At the moment Echinops bannaticus is a real bumblebee magnet!
In reality it is shiny and very black.
Cream white Aconitum is blooming. It is probably A. lycoctonum subsp. neapolitanum.
Wishing you a sunny weekend!
- riitta
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Helsinki time
Helsinki time
Hi Riitta,
VastaaPoistathank you for WONDERFUL pictures fromm bees and butterflies and lovely Hollyhocks! I really LOVE this black one!
Wishing you a lovely and relaxed weekend,
Love and hugs, Claudia xo
You have such a gorgeous garden. LOVE the hollyhock flowers.
Guten Morgen liebe Riitta,
VastaaPoistawunderschöne Bilder begrüssen mich !
Es ist so schön zu sehen wie die Hummeln auf den Blumenköpfen tanzen und Nektar sammeln.
Liebe Freitagsgrüße zu dir von Anna
Dearest Riitta; I'm busy these 4 days as we are in Obon season. Comment you later again♡♡♡
VastaaPoistaLots of Love from Japan; Miyako*
WOW was für wunderschöne Blütenfotos, liebe Riitta. Dein Garten muss ein Blütenparadies sein !!!
VastaaPoistaViele liebe Freitagsgrüße
von Anke
Great photos of beautiful flowers and critters from your garden. Have a wonderful weekend!
VastaaPoistaLauter Lieblingsfarben!
VastaaPoistaBon week-end!
Der Himmel ist bei uns verhangen und es weht ein kühler Wind.Deine Fotos erhellen den Tag!
VastaaPoista♥liche Grüße
Beautiful all!
VastaaPoistaHappy sunny weekend to you too!
Dear Riitta,
VastaaPoistathe Black Hollydock is really an amazing blossom! It' magic, isn't it?! ♥♥♥
Have a nice Friday,
warm greetings moni
Upeita kukkia taas!
VastaaPoistaTummat salkoruusut hurmaavat aina.
Mukavaa viikonloppua!
...some wonderful flowers to attract pollinators! Thanks Riitta for hosting.
VastaaPoistabeautiful photo's Riitta...adding to my Linky page so I can join in soon.
VastaaPoistaExcellent shots! Have a nice weekend.
VastaaPoistaDearest Riitta; Your BLACK hollyhock is so gorgeous; I thought they fits the best as a summer flower♡♡♡ Like your friend said pollinators must be really busy and happy for their buzzing time V(*^.^*)V And I love the way you said they are the "magnet".
VastaaPoistaLast two flowers, I don't have much knowledge. But the picture of one bee poking its neck into the Aconitum made me smile♬
Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
Se ven preciosas. Besitos.