
31 tammikuuta 2022

My January in Collage

Weatherwise January offered very fluctuating weather - frost & plus grades, 
cloudy days and sunshine, snowfall & rain. Till this last weekend we had a decent amount of snow,
no threat to be buried in this white stuff, but the weekend showed the strenghth of winter:
Strong winds & over 40 cm new snow - but we are fine!
The month passed quickly in a semi hibernating mood, so glad February is here!
I shared with you some memories & sightseeings from last September. 

Beautiful Sister Love, Selma & Silva

Wishing you a good start to February!

#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #krapu 
#makrotex / monthly collages #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #tuesday's treasures 

19 kommenttia:

  1. Good to hear that you are okay; I hope it will stay and that the storm will go and the snow will stop. Take care and stay healthy

    Saludos, abrazos y besitos


    1. Everything is fine. Me and hubby have managed to do all shoveling… No more new snow, please!

  2. Joo, lumi saisi jo riittää! Onneksi on kohta helmikuu ja se on lyhyt kuukausi kohti kevättä.

    1. Jep, ei lisää lunta, kiitos! Ollaan kuitenkin selvitty lumitöistä eikä selkäkään liiemmin valita.

  3. Beautiful winter pics with a beautiful collage.
    Happy and healthy February days to you!

  4. Thank you Rusyena. Have a bright February.

  5. Dear Riitta!
    I love your collages. I always watch them with great pleasure. There was a strong hurricane in my town yesterday, it broke trees. One person has died and three are in serious condition in hospital. A huge tree collapsed on their Jeep while driving.
    I wish you a healthy and nice week :)

    1. Oh, that’s bad and so sad. In Finland no big damages.

  6. Nun ist der Januar vorbei und der Februar kommt, ich hoffe mit etwas mehr Sonne.
    Eine schöne Collage hast du gemacht und auch Schnee gezeigt, ich möchte aber keinen mehr.
    Liebe Grüße und einen Schmatz für die süßen Kätzchen.

    1. January is one of the dullest months! We got much snow but I DO hope that it was all of this year. I miss spring & green. Wishing you a nice February.

  7. ...I hope that you will have a warm and colorful February.

    1. It is lovely when the days get longer and brighter!

  8. Let's hope February brings good news about the pandemic.
    I want to go and see my mother...
    Happy new month, Riitta and happy new week!

  9. Hienoja kuvia. Hyvin rytmittyy väritkin kokonaisuuudeksi.
    Onneksi ollaan helmikuussa...


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