
27 elokuuta 2021

Friday Bliss #154 - Glimpses Back to Summer

During our visit to Kustavi we stopped at Mietoinen where my husband spent 
his childhood summers. This farmhouse belonged to hubby’s grandfather Malakias
who had to leave his home in Karelia after the war. Malakias cultivated the fields
 around the house and raised a big family of 12 children.  Today it is difficult to understand 
how they  all fitted to this small house.

Hubby’s cousin’s son is now living in the house, but he has a construction business,
no cultivating anymore.

This week I combined white chrysanthemums to late summer garden flowers.

Wishing you all a relaxing & sunny weekend, stay well & healthy!
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27 kommenttia:

  1. Guten Morgen Riita,
    ein schöner Strauß mit den Chrysanthemen in Weiß ja wieder Blau und Weiß. Lach!
    Ich kanns einen Mann verstehen, dass er gerne dahin geht, wo er aufgewachsen ist Das geht mir auch so, ich gehe sehr gerne auf den früheren Hof und das Haus meiner Großmutter und schwelge in Erinnerungen und laufe den Mörikepfad. Dieses Jahr im Herbst möchte ich das alles mal mit dem Fahrrad erradeln.
    Ist zwar eine lange Strecke mit dem Rad, aber ich möchte das schon machen. Aber ich kann auch von unterwegs in einen Zug einsteigen.
    Dir auch ein schönes Wochenende und liebe Grüße Eva

    1. It was very emotional to my husband, he almost shed tears. He was born in Helsinki and the family lived in an appartment building with no yard of their own. So understandably summers in the countryside were very important to him.

      Warm weekend greetings Eva!

  2. Interesting to take even a tiny step back in history. What was probably quite common then. I'm still amazed at 12 children!!

    1. Big families were common back in times, nowadays a family with three children is considered big. Greetings Lydia.

  3. Beautiful place with spacious land for cultivation. Those days, big family needs a small house but now small family needs a big house. Those days we have to share one small room with our siblings but now we have a room all to ourselves.

    1. Things have changed Nancy! Enjoy your weekend.

  4. It is difficult for us to understand, but was probably quite common then. I am glad you were able to visit the beautiful place. The flower bouquet looks amazing. Love the combination of white and purple.


    1. Thank you Soma. August in Finland has been very rainy after the dry July. My garden does not offer much floral joy at the moment. Still some late bloomers (Chelone obliqua, aster novi-belgii) are going to bloom in September. Warm weekend greetings.

  5. Draga Riitta,
    Florile sunt uimitoare! Cata frumusete poate exista intr-un buchet!!! Imi place cum ai accesorizat langa vasul cu flori, foarte dragut!
    Casa nu e mica si apreciez extrem de mult cresterea copiilor restransa. In nici un caz, copilul si camera! La adolescenta, poate pe sexe. Cunosc multi intelectuali care au crescut in case formate din doua camere si au fost intre 9 si 12 frati. Au o baza sociala sanatoasa si amintiri emotionate.
    Cele mai bune ganduri,

    1. Thank you Mia,

      I translated with google your comment, if somebody wants to read. Yes, earlier in 1950s and 1960s there were many children in a family, and it was not the case of some religious sect. I myself have to brothers and a sister. Warm greetings over to you Mia

      "The flowers are amazing! How much beauty there can be in a bouquet !!! I like how you accessorized next to the flower pot, very cute!
      The house is not small and I really appreciate the limited growth of children. In no case, the child and the room! In adolescence, maybe by sex. I know many intellectuals who grew up in two-room houses and were between 9 and 12 brothers. They have a healthy social base and emotional memories."

  6. The seed pod is extra wonderful! I think one of my daylilies has one for me to cut. Thank you for hosting. And yes, 12 kids, oh my goodness.

    1. Hi Sara,
      The seed pod is Lilium martagon, I find them very decorative as well.

  7. What a nice place, and yes, today it seemes unbelievable living there with so many people. Must be a special moment for you husband to go there.

    Nice again your bouquet, I like it.

    Greetings over to your place


  8. It seems quite impossible now that just two weeks ago or so it was full summer!
    Let's enjoy the weekend, hoping for nice temperatures.
    Relaxing images of Kustavi. :)

  9. Es war sicher sehr schön an solch einem Ort den Sommer zu verbringen. Früher waren die Ansprüche nicht so hoch wie in der heutigen Zeit. Die Menschen waren glücklich in der Natur.
    Dein Blumenstrauss ist ein Traum.....wunderschööööön...
    LG. Karin M.

  10. Such a lovely place, Riitta!
    Love your flowers too!
    Happy weekend to you,
    love and hugs, Claudia xo

  11. It's a beautiful place with all nature around. And the memory from your husband must be so beautiful. Yes this place I want took everywhere too.

  12. ...good times never seem to last long enough!

  13. Dear Riitta
    Wow your flowers are wonderful and it is a wonderful place.
    Have a lovely evening and hugs

  14. Wished I was more like that (the family with the 12 children), that there is always place for one more! I think it's a great philosophy in life! Beautiful bouquets Riitta!

  15. Nice barns! The flower arrangements are lovely.

  16. Dear Riitta,
    this looks like a nice and interesting "trip into the past". Yes, 12 children can hardly be imagined today anyway, and then still in a relatively small house, but that was definitely better for the ecological footprint than our way of life today ;-)
    Your white bouqet with the purple and green color elements looks very pretty and classy!
    Happy Weekend and all the best

  17. What nice memories. It does look like a cute little place!

  18. Me encanta el lugar. Un beso.

  19. Ahh...peaceful. Thanks, Riitta!


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