
21 syyskuuta 2021

Old Cemetery in Lohja

A while ago I visited the Church of St. Lawrence in Lohja. It is one of Finland’s
most beautifully decorated medieval churches. I took also some photos of its beautiful cemetery 
where old and newer graves mix with each other.

Lohja is a bilingual city and many names had a Swedish clang
- Wikström, Österman, Johansson, Alenius...

The grave of a well-known politician and former Prime Minister Johannes Virolainen (1914-2000) 
and his second spouse is beside the church entrance.


#der natur donnerstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #inspired sunday #makrotex
#my corner of the world #tuesdays treasures #t in die neue woche #wednesday around the world

16 kommenttia:

  1. Guten Morgen Riita,
    das ist ja toll, ich mag so alte Friedhöfe, manche sind ja schon richtige Parks.
    Wir haben in Stuttgart viele, die ich immer wieder gerne besuche.
    Hab einen schönen Tag und liebe Grüße Eva

    1. I love to visit churches and cemeteries, too. They are so peaceful.

  2. Thanks for sharing. Cemeteries are often frequented by butterflies and birds, just because of the tranquility.

  3. Hautausmaat ovat aina mielenkiintoisia paikkoja, kertovat paikkakunnan historiasta.

    1. Kyllä. Kustavin reissullakin kuljeksin hautausmailla. Kirkot olivat harmi kyllä kiinni.

  4. ...Riitta, this cemetery and church are beautiful treasures! The workmanship is amazing and I thank you for sharing. I hope that your week is going well.

  5. I find old cemeteries to be fascinating but this one is far older than any we find here!
    Thanks for sharing at

  6. Un cementerio sobrio y muy interesante, como también, muy diferente a los nuestros pero, al fin y al cabo todos se utilizan para lo mismo, para que los que nos dejan encuentren en ellos la paz y el descanso eterno. En el cementerio de San Fernando, de Sevilla, se organizan visitas turísticas todos los días, y son miles las personas que acuden a él, todos los años.
    Con las imágenes que nos has puesto de esa bonita iglesia, me has dejado con la miel en la boca, y con ganas de ver mucho más de ella.
    Que tengas un buen días, amiga Riitta.

  7. What a wonderful place to find interesting things!

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!

  8. Me parece precioso. Besos.

  9. Some really beautiful captures you too of the cemetery. You should join us at Inspired Sunday with you post

  10. Dear Riitta!
    Welcome to InSPIREd Sunday.
    I love such beautiful churches and historic cemeteries. They are so fascinating.
    Have a nice Sunday:)

  11. Beautiful place! Thank you for sharing.

  12. Thank you for joining us on Inspired Sunday


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