
12 elokuuta 2022

Friday Bliss #204 - Open Gardens, August 7

Puutarhaliitto / Garden Association is the central organization of the Finnish horticulture. Among other things Puutarhaliitto arranges yearly a nationwide theme day Open Gardens, where home gardeners can open their garden gates for visitors. No entrance fees. The theme day has been arranged since 2012 and yearly about 500 gardens participate. Annual visitors mount to 50,000. 

Last Sunday I visited two gardens and got many ideas & inspiration. That is why I have been out in the garden many hours every day. Both computer and ipad were shut and I have not been online at all. I’ll visit your links as soon as possible!

The first garden I visited was my friend Kati’s garden. They have a beautiful wooden house, 
over 100 years old and a BIG garden. Kati collects plants and perennials and 
I can’t even guess the amount of species she has. 
Photo: Kati

Iron metal gazebo radiated the charm of times gone by.
Photo: Kati

She has grown these wonderful lavenders - Lavandula spica - from seed.

Tomatoes were ripening in the greenhouse and I liked very much
this self made birth bath.

Kati's husband is very handy and I loved these stairs made by him!

I did not have chance to ask what lies behind this granite torso...

The spikes of Veronica longifolia ’Charlotte’ look amazing.
Photo: Kati

There were many sanded, curved paths through the garden.
Here beside the house with Astrantia major, hosta, ferns and heuchera.

I’ll present the other garden - inspired by Barcelona and Gaudí -
in a later post. Hope you got inspired as well!
Thank you so much for your links and comments!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

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18 kommenttia:

  1. Good morning Riita,
    I thought about you and that you weren't online.
    But now everything is fine.
    A beautiful garden and I even got an inspiration too.
    Let's see, maybe I'll do that later.
    Greetings and a nice weekend wishes Eva

  2. Beautiful garden and plants. Nice bird bath, brick stairs and garden with big rocks. Nice to walk through the garden.

  3. Open Gardens is a great idea. I liked Kati's garden. Even I like to collect perennials.

  4. This garden deserves a visit indeed.

  5. Hallo Riitta!

    Beautiful such natural gardens. No frills, everything as nature intended! Thanks for the tour!

    Warm greetings


  6. Das mache ich auch gerne, in anderen Gärten wandeln und mich inspirieren lassen. Gärten die über Jahre entstanden sind gefallen mir auch sehr gut.
    L G Pia

  7. How beautiful! I love that torso!! (On my instagram I got very excited to see a torso in a garden today - I crossed the road for a closer look!)

  8. Dearest Riitta,
    your friend Kati has a wonderful, beautiful garden, it looks so calm and natural and it is really VERY inspiring. Now I'm curious for the "Barcelona-Gaudi-Garden", cause I like Gaudi's Art very much!
    All the best,

  9. Wonderful gardenplaces and the house - it's so romantic. I loved it. Thank you and your friend for this interesting walk,
    greetings from a very hot Germany

  10. I saw a lawn ornament like the torso at our store... it's interesting in a garden

  11. That garden is absolutely stunning! Thanks to you and your friend Kati for sharing it. The Open Garden concept is a delightful idea -- this garden definitely deserves to be seen by many grateful eyes. It's almost hard to believe it is a private garden as it looks at least as beautiful as many public Horticultural Gardens I've visited.

  12. Ein wunderschöner Sommergarten, liebe Riitta. Mit seinen Wegen und Lavendelblüten. Herzlichst, Nicole

  13. this is really a beautiful garden and i especially like the path with the many hostas. and of course the wonderful old wooden house with the beautiful bay window. having breakfast there is definitely a pleasure!
    have a nice sunday!

  14. Liebe Riitta,
    das ist wirklich ein wunderschöner Garten, danke fürs Zeigen. Die Stufen gefallen mir auch sehr gut. Es ist schon viel Wert, wenn man handwerklich geschickt ist.
    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Sonntag.

    Viele liebe Grüße

  15. Se ve precioso, me encanta. Besos.


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