
13 marraskuuta 2020

Friday Bliss #114 - November Flower

In winter time I usually have a flowering pot plant or two to bring joy to the everyday life.
November cactus or Christmas cactus? No idea, but Schlumbergera it is
and in white my favourite. I have one recently bought hanging in my kitchen
and another from last year in my utility room.

Recently I have read a couple of interesting books.
Selja Ahava's wonderful Woman who loved insects is a fiction based on the life of 
German born Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717).  The writer’s magical realism lets Maria 
live for 370 years and this way how our life and worldview have changed through the centuries.
Merian’s drawings are amazing!

Then I read Deutsches Haus by German Anette Hess, also a brilliant novel telling about 
the so called Auschwitz trials in Frankfurt in the mid 1960s.


Wishing you a pleasant weekend!

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18 kommenttia:

  1. I have to buy a new christmas cactus; mine which I left outside this year isn’t so pretty anymore. I think he doesn’t like to much sun. I have to put him a little bit more in a shadow place. Yours are really pretty and especially the white one looks so noble.

    Thanks for presentation of your books. they seem to be very interesting and I especially like the drawings of the first one.

    Wishing you a good start into the weekend I am sending greetings over to you.

    Take care


  2. Dear Riita,
    I have no luck with these cacti, the flowers all keep falling off. But yours is really beautiful.
    I followed the Auschwitz trials in the newspapers from 1963. The Stuttgarter Zeitung usually reported about it and sometimes we could see it on television.
    I was 14 years old at the time and couldn't quite understand it.
    Certainly an interesting book, my father has the logs of these trials, which my late brother's son now has.
    I wish you a nice day and send my best regards Eva

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  4. Dear Riitta
    Your christmas cactus is wonderful and I love it. I used to have one during several years.
    Have a lovely Friday and hugs

  5. Liebe Riitta,
    wir Schlumberga auch zu Hause, und ich liebe diese Pflanze, überhaupt mag ich Kakteen, und hatte schon als Kind eine ganze Menge. Jetzt haben wir aber nur noch die Schlumberga, in unserem Haus wachsen nicht besonders viele Zimmerpflanzen.
    Maria Sibylla Merian bewundere ich auch, wir zwei Bücher über sie und ihre wundervolle Arbeit im Ragl stehen.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende, und bleib gesund.

    Viele liebe Grüße

  6. Wow! Your Christmas cactus are flowering so beautifully. My Christmas cactus has not flowered for a long time. Yours is a beautiful white and mine is a deep pink. Thank you for hosting and have a great weekend.

  7. Good morning Riitta,
    your Christmas Cactus is so wonderful! I should get a new one too! Did not have any for many years ...
    Wishing you a lovely weekend,
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

  8. A delicate flower indeed.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Happy weekend!

  9. Schön, dass du an Maria Siibilla Merian erinnerst! Sie war eine wunderbare Entomologin und hat mich in dieser Hinsicht sehr inspiriert. Darüberhinaus war sie ein begnadete Zeichnerin und selbstbewusste Geschäftsfrau. Zun unser Glück ist sie nie so vergessen worden wie andere tolle Frauen ihrer Zeit.
    Bon week-end!

  10. ein herrlicher weihnachtskaktus! ich mag auch die weißen so gerne und vielleicht finde ich ja heute auch einen in der gärtnerei im nachbarort. die bücher sind sicher sehr interessant. die zeichnungen und malereien von maria sibylla merian finde ich auch wunderbar!
    liebe grüße und ein schönes, hoffentlich sonniges wochenende,

  11. ...I've never been successful with them, this one is beautiful.

  12. A gorgeous display of flowers and the illustration from the book is fabulous. Stay well and stay safe.

  13. Beautiful - yes here we call them - Christmas cactus. Beautiful flower captures like always! I had the same one, but gave it away when I moved. wow, serious reading, Riitta! Suddenly I have the reading bug and am reading 3 books at once. The most interesting is "The Oracle" from Jonathan Kahn.HAve a lovely weekend, Jesh

  14. Ooh WOW, dearest Riitta,
    this flower is the pures beauty! I've never ssen a "Christmas-Cactus" in white (just in red)... so pretty!
    Hugs, happy weekend and stay well!

  15. The close-up picture is delectable!

  16. For years (until we sold up to travel) we had a beautiful red “Christmas Cactus” (as we called it ) but it always blossomed in November .... everyone seems to rush to the Christmas season, even our house plants )). I really like the color of yours even better than I did ours. ... I recently read a book of essays called “Late Migration” and the nature drawings at the start of each one are so beautifully done that I am ordering a hardcover edition. (Nowadays I do almost all of my reading on Kindle, but this beautiful art needs a real book format .). Thank you for hosting.

  17. Feliz fin de semana también para ti.

  18. This plant always brings smile to me during winter.


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