
09 syyskuuta 2022

Friday Bliss #208 - Green Memory Mix from Florence

I spent a few days in Florence in the autumn of 2019 - before the pandemic, war in Ukraine 
and the energy crisis. It was an unforgettable vacation. I saw so much, visited art museums, 
churches and admired the city & the Arno, as my small apartment was near to Ponte Vecchio.
Because I’m narrowed down to the house right now, I needed something to lift up the spirits
 and was viewing my photos and thought to share some green views with you, too.

Please note the people on the street at the low part of the photo. The wall was very high. 

How on earth they are able to cut the grass on a slope steep like this!

Here at home Sedum Herbstfreude is blushing. This is a plant that tolerates every draught!
Otherwise the garden is a sad sight - it is so dry that many perennials are drooping their leaves. 
I wonder how many plants will be lost due to the draught of this summer.

Autumn is a book lover’s Christmas! There are constantly new books to be released 
by Finnish writers & publishers. The latest book read is a novel The Cook of Miss Stein 
by talented Leena Parkkinen. The story tells about the Paris of the 1930s, Gertrude Stein, 
Alice B. Toklas and their Finnish cook Margit. The lovestory of Stein and Toklas was brave
at the time when homosexuality was a crime.


Wishing you a pleasant weekend!

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30 kommenttia:

  1. Good morning Riita,
    What's wrong? How are you!
    I'm happy to believe that you like to think back to Florence.
    We've been there before, but that was at least 30 years ago and I don't have any pictures that are as beautiful as you have.
    But also a very nice memory for me.
    I wish you all the best and a speedy recovery.
    Greetings Eve

    1. Good morning dear Eva,
      Probably you did not notice, but I told last week that I am suffering from sciatic pain / Ischias. They say it will last for 6 weeks till 3 months. I have had this for 4 weeks now. I can’t walk properly and sleeping is difficult due to the pain. I don’t know what to do with my autumn posts, as I can’t go and take new photos 🥲 So, probably I’ll have to recycle old ones.

  2. I was in florence about 40 years ago and was also very enthusiastic about the city. thank you for the wonderful memories!
    I wish you a good recovery and soon no more pain.

    1. Thank you Mano! I would love to visit Florence any day!

  3. Liebe Riitta,

    schöne Impressionen aus Florenz, die hohe Mauer ist sehr beeindruckend. Es ist schon eine tolle Stadt mit imposanten Bauten und Parks.

    Die Fette Henne fängt bei uns auch bald mit der Blüte an, sie kommt bestens mit der Trockenheit zurecht.

    Bei uns hat es nun endlich geregnet, es ist eine Wohltat.

    Ich wünsche Dir weiterhin gute Besserung und viel Geduld.

    Alles Liebe
    wünscht Dir

    1. I don’t even remember when it rained here the last time. Now they forecast rain for Thursday next week. I do not believe until I see it!

  4. Sorry to know about your pain and hope there is relieve from the pain soon. Photos from the archive can be used. Thanks for sharing photos of a place which I most probably won't have a chance visit.

    1. The blog world widens our views when we can read about and see photos from places which we never will visit. That is why I love your posts about restaurants that are exotic to me. Wishing a nice weekend Nancy.

  5. Thanks for sharing your lovely shots. I wish you all the best for your sciatica. Take care!

  6. Ich wünsche dir baldige Genesung, mir haben Muskelentspannungs Tabletten geholfen. Viel Ruhe ist auch wichtig. Ja an Florenz habe ich auch schöne Erinnerungen. Besonders die schönen Gärten in der Höhe, da sind wohl auch deine Bilder entstanden, sind sehr schön angelegt. Eigentlich sollten wir viel mehr in unseren Archiven stöbern.
    L G Pia

    1. Thank you Pia. I have also muscle relaxant and do make some stretching, the pain is less today. There is so much to see and experience in Florence. I loved the numerous palaces, Duomo, absolutely everything!

  7. Dearest Riitta,
    yes, I can remember that you wrote me as a comment on my Florence travelogue in 2021 that you were there in 2019 and that you saw all the places that I saw, too :-) It's always uplifting for me, too, to look at photos from our trips - and I was also happy to see the photos of YOUR trip :-) I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll travel to Florence again one day.
    WOW, your Sedum is already further than mine! I am surprised that the summer in Austria was less dry than the summer in Finland. But I think we ALL will have to change our gardens to more drought tolerant plants, less lawn, more vegetables and fruit, for a bit of "self catering"... I think the "fat years" are over.
    Best wishes

    1. Thank you Traude. Yes the fat years are over and all this came drastically. First the world wide pandemic and then the war in Ukraine. Mr. Putin has put all Europe upside down with blackmailing with Russian gas and oil. The price of electricity will rise to heaven next winter also in Finland. Probably there will be cut downs, too. We’ll see.

  8. is filled with memories, keep making more.

  9. Always fun to look at your vacation captures in Italy! What are Finland's plans for energy when winter comes?

    1. The energy situation is not too bad in Finland, but the prices are high as in other countries too. The covernment urges the consumers to spare the energy and will support people’s high energy bills. I am worried about the energy bills a bit.

  10. Wow. Lovely. A friend is there now but a bit hampered by the train strikes....however, I'm still jealous!

  11. Thank you for sharing these lovely scenes. Keep in mind that things can get better quickly, just as they got worse quickly. Take care.

  12. Wow what for beautiful photos from so an interesting town. I know Florence only from photos and TV Dokus. You show so fantastic places.
    I wish you a speedy recovery and that the pain subsides quickly,

  13. Liebe Riitta,
    Florenz ist wunderschön, zumindest der alte Stadtkern, drumherum ist es nicht so schön. Ich war zwei Mal dort und habe es jedesmal genossen.
    Ich wünsche Dir einen wundervollen Sonntag.

    Viele liebe Grüße


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