31 heinäkuuta 2021

My July in Collages

Weatherwise July was oh so beautiful, hot and sunny - but torturing dry. I have practically photographed nothing in the garden, nor wanted to see the sad withering plants. On the contrary I have been a lot on the move, also not to mourn about the death of Sissi on the first of July. So, it was an active month for me, visiting museums & other sightseeings and meeting with friends & family.If you wish to take a peak to my July, visit these blog posts:

Doll House Exhibition in Ahola, Tuusulan Rantatie
Erkkola, an artist home on Tuusulan Rantatie
Agapanthus in the Wintergarden of the City of Helsinki
Grandson Kalle’s birthday in a beautiful rural setting
Some impressions from my July garden. Wishing you all a good start to August!

#der natur donnerstag #garden affair #gartenglück #image-in-ing #makrotex / monthly collage
#my corner of the world #tuesdays treasures #t in die neue woche #wednesday around the world 

30 heinäkuuta 2021

Friday Bliss #150 - The Church of St. Lawrence in Lohja

Today I’ll take you to The Middle Ages. Finnish medieval stone churches were built mainly of granite, but brick was often used in parts that required demanding design. According to current knowledge, there were 104 stone church projects, but some were discontinued or have since been demolished.

The Church of St. Lawrence in Lohja is a medieval greystone church that was built between 1470 and 1490. The interior lime paintings date back to the time of Bishop Arvid Kurki (1510–1522). St. Lawrence Church in Lohja and The Holy Cross Church in Hattula are the most significant decorated churches in Finland, and they are considered sister churches because of their abundant paintings. The church is dedicated to St. Laurentius, the deacon, who suffered martyr death. 

Here I have to praise this amazing Finnish novel that was released this year. 
The Saint of the Rats by Anneli Kanto tells how the lime paintings were done 
in The Holy Cross Church in Hattula. There was a group of church painters who came from 
Sweden (Finland belonged to Sweden at that time). The identity of the painters is unknown,
but probably the same group of painters decorated also the church in Lohja.

Wishing you all a relaxing & sunny weekend, stay well & healthy!
Thank you for all the lovely comments you leave week after week at Friday Bliss.

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Helsinki time

26 heinäkuuta 2021

A Visit to Kustavi

Kustavi is a small municipality with less than a thousand inhabitants in Southwest Finland, 
but it is the most popular summer cottage municipality with about 3,100 summer homes. 
During the summer, Kustavi's population increases more than tenfold! Hubbys daughter Nana 
and her husband Sami have their summer cottage there. Our short trip was a success: 
sun, lovely summer, peace, good food, the sea and of course family & lovely doggies.

They have two lively Tibetan Terriers Sisu and Milo (the black one).
Sisu is nine years old, but Milo just a baby: only five months. He was like a small teddy ❤︎
Sisu loves to have a motorboat run. With a lifevest on he is very proud.

These are the days to remember when autumn rains fall and the wind blows!

#my corner of the world #tuesdays treasures #t in die neue woche #wednesday around the world

23 heinäkuuta 2021

Friday Bliss #149 - Doll House Exhibition

The Doll House Association celebrates this year its 30th anniversary. I used to be a member during my hobby years, but not any more. I visited their 30th anniversary exhibition at the Järvenpää Art Museum’s Ahola that used to be the home of writer Juhani Aho and his wife, painter Venny Soldan-Brofeldt during 1897-1911. The couple went through a love triangle as Mr. Aho fell in love with his wife’s sister Tilly and they even got a son together in 1902. This ’scandal’ was kept in tight secret until the married couple’s younger son Antti wrote his father’s biography in 1951. 

Downstairs in the yellow wooden villa there was their permanent exhibition with beautifully lit posters with Venny’s art, sketches and family photos. And the whole upstairs was filled with doll houses - a little girl’s paradise! I took a few photos of this miniature world, but as the small objects were behind glass, my photos did not succeed very well. Yet a few impressions.

I was especially impressed with the personal dolls. Most of them were self made
out of Fimo modeling mass. This cute elderly couple was so sweet.
Under a modern single woman in her apartment.

This old Doll House Mansion is antique. It is from the 1930s. 
Goldsmith Hjalmar Armfelt donated the house to his grandchildren.

The Doll House Association has even published a book -
Life and ambiances in Finnish doll houses.
 To finish still some impressions of the permanent exhibition.

The lady playing the piano on the right is Aino Sibelius.
Mr. Aho was in love with her before Aino married Jean Sibelius.

Wishing you all a relaxing & sunny weekend!
Thank you for all the lovely comments you leave week after week at Friday Bliss.

The link is open
Helsinki time

19 heinäkuuta 2021

Gumbostrand Konst & Form

Gumbostrand Konst & Form is an art center founded in 2012, which includes
an art gallery, a design shop and a bistro focusing on classic Scandinavian flavors.
The entity was established in K. Hartwall's old factory environment, where bottle caps were 
reportedly made earlier. Konst & Form enjoys a scenic location by the sea
in Sipoo’s Gumbostrand. The ocean views were stunning. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time 
to take landscape photos (kids involved!), but I want to go there again to admire.

The space was nicely renovated, high and spacious. I especially liked Anu Penttinen's
colorful and imaginative glass objects. 
Take a look at the link that introduces the artists of their summer exhibition.

 Anu Penttinen's glass objects were colorful & shiny.

Åsa Hellman - Eight Black Tulips

Kuva: Konst & Form

Marja Hepo-aho's Gumbo fox was so cute and available in different colors. 

Tuomo Saali's Maa-ilma / The World was amazing. There is a play of words as in Finnish 
the world is maailma. If you split it in two syllables as maa-ilma it says earth-air.

Luke Nicol

I hope this post fits to Tom’s Tuesday’s treasures, even if these objects are not old.

#der natur donnerstag #garden affair #gartenglück #image-in-ing #makrotex /shiny
#my corner of the world #tuesdays treasures #t in die neue woche #wednesday around the world