
02 syyskuuta 2022

Friday Bliss #207 - Happy Birthday, Silva & Selma!

Selma and Silva celebrate today their first birthday - congratulations!
They are healthy, lively, soft and sweet ❤️  They run and play, hunt flies,
love to go out in the garden and let us sleep in the morning. 

Selma posed for me a bit, but Silva was not a minute still.
The position of her ears tells that she didn’t like modeling at all.

Clematis Negritjanka and Mikelite are in bloom, have been for a while. In the spring 
they woke up very late and I was afraid that they will not show up at all. 
The flowers are smaller than usual, due to the draught.

Clematis Negritjanka

Clematis Mikelite, picture taken from the shadow side towards the terrace.
There is more abundant blooming on the other side.

Bees are busy, even if there is autumn in the air.

I've been suffering from sciatica for 2.5 weeks now. The pain radiates to the entire left leg, 
all the way to the foot. Moving is extremely painful. They said that recovering takes 
from 6 weeks till 3 months. I may have to rely on old photos in the coming weeks, 
if I can't walk and take new ones. But that’s life.


Wishing you a pleasant weekend!

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47 kommenttia:

  1. Ohhh, how beautiful. I like your cats so much.
    The faces are beautiful too.
    Oh, I would love to cuddle her now.
    You have given me great pleasure.
    Good luck and greetings Eva

    1. Thank you Eva for your nice words. My kitties ere really sweet.

  2. So sorry you are experiencing sciatica pain. So nasty. Take care of yourself as much as you can. Hot baths or ice packs? Hope you get well very soon.

    1. Than’ you Sara for comforting me. This pain is almost unbearable.

  3. How elegantly the two beauties look into the camera, dear Riitta. I love cats. Get well soon! Hugs, Nicole

    1. Thanks Nicole. I am happy to have these two, their fur is of different colour and so is their nature. Selma is calm and Silva near to ADHD!

  4. Liebe Riitta,

    Deine Clematis ist eine Wucht, was für eine Blütenpracht. Deinen beiden Katzen alles Liebe zum Geburtstag und viele Knuddler von mir.

    Ich wünsche Dir gute Besserung und drücke die Daumen, dass es Dir bald besser geht. Ich kenne es nur zu gut, was es heisst, wenn man nicht laufen kann bzw. darf. Viel Geduld und Durchhaltevermögen wünsche ich Dir.

    Herzliche Grüße
    von Anke

    1. Thank you dear Anke for your lovely words. I am resting and waiting the time to pass. After this I’ll appreciate very high healthy legs and capability to move!

  5. Silva's pic with the motion blur is more interesting. Lovely blooms and bees.

  6. Congrats to your beautiful critters and good luck for sciatica. That's life.
    Let's hope September brings good things.

  7. Happy birthday to your sweet kitties. You have an abundance of beautiful flowers in your garden. I'm sorry to hear about the troubling sciatica and hope that you can rest. Also that you get some rain as life would be easier with mobility when watering, gardening and taking photos.

    1. Thank you Linda. It is very dry here and no rain in sight. I have some seedlings to plant in the autumn. Probably my husband must do the job with my advice 😃

  8. Onneksi olkoon tytöille ja sinulle pikaista paranemista!

    1. Tytöt on kyllä söpöjä. Helvetillinen särky on lientynyt tänään hieman.

  9. Both are beautiful cats. Sorry about your sciatica pain. Do take things easy and hope you are feeling better now. Beautiful flowers. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. ...I only have a clematis blooms at this time. Enjoy your approaching autumn.

  11. Happy birthday to your kittens - Selma and Silva.
    I feel very sorry for the pain from sciatica. I know how it hurts.
    Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thank you Lucia! The kittens are sweet and the pain not as strong today. A good sign?

  12. Hallo liebe Riitta!

    Ich mag die Klematis am liebsten in purpurfarbenen.
    Auch deine Katzen sind sehr fotogen!
    Ich bedauere das immer, dass ich eine Katzenallergie habe, sonst hätte ich schon längst solche hübschen Tiere.

    Liebe Grüße


    1. Thank you so much Anne. Purple is one of my favourite garden colours and these two clematis never disappoint. Not even this year, as Ithought.

  13. I'm so sorry you're suffering. At least there will come an end to it in so many weeks. I have pinched nerves that cause nerve pain to my foot and know the misery of it. No cure, try to stay in perfect alignment. Ice dulls the pain so cold packs not heat help me.LeeAnna

  14. Thanks for taking the time to host and to create this nice post. Sure hope you are feeling wonderful again very soon!

  15. Deine 2 Samtpfoten sind wirklich zauberhaft !
    So schöne Fotos von ihnen.
    Und deine Klematis strahlt in einer tollen Farbe.
    Für deine Gesundheit wünsche ich viel Durchhaltevermögen.
    Ischias kennen wir wohl alle, ein schrecklicher Schmerz.
    Bekommst du keine Schmerzmittel dafür ?
    Alles Liebe

    1. Hello Jutta,
      I have pain killers and muscle relaxant, they help a little. It is difficult to find a painfree position while sleeping. Indeed patience is needed.

  16. Hello Leeanne,

    I am sorry to hear that you have permanent nerve pain. This is a hell! I am happy that I have a chance to get rid of it some day. My husband borrowed a wheelchair for me because I am unable to walk. Four years ago I had an ankle fracture and cast for three months - plus many more months until the ankle was recovered. So, not that bad now.

  17. I see, dear Riitta, one of your cats is a model and one is a bit camera shy - but both are beautiful and adorable. I congratulate them both on their first birthday and on their first year of life, which they were allowed to spend lovingly in a protective home! May they share with you many, many more wonderful years!
    Your cleamatis and the other plants in your garden look beautiful and I'm so happy that some of them attract insects too, that's so important!
    I'm sorry you have sciatica - I know it and how uncomfortable it is. A very good masseur gave me an invaluable tip that helped me a lot: he told me to strengthen and stretch my piriformis muscle. Since I've been doing this regularly, I've had no more sciatic pain! Maybe this tip will help you too? Anyway, I wish you all the best!
    Hugs, Traude

    1. Thank you Traude for the piriformis tips. I have to find out the excersises that will keep the pain away. At the moment a slight stretching is the only thing I can do. This came quite suddenly, without no previous warning.

  18. Dear Riitta,
    I am sorry to read of your sciatica pain. It can be so painful. Your kittens are beautiful, as is the clematis. Enjoy September as best you can!

  19. Your kitties are growing so fast! Love your clematis. That would be a flower I would like in my garden:) Gace a great weekend, Emille (Jesh)

  20. I recommend looking up Dean Volk for his advice on sciatica. Happy birthday to the kitties.

  21. Tus gatitas están preciosas y tus flores también. Siento lo de tu ciatica, espero que pronto estés bien. Yo estoy con un tratamiento para las rodillas, tengo los meniscos internos rotos, y algunas cosas más, me duelen mucho. Un abrazo.

    1. Lo siento mucho Teresa. Espero que tus rodillas se mejoren pronto y el dolor se vaya.

  22. Zuerst wünsche ich dir baldige Besserung. Mir hilft bei Ischiasschmerzen, die Beine im 90° Winkel hoch zu legen in Rückenlage. Schön wie die Clematis noch in Blüte steht bei dir, eine schöne Farbe hat sie. Sicher haben die Katzen einen besonderen Happen zum Geburtstag bekommen.
    L G Pia

    1. Thank you dear Pia. I know that movement and use it every day. Lg, riitta

  23. Liebe Riitta,
    ich wünsche Dir gute Besserung und hoffe, dass Du sehr bald wieder ganz gesund bist.
    Und herzlichen Glückwunsch auch von mir an die beiden Geburtstagskinder. Sie sind wirklich sehr süß.
    Ja, die Trockenheit hat hier im Garten auch für viele Veränderungen gesorgt und so manches wird wohl nächstes Jahr nicht mehr wachsen...
    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Sonntag.

    Viele liebe Grüße

    1. Thank you Wolfgang for your wishes. Last summer was also very dry and I lost some plants. Next year for sure a few more. It is quite impossible to water enough. I have given up for this season.

  24. In real-life I understand that the clematis flowers are smaller due to the drought, but in your photos they certainly are lovely. I am so sorry that your sciatica has flared up and how painful it must be. Also very difficult to treat -- it is hard to be patient and wait when you are in such pain. I hope that you find relief soon. (And meanwhile, perhaps the beautiful kitties will consent to pose for you or even cuddle up to help you smile a bit.)

    1. Thank you Sallie. Selma and Silva do comfort me. They are so sweet 💕


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