
01 tammikuuta 2021

The Year 2020 in Collages

The Year 2020 in Collages for Makrotex.
No one is going to miss last year! It was quiet with many Covid-19 restrictions,
very few gettogethers with friends and family. Yet it had its moments:
flowers, sunny summer & happy moments at home with hubby. I am thankful for being well.

From the February collage you can see that we had no snow, it is exceptional in Finland.
But snowless winters are becoming more general in the southern parts of the country. 
The year 2020 was the warmest in the history of measurement in Finland, 
says the Finnish Meteorological Institute. The average annual temperature was about 
2.5 degrees higher than the long-term average, ie 1981–2010. 

I finish with one collage of an art museum visit in February 2020.
HERE my post about Albert Edelfelt & the Romanovs / Sinebrychoff Art Museum.
I do miss art exhibitions! Hopefully this year safe visits are possible again.

New Year's Greetings!


#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #gartenglück #image-in-ing #makrotex 

#t in die neue woche #värikollaasit

13 kommenttia:

  1. packed a lot of color and beauty into 2020. Keep it going into 2021.

  2. Happy New Year, Riitta!

  3. Rehevää kukkaloistoa vuosi 2020 sentään tarjosi, vaikka ei näyttelyitä.
    Ja Lainakoirakin on päässyt kollaasiin!

    Hyvää alkanutta vuotta!

  4. Wow, what a work you have given yourself to make these beautiful collages! I remember the last one very well! In that you had to make a great turn around in 2020, also for the subjects to post on your blog. Health is not anymore a given, and something to be very thankful for. All the best to you this year, 2021, and that it may all eventually smooth out and bring some more normalcy in our lives

  5. Oi tätä kukkaloistoa! On meillä ollut runsaasti ihasteltavaa. Taidemuseossa kävin tällä viikolla ja sain viettää pari tuntia aivan itsekseni. Nautinnollista.

    Onnellista Uutta Vuotta ja terveyttä roppa kaupalla!

  6. Wow! Love your colourful and beautiful collages. Wishing you all the best for the New Year.

  7. That’s the point: "thankful for beeing well" . For sure we all hate the last year of restrictions and all about Covid19, but there were also so many beautiful moments...and you showed yours. Thanks for it.

    Wishing you a good first weekend of the year, all the best to you


  8. New Year's Greetings to you, Riitta. You created some beautiful collages that are a good reminder that in the midst of the turmoil and horrors of 2020, there was much beauty and goodness.

  9. Auf ein gutes 2021 möge es uns allen Wohlgesinnt sein.
    Was für ein farbenfrohes Jahr sieht man auf den schönen Collagen, ja die Natur hat sich nicht Einschränken lassen von der Pandemie zum Glück.
    L G Pia

  10. Stunning flower collages. It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to gardening here at

  11. Liebe Riitta,
    das sind sehr schöne Collagen, die einen unbeschwerten Rückblick auf das Jahr zeigen.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein frohes und gesundes neues Jahr.

    Viele liebe Grüße


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