15 maaliskuuta 2019

Friday Bliss #27 - Animalistic

This week I read a fantastic fable by the Chilean writer, Luis Sepúlveda:
The Story of a Seagull and the Cat who Taught Her to fly 
- Historia de una gaviota y del gato que le enseñó a volar 

The story tells about a seagull who is about to die due to crude oil on the sea water. 
 She manages to make an emergency landing on the balcony of 
a big fat black cat called Zorbas. The seagull lays an egg and Zorbas promises to hatch it 
and then teach the chick to fly. All this is a tough project and Zorbas needs help of his cat buddies - Secretario, Sabelotodo, Barlovento & Colonello. I warmly recommend 💕

Zorbas might look like this! This is not my Sissi.

The other book of Sepúlveda I warmly recommend is: 
The Old Man Who Read Love Stories - Un viejo que leía novelas de amor

This handsome Samoyed dog is Marlon B who works at the local pet shop.
My husband always buys him some goodies!
The Samoyed is a breed of large herding dog, with a thick, white, double-layer coat. 
It takes its name from the Samoyedic peoples of Siberia. 

And this cute girl belongs to my friend...

And some flowers for the weekend - Have it nice & cozy!
- riitta

The link is open
Helsinki time

12 kommenttia:

  1. Hi Riitta,
    lovey dogs and Flowers :O))
    The Books sound wonderful, what a shame, they are not in german language ...would love to reed them!
    Wishing you a happy weekend, Love and hugs, Claudia so

  2. Riitta - I just want to get down on the floor and use Marlon B. as a pillow! Lovely flowers. Enjoy your weekend, and thanks for hosting Friday Bliss!

  3. Handsome dog, cute dog and lovely flowers! All I like! Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Fantastic Pictures. I Love the cat

  5. Thanks for the advices...and for the nice pictures of pets.
    Have a nice weekend!

  6. ...that cute girl sure has sad eyes!

  7. Sweet photos of your pets. La novela "Un viejo que leía novelas de amor" me suena muy interesante como yo vivía en Ecuador por algunos años, incluso en el oriente. ´¡Buen fin de semana!

  8. A nice feature on the pets you know and are well loved. Both books have attractive covers. An interesting and thought provoking fable. Thank you for the flowers and good wishes for the weekend. I hope you have a relaxing one yourself.

  9. Cool pictures.
    Thank you for hosting.

  10. Gracias por las recomendaciones. Se ven lindos los perros y gatos. Besitos.


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