
18 syyskuuta 2018

Memories - La Mercè Barcelona

I have been twice in Barcelona during La Mercè week, the last time a year ago.
It was a month after the sad terrorist attack at La Rambla. I was a bit afraid
and thought even of cancelling my trip. But the city was nice and friendly,
saw only a couple of referendum manifestations.
The whole City of Barcelona is celebrating again the coming long weekend
- September 21st - 24th their patron saint Nuestra Señora de La Merced.

There are tens of free activities, performances and concerts allover the city.
Last year I saw the procession of Correfoc that circulated through Via Laietana.
In the Correfoc people dressed as devils light fireworks - fixed on devil’s pitchforks.
Dancing to the sound of a rhythmic drum group, they set off their fireworks
among crowds of spectators.
I could not get closer than this, because at the same time I participated in a
Carlos Luiz Zafòn tour on the routes of La Sombra del Viento /  The Shadow of the Wind.

And another day I happened to see this fun parade of Giants - Gegants.
I was on a very narrow street and people started to gather there - and soon
the parade was approaching with these unbelievable figures and music.
These giant fantasy figures could be also admired in an exhibition.

The previous time I admired the truly skilful Castellers - human towers.
And was so lucky that a señor living in Barcelona explained me all the time what was happening.
On top of the pyramid there was a very young kid, maybe five years old
 - and I was so afraid  but no accident happened fortunately.

Photo: Daily Mail - See the link for more fantastic photos!

This autumn no LIVE Barcelona for me, but I’m lucky to have my memories!

My previous post about the parade of Giants
Under the tag barcelona I have published many posts: about Gaudí, Miró etc.
I believe that the hotels are fully booked by now
but in case, here some links to La Mercè 2018 if you are interested:

19 kommenttia:

  1. Wie schön. Wir lieben Barcelona und fliegen im Juni wieder hin. Es ist eine tolle Stadt...

  2. Liebe Riitta,
    das sind großartige Bilder! Vielen Dank dafür! Ich war noch nie dort ...
    Ich wünsche Dir einen feinen Tag!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße,Claudia ♥

  3. A great event. That was an amazing human tower!

  4. Barcelona es preciosa y toda España. Besos.

  5. Beautiful Barcelona, wonderful photos Riitta!

  6. I've seen on tv travel programmes that human tower where a small child climbs to the top. It must be scary to watch. I wonder how the child feels? I'm sure you have wonderful memories of the parades and other activities.

    1. The child had a helmet on. I suppose she was the daughter of some adult participant, so that by seing her mother or father to do this, she has kind of grown to the business. The people forming these towers are very careful. If they notice that the lower human levels are not strong and solid enough, they won't continue. As a matter of fact one tower collapsed by accident or intentionally. Nothing happened, no one got injured. There are competitions between the Castellers of different cities. Very interesting. And the square, Plaza de Jaume was really as packed with people as in the photo.

      Thank you all for commenting 💕

  7. I know Barcelona because of the best soccer team

    excellent report

  8. Hienoja muistoja.
    Syytän sinua (vähän) jatkuvasta Barcelona-kuumeesta.

    1. Barcelona-kuume on ihan hyvä juttu! - jostain syystä en voi kommentoida blogiisi. Joutsenpari on ihana!

  9. Great post and beautiful photos from Barcelona.
    I really like this city. I would be happy to come back there.
    Greetings, Riitta.

  10. Barcelona is a city I would very much like to visit, and your post has made that desire even stronger. Such wonderful cultural events. The human tower is new for me - it looks scary and inspiring at the same time!!! I suppose if it did fall over, the people below in the crowd could help to catch those falling? Thanks for your recent visit to my blog!

  11. Nice city capture . Please tell something about my capture on my blog.

  12. A fun post to see! I've heard great things about Barcelona.

  13. Wow! Great photos - I'd love to visit for this festival someday.

  14. A happy WednesdayAroundTheWorld - it’s a good Post, I enjoyed it so much! Barcelona looks fantastisc. I prefer to visit the Gaudi Park. Thank you for sharing, dear Riita. And thank you for your consolation.
    Wish you a perfect day


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