
25 huhtikuuta 2020

The Weekend Roundup Q

Starts with Q & my favourite:
Queen of the house! Me and my husband are her servants fulfilling
every wish of her Royal Highness :))

Starts with Q:
Empire style Quarters around the Senate Square, Hlsinki are beautiful

Starts with Q:
Question: For how long do Quarantine-like restrictions last?
My digital work.

Tom’s choice Quality:
 Quality over Quantity - Haruki Murakami is one of my favourite writers.

#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #foto-tunes #gartenglück 
#image-in-ing #makrotex  #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #t in die neue woche 
#the weekend roundup #tuesday’s treasures #uudet värikollaasit #willy-nilly #watw

14 kommenttia:

  1. I believe you, and no wonder that she is the Queen. "Dogs have owners, Cats have stuff", and you know doesn’t matter at all. Cats are giving so much back. I would do it always again.

    Hoping about the situation and dreming of a little bit normality I wish you an beautiful weekend. Lot’s of "knuddler" for Sissi and greetings as well hugs to you

    Take care


    1. Thank you for visiting Nova! We are so happy having this royal member in the family :) Sissi came when our old dog died and saved us from sorrow. Wishing you also pleasant & safe weekend.

  2. Woe, sie ist die wahre Königin.
    Meine Ehrerbietung königliche Hoheit und ich mach jetzt meinen Kratzfuß vor ihnen.

    Kratzfuß ist
    die Verbeugung des Menschen, die üblicherweise Respekt ausdrückt. Im asiatischen Raum wird die Verbeugung bei der Begrüßung benutzt; insbesondere ist es dort nicht üblich, sich die Hände zu schütteln.

    Händeschütteln habe ich schon als Kind gehasst und habe es schon immer vermieden.

    Siss ist aber auch eine ganz ganz Schöne.

    Liebe Grüße Eva
    und hab ein schönes Wochenende.

  3. Danke schön liebe Eva,
    Ich habe einige neue Worte kennengelernt :) Sissi dankt für deinem Kratzfuss! Sonne und Freude für die Wochenende!

  4. Hi Riitta,
    Beautiful photos this week! Your cat is gorgeous ♥ I really like the quarantine post, too! I hope you have a nice weekend, stay safe! Dawn

  5. Good morning Riitta.
    There is no doubt, that she is a majestic cat.
    Four more have been born here.
    Good weekend!

  6. Hei Riitta,
    Sissi is splendid, as usual. A real highness.
    What a coincidence: I have just finished two books by Murakami: After Dark and Kafka on the Shore! I admit I liked them both - dreamlike as they are.
    Happy weekend!

    1. I think that After Dark is not available in Finnish. Kafka on the Shore / Kafka rannalla is and I liked it, too. Murakami is one of its kind!

  7. ...many cats are the QUEEN of the house.
    ...QUITE beautiful QUARTERS!
    ...QUARANTINE restrictions should last longer than people would like.
    ...QUALITY is always better than QUANTITY, but QUANTITY also sells better.
    Thanks Riitta for this QUALITY post, stay well.

  8. The crown looks like it belongs on this queenly cat. Our state is getting ready to open up in phases. We will still keep our distance as we are both health compromised. Stay well!

  9. Dear Riitta,
    your "Queen of the house" is fantastic, amazing, wonderful....I love your picture.
    Warm greetings and take care of you and your famely.

  10. Ritta, your "Queen" is sooo cute. I brought a kitten this furry home from a box on the sidewalk in front of a store. Our younger daughter, preschool then, named her Farrah for Farrah Faucet. Mrs. Jim added to that. Farrah Faucet Minou to give her a french touch. Is the Murakami book a Business textbook? I taught Business classes for 22 years at our local community college. My specialties were Business Law and Entrepeurship.

    1. Hi Jim,

      Murakami is a Japan novel writer. There is much fantasy in his novels, no business. I studied at the Helsinki High School of Economics in my youth. Then worked in advertising as copywriter and account excecutive. Retired now. Wishing you a pleasant weekend.

  11. Sissi se ve preciosa con su corona. Besos.


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