 
Week 38: A story including words growl, couch, change / replace.


#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #krapu 

#makrotex #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures

20 syyskuuta 2022

Spicy Colours

Makrotex asks for SPICY COLOURS and they are abundant in the nature 
right now: different reds (chili) and oranges (curcuma, cinnamon). The queen of the autumn 
is definitely Parthenocissus that glows in fantastic red! Photos from my archives.


#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #krapu 

#makrotex / spicy colours #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures

18 syyskuuta 2022

Colour Collage Week 38

For a change some art seen at The Didrichsen Art Museum in 2021 -

The theme is Berries and Terrain. You can choose one or the other color palette 
or combine them in your collage. This week’s  berry is  buckthorn
and the terrain shade is  seashore (chosen by me).

#colour collage #der natur donnerstag #gartenglück 

#image-in-ing #krapu #makrotex #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

16 syyskuuta 2022

Friday Bliss #209 - Garden Views of the Week

My autumn asters, Symphyotrichum novi-belgii, are still small plants, but they spread eagerly. 
I replant root sprouts to suitable places. Here in front of our terrace. Autumn is in the air 
and finally we got some good rain! I hope this rain will help trees and my plants to survive.

Daughter M & her husband helped DH to carry all terrace furniture to shelter and 
all potted seedlings were planted. No stress whatsoever, the autumn may come!

I like very much the lime colour of Humulus lupulus ’Aureus’.
It spreads eagerly and I grow new plants from its root sprouts.

Previously here was growing a beautiful pale violet Clematis Emilia Plater,
but unfortunately it disappeared years ago. Now this wild humulus replaces it.
At the background you see how my small lawn has suffered from the draught.

Emilia Plater looked this fabulous a few years ago.

One of my young humulus root sprouts.

My purple clematis are still going strong. Here Negritjanka.

Plums are ripening. 
I used a small bowl as decoration for a book cover photo for my book blog.

Every day joy on the kitchen table is offered by this simple autumn arrangement.
The white Phalaenopsis has been in bloom for over two months ❤︎


Wishing you a pleasant weekend!

The link is open
Helsinki time

13 syyskuuta 2022

Krapu / Crab Week 37


Syyssateiden on luvattu alkavan ensi yönä ja syksy etenee talveksi ryminällä, luulen. Niin suomalainen kuin olenkin, en voi sietää talvea, tuiskua enkä pakkasta. Monet talvi riehaannuttaa kyllä sekopäisiksi. Hiihdetään murtsikkaa tykkylumisten puitten katveessa kolmenkymmenen asteen pakkasessa tai uhataan henkiriepua off-piste-rinteillä. Kevättalvella nökötetään pilkkihaalareissa avannon reunalla, vaikka ei tulisi sintin sinttiä.

Kaikkein hurmoksellisimpia tyyppejä ovat avantouimarit  - ne on kuin joku lahko! Hurrataan ja huudetaan hallelujaa huulet sinisinä kelluvien jäiden seassa. Onneksi niillä on älliä käydä välillä saunassa lämmittelemässä. Tuo ei todellakaan ole minua varten. Minä annan mieluummin jäiden kolista grogilasissani. Kun siemailen Piña Coladaa, siirryn mielikuvissani kevyesti tropiikin lämpöön.

100 sanan krapuhaastetta vetää SusuPetal. 
Viikon 37 kravun inspiraationa yllä oleva kuva.

Crab is a 100 word Finnish writing challenge. 
Week 37: A story inspired by above photo.


Autumn rains have been promised to start next night and autumn is progressing into winter with a rush, I think. As Finnish as I am, I can't stand winter, snowstorms and frost. But winter does make many crazy. They go skiing under the snow-loaded trees in thirty degrees below zero or risk their lives on the off-piste slopes. In the spring they hang out in ice overalls on the edge of the ice holes, even if they don’t catch a single tiny fish.

The craziest types are the winter bathers - they are like a sect! They cheer in ecstacy and yell hallelujah with blue lips among the floating ice. Fortunately, they have enough intelligence to go to the sauna to warm up from time to time. That's definitely not for me. I prefer to let the ice clink in my grog glass. When I sip a Piña Colada, I'm lightly transported in my mind to the warmth of the tropics.


#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #krapu 

#makrotex #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures

11 syyskuuta 2022

Colour Collage Week 37

The photos are from Häme Castle, Hämeenlinna.

The theme is Berries and Terrain. You can choose one or the other color palette 
or combine them in your collage. This week’s  berry is  bog bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum) 
and the terrain shade is  waterside forest (chosen by me).

#colour collage #der natur donnerstag #gartenglück 

#image-in-ing #krapu #makrotex #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

09 syyskuuta 2022

Friday Bliss #208 - Green Memory Mix from Florence

I spent a few days in Florence in the autumn of 2019 - before the pandemic, war in Ukraine 
and the energy crisis. It was an unforgettable vacation. I saw so much, visited art museums, 
churches and admired the city & the Arno, as my small apartment was near to Ponte Vecchio.
Because I’m narrowed down to the house right now, I needed something to lift up the spirits
 and was viewing my photos and thought to share some green views with you, too.

Please note the people on the street at the low part of the photo. The wall was very high. 

How on earth they are able to cut the grass on a slope steep like this!

Here at home Sedum Herbstfreude is blushing. This is a plant that tolerates every draught!
Otherwise the garden is a sad sight - it is so dry that many perennials are drooping their leaves. 
I wonder how many plants will be lost due to the draught of this summer.

Autumn is a book lover’s Christmas! There are constantly new books to be released 
by Finnish writers & publishers. The latest book read is a novel The Cook of Miss Stein 
by talented Leena Parkkinen. The story tells about the Paris of the 1930s, Gertrude Stein, 
Alice B. Toklas and their Finnish cook Margit. The lovestory of Stein and Toklas was brave
at the time when homosexuality was a crime.


Wishing you a pleasant weekend!

The link is open
Helsinki time

04 syyskuuta 2022

Colour Collage Week 36


The theme is Berries and Terrain. You can choose one or the other color palette 
or combine them in your collage. This week’s berry is cowberry and the terrain shade is heath. 

#colour collage #der natur donnerstag #gartenglück 

#image-in-ing #krapu #makrotex #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

02 syyskuuta 2022

Friday Bliss #207 - Happy Birthday, Silva & Selma!

Selma and Silva celebrate today their first birthday - congratulations!
They are healthy, lively, soft and sweet ❤️  They run and play, hunt flies,
love to go out in the garden and let us sleep in the morning. 

Selma posed for me a bit, but Silva was not a minute still.
The position of her ears tells that she didn’t like modeling at all.

Clematis Negritjanka and Mikelite are in bloom, have been for a while. In the spring 
they woke up very late and I was afraid that they will not show up at all. 
The flowers are smaller than usual, due to the draught.

Clematis Negritjanka

Clematis Mikelite, picture taken from the shadow side towards the terrace.
There is more abundant blooming on the other side.

Bees are busy, even if there is autumn in the air.

I've been suffering from sciatica for 2.5 weeks now. The pain radiates to the entire left leg, 
all the way to the foot. Moving is extremely painful. They said that recovering takes 
from 6 weeks till 3 months. I may have to rely on old photos in the coming weeks, 
if I can't walk and take new ones. But that’s life.


Wishing you a pleasant weekend!

The link is open
Helsinki time