
18 syyskuuta 2020

Friday Bliss #106 - In the Autumn Sun

This morning no trace of yesterday’s stormy winds.
Yesterday a strong storm called Aila swept over Finland causing a lot of damages.
It was at its strongest on the west cost, in my garden or house fortunately no damages.
If you wish to see storm photos click to MTV News.

Last Sunday was a cool & windy day, but sunny. We had a picnic at our terrace
celebrating my husband’s birthday. His daughters Sanna and Milla came to see 
their father and Milla left with some Hostas and Rodgersias to her young garden. 
No photos of our guests this time either, not even grandson’s Meeko!
I added some garden materials to last week’s carnations: 
seedheads of Heuchera and last phlox flowers. Soon the garden bouquet time is over.

Wishing you a happy weekend!

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23 kommenttia:

  1. Oh shit...a storm at your land too. Thanks god there is no damage at your place. I hate such storms, and since days I am always looking on the Atlantik / Hurrican Center. Firtst time in history there are five at the same time. Always nice to have company, especially on a birthday, and for sure Milla loved to take some plants with her. The garden bouquet time is over soon, but yours always will be there or here ;-))) Again so wonderful what you’ve made. Love it.

    Have a good start into the weekend.

    Hugs and greetings


  2. A wonderful arrangement dear Riitta,
    the flowers on the tablet with the silver cup.
    That is gradios.
    You give me an idea.
    Greeting Eva

  3. Glad to hear you didn't have any storm damage! Beautiful arrangements, I love the first photo, a beautiful place!!


  4. Good to know that the storm didn't do any damage to your house and garden. That is a lovely part of your garden in the photo. Love the floral arrangement with the pink and white flowers. Have a wonderful day.

  5. Oh, you had storms and fall - we had still warm weather and could enjoy our public pool - it is still open, because in corona-times the indoor pool is forbidden (I dont like it anyway).
    Even more you need such wonderful flowers!
    Send you warm sunlight for the weekend

  6. Hallo liebe Riitta!

    Immer wieder überraschst du mich mit deinen schönen Arrangements. Herrlich ist deine erneute Zusammenstellung!!!
    Ich kann micht nicht satt daran sehen.

    Hier in Kiel war es ruhig und ungewöhnlich heiß zeitweise. Fast schon unerträglich.
    Schön, dass deinem Haus nichts passiert ist. So ein Schaden durch Unwetter braucht niemand!

    Liebe Grüße


    1. Thank you Anne for your lovely words <3 Adding garden materials to a cheap cutflower bunch makes it all new. Today the sun is shining and me and Sissi dare to go out! She is afraid of wind, maybe it is some animal instinct.

  7. What beautiful carnations!!
    Here in Somero Aila left us for 12 hours without electricity. But fortunately no damage.
    Today the sun is shining and we will be raking.
    Happy weekend to you all and best wishes to your husband!

    1. Thank you for my husband's behalf <3 Good to know that there was no damages at your house. There were tens of thousands households without electricity. Today it is hard to believe that yesterday was such a storm - not a leaf is moving. Enjoy your raking, in a lovely weather it is fun workout.

  8. It's good that your house and garden have been spared. Bad these storms, thanks for the link to watch!
    Your bouquet of flowers and the pretty decoration is beautiful.
    I wish you a beautiful weekend!
    Greetings Elke

  9. Liebe Riitta,
    das ist wieder ein wunderschöner Strauß, gefällt mir sehr gut, wie so oft. Und auch das erste Bild, das die morgendliche Stimmung so schön zeigt ist wundervoll. Nachträglich alles Gute zum Geburtstag Deines Mannes.
    Ich wünsche euch ein schönes Wochenende.

    Viele liebe Grüße

  10. Liebe Riitta,
    Dein Strauß sieht wunderschön aus in der Herbstsonne!
    Ich wünsche Dir noch einen schönen Tag und einen guten Start
    in ein schönes und sonniges Herbstwochenende!
    ♥️ Allerliebste Grüße, Claudia ♥️

  11. ...what a beautiful collection of pink and white.

  12. How nice of his daughters to visit on their father's birthday:) The pink flowers in your bouquet are brilliant, Ritta! You are missed at All Seasions, and hope to see you back soon:) Have a great weekend.

  13. Ein sehr gefälliger Strauß! Heucherablütenstände sind wundervoll.
    Bon week-end!

  14. Beautiful floral arrangements ... so nice to share starter plants with your step-daughter! Our first home’s garden many many years ago was built entirely from such donations (we were young and poor!) ... sweet memories of going home from family visits with plants to put in! (And then every year remembering where they all came from).

  15. Gorgeous images! The storms have been awful this year and we still have over 3 months to go.

  16. Wonderful autumn shots.
    Thank you for the tip with my floral pictures.
    Have a nice weekend.

  17. Hi Riitta.
    Thankfully, your beautiful garden has not been damaged in bad weather. I sincerely regret those who have suffered from the storm. I have no words to express what I feel with your beautiful floral arrangements. They are wonders of your good taste.
    Congratulations to your husband for celebrating another birthday.
    Good weekend.

  18. Your photography is even more beautiful than usual today. The light is magnificent. I love your work.

  19. Un ramo precioso. Saludos.

  20. Dear Riitta,
    I am so glad that the garden was not damaged by the violent storm! (I saw the photos on MTV!) Happy belated birthday greetings to your husband - a picnic on the patio is a good idea. And your bouquet looks so beautiful: The vase is also very pretty, like a white shell.
    Warm greetings, a nice Sunday evening and a good start into the new week!


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