
09 lokakuuta 2020

Friday Bliss #109 - Cosy Times, Play Times

I am book blogger as well and the autumn feels like Christmas
- so many newly released books! I have made a lookalike of me in dollhouse size 1:12.
She is thrilled with all the books, but wonders where to find time to read!
At the moment my readings are mainly Finnish literature and 
The Helsinki Book Fair shall be only online at the end of October.

World Animal Day was celebrated last Sunday, October 4 which is the feast day of 
Francis of Assisithe patron saint of animals. The whole week is dedicated to the welfare of animals.
SEY, Animal Welfare Finland says there is an ongoing cat crisis in Finland. 
They estimate that at least 20,000 cats are abandoned in our country each year. 
Many families take a ’summer cat’ for their kids when they stay at their summer cottages 
the summer months. In the autumn many a cat is abandoned in the nature. 
SEY has publishd a leaflet Valuable Cat for the kids aiming to raise the cat’s value.
For me this kind of conduct is totally incomprehensible.

Now that our renovation is over, Sissi goes to sofa to sofa to sleep and relax.
She took this messy time well but is now happy & so content. We bought her a new climbing tree
to the living room - from high up it is good to keep an eye what is going on.


Cosy weekend to you, too!

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22 kommenttia:

  1. Good morning dear Riita,
    Sissi is sweet, what a beauty and those eyes. Wonderful. Yes, I have a stack of books too. This week I came to read. I'll also introduce a few.
    I do believe that Sissi was not pleasant with the renovation, cats don't like restlessness, but now she has settled down nicely on the scratching post.
    Eva wishes you a nice day and a nice weekend
    So beautiful pictures

  2. You’ve made the lookalike? cute and I love the "complete pictures" with the books and the lying clock pn the board.

    I will never understand people who do this to animals. If I take a cat or whatever I have to care about it. It’s not a toy for the garbage after "using". These people should feel it by themselves what it’s like.

    Sissi, the Queen with her new throne...she loves it as I can see, and for sure she loves now the cosy and silent moments. So I love to see her, she is a beauty and great pictures of her.

    For you both all the best, cuddelings for Sissi and greetings and hugs to you.


    1. Hi Nova,

      The doll is made out of Fimo clay. Modelling the face and eyeglasses was bit of a challenge. But it was fun, I have given up the miniature hobby but at the time I was very enthusiastic.

    2. I have toi add that in real life I don't have botox lips :))

    3. I believe you...but it is so cute. Just love it how you made your lookalike. To bad that you have given up the hobby; I would like to see more ;-))

      Besitos ☼

  3. Your bookshelf “mini me” is adorable! I feel sorry for people who do not like to read! Especially now . I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have a book to read! (But I do read mostly on my Kindle now... it is very good for travelers). Also our homes are both quite small, so I don’t have a lot of shelf space. We can’t have everything!

  4. Liebe Riitta,

    Eure Sissi ist so eine Hübsche, sie ist bestimmt sehr froh darüber, dass die Renovierung abgeschlossen ist. Und Euch wird es nicht anders gehen, viel Freude beim Lesen wünsche ich Dir.

    Herbstliche Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende
    wünscht Dir

  5. Liebe Riitta,
    ich liebe Bücher auch, und kaufe auch mehr Bücher als ich letztlich lesen kann...
    Schade, dass so viele Katzen alleine gelassen werden. Hier in Deutschland passiert das leider auch und auch Hunde werden oft genug ausgesetzt. Verstehen kann ich das nicht.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende.

    Viele liebe Grüße

  6. Sissi is really awesome.
    Enjoy your readings, Riitta and happy weekend!

  7. Good morning dear Riitta!

    The little man looks funny! Hopefully it won't eat you all the letters out of the books ;-)

    What a beautiful cat! I would love to have one too, but my cat allergy does not allow it.

    best regards


    and stay healthy!

  8. Hi Riitta,
    so lovely and wonderful Sissi-Fotos! She is such a beauty!
    Books I love too, but I don't find time enough for reading at the moment ... hope in winter t will get better ;O)
    Wishing you a lovely weekend,
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

  9. it gets colder, cosy moments are welcomed.

  10. You must be so happy the renovation is done and over with:) Everyone is happy and content, continuing with their own life. The cat has a new tree home and you can read your books:) Have fun reading this weekend - Jesh

  11. Sissi is a real cat princess and she is also a beautiful model.
    Your photos always amaze me.
    Hugs and greetings.

  12. your cats are SO BEAUTIFUL!

  13. ich mag den herbst auch sehr! wenn keine sonne scheint, um ihn draußen zu genießen, sitze ich gern am ofen, trinke tee, habe kerzen an und lese dann auch gerne ein neues buch.
    sissi ist ja eine wirkliche schönheit! so ein tolles fell hat sie und so schöne bernsteinaugen!! ihren neuen hochsitz mag sie bestimmt sehr!
    liebe grüße und ein gemütliches wochenende

  14. Such beautiful cat pictures!

  15. I also love these moments very much to enjoy these cold days with a good book or games. Your Sissi is a sweet pearl, wonderful her new trhon and place to sleep .. Very interesting what's going on in Finland.
    I wish you a beautiful weekend, Elke

  16. Alguna vez llegue a tener unos 20 gatos y estaban muy bien, ahora no tengo. Los de los vecinos me tienen destrozado el jardín y tengo que tener cuidado con lo que piso. Besos.

    1. Aquí no tenemos gatos vagabundos. Pobre de tí!!!

  17. Sissi is beautiful and looks like she loves her comfortable place.


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