
23 heinäkuuta 2021

Friday Bliss #149 - Doll House Exhibition

The Doll House Association celebrates this year its 30th anniversary. I used to be a member during my hobby years, but not any more. I visited their 30th anniversary exhibition at the Järvenpää Art Museum’s Ahola that used to be the home of writer Juhani Aho and his wife, painter Venny Soldan-Brofeldt during 1897-1911. The couple went through a love triangle as Mr. Aho fell in love with his wife’s sister Tilly and they even got a son together in 1902. This ’scandal’ was kept in tight secret until the married couple’s younger son Antti wrote his father’s biography in 1951. 

Downstairs in the yellow wooden villa there was their permanent exhibition with beautifully lit posters with Venny’s art, sketches and family photos. And the whole upstairs was filled with doll houses - a little girl’s paradise! I took a few photos of this miniature world, but as the small objects were behind glass, my photos did not succeed very well. Yet a few impressions.

I was especially impressed with the personal dolls. Most of them were self made
out of Fimo modeling mass. This cute elderly couple was so sweet.
Under a modern single woman in her apartment.

This old Doll House Mansion is antique. It is from the 1930s. 
Goldsmith Hjalmar Armfelt donated the house to his grandchildren.

The Doll House Association has even published a book -
Life and ambiances in Finnish doll houses.
 To finish still some impressions of the permanent exhibition.

The lady playing the piano on the right is Aino Sibelius.
Mr. Aho was in love with her before Aino married Jean Sibelius.

Wishing you all a relaxing & sunny weekend!
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35 kommenttia:

  1. Guten Morgen Riita,
    was so alles passiert, es kommt in den besten Familien vor :-)), man kann nun mal gegen Gefühle nichts machen.
    Schöne Bilder sind es und du hast auch schöne Bilder gemacht.
    Ich habe gerne gelesen und in den Bildern geschwelgt.
    Ein schönes Wochenende wünscht Eva und ich sende dir liebe Grüße.

    1. I'm just starting to read a biography of Venny SoldanBrofelt. It will certainly be interesting.

  2. Again such a pretty museum. I would like to go inside and have a look at all these doll houses. Time ago you’ve showed us a bit from your dolls you’ve made, and I can completly understand that you’ve had a membership. Interesting the story, also the combination to show everything. Thanks for sharing and the pics. I like dolls and the "history".

    Have a good start into the weekend dear Riitta and greetings from my place to yours


    1. Dollhouses is a very interesting hobby, it swallows you alltogether :D

  3. Wow, thats cute and great! An exhibition, made for me...
    Reminds me of the baroque doll museum Mon Plaisier in Anrnstadt - you've heard about it?
    Have a nice weekend

    1. Thanks for the tip Mascha, I’ll visit the link.

  4. Very impressive and beautiful doll house. It resembles every detail of a normal house. Cute elderly couple.

  5. Family gatherings (such as Christmas) must have been quite interesting in that family who used to live there! (Even for artistic types!). …on a sweeter family note, my favorite of the permanent paintings were those of the children. And I absolutely loved the doll houses. And the personal dolls, especially the elderly couple (they seemed quite familiar ;)). Thank you for hosting and sharing !

    1. The dolls and the houses were really fabulous and they were so many! Too pity that due to the glasses my photos were too bad to publish.

  6. Thats a really interesting and pretty museum. The yellow wooden Villa is perfect for those exhibitions. It looks like a summerhouse near the summerhouse from my grandmother ;-)
    Have a nice weekend and many greetings from Germany

    1. The yellow villa is of mansion style, from 1800 something. It was beautiful indeed.

  7. Guten Morgen liebe Riitta!

    Da schlägt mein Puppenherz gleich höher!!! Was für bezaubernde Bilder!
    Und was für eine tolle Sammlung!
    Ich hätte mich stundenlang dort aufhalten können.

    Danke für die wunderschönen Bilder und die Informationen dazu!

    Herzliche Grüße


    1. The exhibition was really great. I would have loved to show you more photos, but they were too bad to publish.

  8. Da erinnere ich mich gleich an das Haus, dass wir vor 36 Jahren meiner Tochter gebaut haben, auch mit Figuren aus Fimo. Es liegt gut verpackt auf dem Dachboden.
    Dir ein schönes, friedliches Wochenende!

    1. You should show photos some day about your daughter’s dollhouse. It is a family treasure!

  9. What huge artworks to build the dolls' houses with all the details!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Enjoy your weekend, Riitta!

    1. Yes, creating a full dollhouse takes hours and hours... They were so elaborate with every detail.

  10. Onpa upeita nukketaloja! Oli varmaan hieno näyttely.

    1. Nukkekotinäyttely OLI upea. Mutta lasien / pleksien vuoksi melkein kaikki kuvat epäonnistuivat. Ahola museona ei ollut erityinen, mutta tulihan nähtyä.

  11. ...a beautiful miniature world!

    1. Adult women say generally that they have dollhouses because of their small daughters. That is not true: they are for themselves!

  12. Hihi, Mr. Aho apparently fell in love a lot ;-)
    I really like the yellow house, it has such an early look. And the exhibitions - especially the one with the dollhouses - seems to be very interesting and worth seeing. Great, the Fimo dolls! That's much better than buying some kind of impersonal plastic dolls ...
    Hugs and happy weekend, dearest Riitta,

    1. Wild artistic bohemians in the early years of 1900 :DD Well, Aino Sibelius was a very beautiful woman, much younger than Mr. Aho. If publicly known, it would have been a tremendous scandal in those times. Happy weekend.

  13. I would love to see this exhibit and building!

  14. The furniture in the doll houses are so life like, and I like the personalities of the dolls What an intrigue in the lives you are telling us about:) Thanks for hosting! (Jesh) Emille

    1. Well, all kinds of things can happen even in the better circles :D

  15. Interesting. Thanks for hosting and have a good weekend.

  16. It is a wonderful museum in the beautiful yellow wooden house. The dollhouses were made with so much love and skill, the details are stunning ... thank you for the photos. The history of artists is exciting with its secrecy.
    You have very interesting museums in your area, dear Riiitta.
    Once again a very nice greeting to you from Viola.

    1. You are so right Viola. We have a lot of good museums here in the Helsinki area. All museums were closed during the worst Covid months, but now they can be visited again - and that makes me happy. Beautiful weekend to you.

  17. Eine Puppenhausausstellung ist sicher interessant. Da hätte ich mich auch gerne umgesehen.
    Danke fürs Zeigen der vielen hübschen Details.
    LG. Karin M.

  18. It is beautiful. I would like to see a miniature world of dolls.
    Have a nice Sunday and relaxing rest.
    Hugs and greetings:)


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