
05 elokuuta 2022

Friday Bliss #203 - Gumbostrand Konst & Form, Art & Gallery

I visited with a friend Gumbostrand Konst & Form, which is an art center situated in a scenic location by the sea in Gumbostrand, Sipoo. It includes an art gallery, design store and bistro and is founded in the old factory milieu of K. Hartwall, a soft drink company founded in 1836. We admired the works of many painters, about some a few words.

Greta Salonen - Young painter of the month at GKF showed a set of big fruit paintings. Especially the green-white Symphoricarpos (above) pleased my eye. In the same style she had painted satsumas, citrus & oranges. Greta Salonen is a 30-year-old visual artist and art educator from Helsinki. Her works have been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in Finland and Great Britain.

In Veronica Österman's art the interplay of light, shadow and colours are the central elements. In her paintings there is often a hazy atmosphere and the cityscapes lie somewhere between faithful portrayal and abstract art. Her colour palette has been compared to that of Finnish painter Helene Schjerfbeck, and her style shares some of the sensibilities of Turner and Monet.

On the way home.
This painting shows the presidential palace and Uspenski Cathedral
near market Place in the center of Helsinki. Beautiful.

Villa Cielo I

Anu Penttinen is a designer and glass artist who lives and works in Nuutajärvi Glass Village, where art glass has been made for almost 230 years. Anu has a BA (Hons) degree from the art glass department of the Australian National University's School of Art from 2000, and considers her time in Australia to be an essential stage in the development of her career as an artist to what it is today.


Katariina Souri - Hawk tamer.
Souri (b. 1968) is a well-known media person: a writer, artist, columnist and 
Playboy's Playmate of the Month for December, 1988. 
Today she is a beautiful 51-year old woman, with a changed hair style.

My dh’s cousins came to visit with their wifes. The three had seen each other last time 
as school boys - so it was a happy gettogether with a lot of childhood memories.
My mother-in-law Ilma had 9 sisters and one brother who all scattered
around the country, because after the war Karelia became a Russian territory.

They brought me this beautiful late summer bouquet and we had a light lunch with strawberries 
and icecream on our terrace. Pleasant day, not too hot.

Thank you so much for your links and comments!
I don’t know where my time goes this summer. Maybe it is a sign that I have grown old -
according to the saying that The older you get, the faster time flies..
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

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20 kommenttia:

  1. Good morning Riita,
    there it has a very nice picture with it. It's wonderful what these artists have created here. I would have liked the exhibition too.
    I think the lamp is the best, it's such a great piece of equipment. Great.
    The idea alone is glass art, but I also find the other glass objects very beautiful.
    By the way, I also know a glass artist
    Susan Feix.
    She makes wonderful glass objects, is a photographer and a dancer.
    I have attended many courses with her and her studio is just around the corner.
    Greetings Eva and have a nice weekend

  2. Nice paintings. I like the glass art with the hat. Thank you for hosting.

  3. Those are some remarkable paintings and glass art!

  4. Onpa ihania marjatauluja! Tykkään kovin suureellisuudesta :) Tosin Östermanin taulujen herkkyys viehättää yhtä lailla. Kävin kesällä Nuutajärvellä pitkästä aikaa nauttimassa lasitaiteesta (pitääkin postata) ja kohtasin Penttisen veikeitä lasitöitä myös siellä. Ihanan virkistävää taidetta löysit Sipoosta! Mukavaa viikonloppua!

  5. I know and like the works of Penttinen. Thanks for sharing the modern art.

  6. I just finished a book on the Playboy empire. It was really quite depressing. I like all this art though. Very lovely!

  7. To clarify, not judging the women in the book, but there was a lot of mistreatment and abuse of power (and the world's worst father who really did a number on his daughter)

  8. Dear Riita,
    the artworks you show are very appealing and decorative. I particularly like the original glass works of art!
    The late summer bouquet is really pretty and harmonises perfectly with your placemats! Glad you had a fun time together!
    All the best and have a pleasant weekend,

  9. Anonyymi05 elokuuta

    Bei dir strahlen also auch die Sonnenblumen, und das aus einem erfreulicheren Anlass! Schön! Genieße dein Leben!

  10. Oli kyllä hieno paikka tuo Gumbostrand, jo ihan lokaatioltaan.

  11. what fabulous art!!!!!! I liked going with you to the gallery. And would welcome any of those works into my home! I love the playmate's new hairstyle!

  12. Hallo Riitta!

    I really like the first pictures with the carafe, eggs, milk and so on. But the paintings of the Presidential Palace and Villa Cielo are also entirely my taste. I really like this kind of art.
    Thank you for showing!

    Warm greetings


  13. We have our love for art in common! Interesting sculpture - the lady with the hat, and the painting of the lady with the egg in hand. Now doing pottery, I know the green vase is very creative. And with the row of vases, I love the second one because of its symmetry. Always fun to meet back up with family members:) What a lovely post Riitta!

  14. Nice gallery! Yes, time seems to speed up.

  15. that's an exhibition i would also like to visit. I really love the pictures by greta salonen and the blue one by veronica österman.
    it's nice that you had a nice visit and got such beautiful flowers!
    have a beautiful weekend!

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