
02 heinäkuuta 2021

Friday Bliss #146 - Summer Romance & Sadness

We celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary on Tuesday. In Finland this anniversary 
is called Pearl or Ivory Wedding. I made a romantic bouquet with what was blooming.
My Louise Odier froze badly last winter and also the draught can be noticed: 
flowers are few and small. But different campanulas are in bloom as well as 
Philadelphus coronarius and Clematis Petit faucon.

We had strawberries and strawberry cake and a nice lunch by the two of us.
A quiet celebration, because our cat Sissi has been very sick, we had to let her go.
She had gastroenteritis, pancreatitis and probably cancer, there was nothing to do.
Rest in peace dear Sissi. In our hearts always ❤︎
23 Sept 2012 - 1 July 2021

A Bridge Called Love

It takes us back to brighter years,
to happier sunlit days
and to precious moments
that will be with us always.

And these fond recollections
are treasured in the heart
to bring us always close to those
from whom we had to part.

Wishing you all a sunny first weekend of July!
And thank you for all the lovely comments you leave week after week at Friday Bliss.


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39 kommenttia:

  1. Liebe Riitta,
    herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 30. Hochzeitstag. Und schade, dass die Katze gehen musste, das ist sehr schlimm. Ich muss dann immer daran denken, wie wir uns von unserem ersten Hund trennen mussten. Ich glaube, ich habe noch nie soviel geweint, wie in diesem Moment beim Tierarzt.
    Ich wünsche Dir dennoch ein schönes Wochenende.

    Viele liebe Grüße

    1. Thank you Wolfgang. It is sad, but Sissi was so sick. She had lost almost half of her weight. The bad things about pets is, that usually we loose them. But as time goes, the lovely memories are still there.

  2. Oh such mixed feelings in this post Riitta. It was a lovely celebration of your Anniversary , and your flowers are so beautiful. But it so sad about your sweet Sissi. I am so sorry for your loss.

    1. Thank you so much Sallie. I feel empty and the house is empty. The sadness comes and goes. So sad.

  3. The romantic bouquet is most fabulous and the plating of the strawberry cake looks wonderful. Happy anniversary! Sad about Sissi.

    1. Thank you Shiju for your beautiful words.

  4. Congratulation on your 30th wedding anniversary. Love your beautiful romantic bouquet. The flowers are very pretty. Strawberry cake looks delicious. Rest in peace to dear Sissi.

    1. Thank you Nancy. Sissi has no pain now and she can meet all animal pals, who were waiting for her. And I think that the mouses never end in the cats' heaven.

  5. So lovely and so sad is your post Riitta. My best wishes to your wedding anniversary. The flower bouquet is wonderful. It's very sad that Sissi must go - I know how you feel,
    greetings from Germany

    1. Thank you Kirsi. Fortunately I have photos and loving memories and we took good care of her till the end, yet the grief is strong at the moment.

  6. Dear Riitta
    It is sad, when joy and sadness coincide like this. I feel so sad with you.

    1. Thank you so much Eda for your consolation.

  7. Liebe Riitta.
    ein sehr geschmackvoll zusammen gestellter Strauß zu deinem Ehe Jubiläum. Alles Gute für die kommenden Jahre.
    Ein letzter Gruß an Sissi von mir.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Thank you Lieselotte. Life brings joys and sadness, so it is.

  8. Oh no, that's terrible, I'm speechless and a tear is running down my face. How well I can understand your grief, and all the comforting words can’t really help. I am really sorry, but it was a good decision from you to let her go. She will be grateful to you, and now together with many of our loved ones she will look down and thank you for the wonderful years.

    Nevertheless, I would also like to congratulate you on your wedding anniversary. You have done everything beautifully.

    Abrazos, besitos y saludos


    1. Oh dear Nova, I start crying reading your words.

      Sissi was sick from February on. First she had an ichy eczema on her collar and lost all fur there. Then she stopped eating totally. Later she started eating all the time but nevertheless her weight went gradually down from 4100 g to 2300g. She was in pain and so tired. The decision was hard, but the only one. This was the first time we decided about the euthanasia of a pet. Our first Belgian shepard died in a surgery and the other of an epilepsy seizure in our garden. They are all in my heart.

      But life goes on. Besos y abrazos.

    2. Oh yes, that’s hard and I still remember the decision with Gismo, and now I am crying again. His urn is standing in the living room, next to his pictures and very often I press it to my heart. After roundabout three years I am missing him very much.

    3. ❤️❤️ We miss our beloved pets forever. Besos.

  9. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Sissi was a lovely cat. You had a poignant wedding anniversary this year as you must feel sad. Nevertheless I wish you a happy anniversary Riitta. The bouquet is a wonderful mix of beautiful flowers.

  10. Happiness and sorrow hand in hand. I am sorry for your cat - but congratulations with your wedding anniversary. Beautiful bouquet.

  11. ...Riitta, such gorgeous colors! I'll be back a bit later.

  12. So sorry for your beautiful Sissi! It is important to enjoy the memories of what she gave to you, though.
    Best wishes for your great anniversary! Happy days to come!

  13. Dear Riita, congratulations on your wedding anniversary (it's the 40th this year with us).
    It's a shame that the joy is so overshadowed by the death of your beloved cat!
    Your bouquet is beautiful!

  14. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Hochzeitstag, liebe Riitta. Da sind wir nicht so weit von einander entfernt, stelle ich gerade fest... auch wir feierten nämlich dieser Tage unseren Hochzeitstag!

    Traurig dagegen ein geliebtes Tier ziehen lassen zu müssen, ich kann es gut nachempfinden. Oh je .

    Liebe Grüßle von Heidrun

  15. Congratulations on thirty years together. I hope they have been filled with happiness and excitement.

  16. Am so sad for you about losing Sissi:( On the other hand happy anniversary! A beautiful bouquet Riitta! Have a happy weekend, Jeshie2

  17. Congratulations on your 30th anniversary! A time to celebrate. Your bouquet is gorgeous. I'm so sorry you've lost your dear beautiful Sissi.

  18. Lovely celebration and very beautiful flowers. It so sad about your sweet Sissi. I am sorry for your loss.

  19. My sincere condolences on the loss of your beloved kitty. I am sure she had a marvelous life with you. Thank you for sharing the story.

  20. The photo of your kitty Sissi is so beautiful. Purr-fect to remember her by. As always your flowers are just gorgeous. Looks like a lovely celebration.

  21. Primeramente felicidades por tu aniversario, El ramo de flores me encantó. Siento mucho que Sissi ya no esté contigo pero la tienes en tu recuerdo y en tu corazón, se siente mucha tristeza por nuestras mascotas, lo sé por que yo también lo he pasado. Besos.

  22. I am sorry about your Sissi.

  23. Freude und Trauer liegen so oft gratuliere ich dir zum 30. Hochzeitstag und sende dir gleichzeitig mein Beileid zum Verlust eurer Katze. :-(

    Fühl dich umarmt!

  24. I am so sorry, Riitta. A quiet celebration I think was the perfect way to celebrate your anniversary and beautiful Sissi, a very sweet and beloved kitty.


  25. Ist es nicht wunderbar, wie sehr einem die Vierbeiner ans Herz wachsen können? Da schmerzt das Ende sehr.


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