
10 kesäkuuta 2022

Friday Bliss #195 - Summer in Pink & White

Hello dear blog friends! 
I have not been much online this week, as I have been quite busy.  I got DH as my garden slave 
and together we have completed this and that. The most wonderful thing is that our terrace 
is now ready for the summer! We painted the floor and carried the furniture to their place
and put the parasols ready. For the weekend it is forecast warm & sunny weather 
and I am going to sit on the terrace and enjoy & relax.

This week’s garden bouquet is made of pinks and whites that are now blooming.
I find the colour combination bright & energizising.

We have a lot of various small birds in the garden and at least three woodpeckers
of different sizes. This one was photographed through the window and it is the biggest / oldest 
of them, as its colours are a bit faded. There are also three squirrels who sabotage
my summer planters hiding nuts among the flowers! But I love wild life. 

Wishing you all a Happy & Sunny Summer Weekend!


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18 kommenttia:

  1. Wow, da passt doch alles zusammen, wenn die Terrasse fertig ist.
    Sieht auch so gut aus deine Blümchen, ach der Sommer ist total schön.
    Ich sollte auch etwas renovieren, aber solange es so schön ist, bin ich lieber draußen.
    Habs fein und liebe Grüße Eva

  2. Was für ein wunderschöner Gartenstrauss, liebe Riitta. Die Farbkombi ist bezaubernd und der Mix einfach herrlich! Der Specht macht mich lächelnd. Hab' ein schönes Wochenende! Lieben Gruß, Nicole

  3. That's a lovely bouquet, I like the baby's breath flowers. Nice shots of the birds!

  4. Guten Morgen liebe Riitta,
    was für ein herrlicher Sommerstrauss, ich sehe noch Flieder bei dir, meiner ist leider schon verblüht.
    Wie schön dass du den Buntspecht im Bild festhalten konntest, hier sind sie recht selten.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende, lieber Gruss von Anna

  5. Liebe Riitta,

    Dein Strauß schaut wundervoll aus, die Farben so schön sommerlich, eine tolle Kombination. Und wie ich sehe blüht sogar noch Rhododendron bei Euch. Genieße Deine Terrasse und die herrliche Vogelwelt, das mit dem Specht ist irre.

    Ein schönes Wochenende
    wünscht Dir

  6. a beautifully refreshing bouquet in delicate colours! i like it very much.
    how nice that the woodpeckers and squirrels feel so at home with you. it is certainly a pleasure to watch them every day!
    have a nice weekend!

  7. I wish you a wonderful sunny weekend too. Enjoy the terrace and the wildlife! 😊🌈🌻🌼🌷🌸🦋

  8. I love wild life, too, dearest Riitta, and I'm very happy that you get so much wild visits :-) Your flower bouquet in pink and white looks sooooooo pretty. I hope the weather on weekend will really be as good as the forecast said, in Finnland and as well in Austria. Because here in Austria we had some cold and rainy days and I really would like garden-weather now :-)
    All the best and happy weekend,

  9. It is a lovely and sweet bouquet. Love the combination of colours. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. A wonderful bouquet. Always a joy to see and hear the birds and other wildlife.
    Enjoy some relaxing time with nice weather on your terrace.
    Thank you for hosting.

  11. What lovely flowers. Thank you for hosting

  12. Always thought squirrels were cute, until I really got to know them at our previous house on the country side. They have a mind of their own, and like to dig into everything! One thing some make a mistake with, is feeding them, or deer every time you see them, but then you rob them from being self-sufficiency. Beautiful bouquet, Riitta - have a lovely weekend! Emille

  13. I think this is beautiful. I need to get myself some flowers!! (I did last week after seeing this....)

  14. Your bouquet of pink and white flowers is so pretty, Riitta. It's always a fun day when the garden furniture is set out. Ours is still waiting as we have had such a cold and wet spring that just won't go away. Have a beautiful weekend!

  15. What a glorious woodpecker!

  16. Fabulous colors of flowers!! And the birds are so great to see.

  17. Liebe Riitta,
    ein wundervoller Strauß. Bei uns ist der Flieder leider schon lange wieder verblüht. Das ging viel zu schnell.
    Und der Buntspecht ist auch bei uns im Garten ein gern gesehener Gast.
    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Sonntag.

    Viele liebe Grüße

  18. El ramo me parece precioso. Besos.


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