
02 maaliskuuta 2020

Once Upon A Time - Sinkka Art Museum

There were three magnificent Muse sculptures by Nina Terno 

ONCE UPON A TIME - Collection of Aune Laaksonen Art Foundation

I visit the center of Kerava - half an hour from the center of Helsinki - every now and then, but never went to Sinkka before. Now this art museum presents a fabulous collection of contemporary & modern Finnish art. The exhibition was wonderful! First of all, the museum's facilities are light, modern and diverse, perfectly suited to contemporary art.  I was fascinated by the fact that there were very different types of work involved: big and colorful oil paintings and smaller black and white graphics. Numerous sculptures also added their own charm to the atmosphere of the exhibition. Here some photos for you. Unfortunately I don’t know all the artists’ names.

Kuutti Lavonen - Tricolore 1

There were several works by Lavonen in the exhibition, including colorful Andy Warhol-style
paintings and collages based on a photograph. One topic was James Dean.

Hannu Väisänen - Passion tree

The yellow stone by Ulla Rantanen had a wonderful & mystic shine;
the big metallic oval statue was called Shield of Earth.

Painting in the background: Juho Karjalainen - Ship of Dreams Sailing

This funny guy was called Seaman on Land

Tero Laaksonen - Il moro di Venezia

A touch of Easter: This large installation explores big and small: How inmense are our  feelings 
in relation to our  human size! A giant nest of giant eggs brought to my mind a story of HG Wells: 
Aepyornis Island. It was a giant bird living in Madagascar, now in extinction.

Where is my darling - Jenni Vartiainen


#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #oto-tunes #gartenglück
#image-in-ing #makrotex #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #t in die neue woche
#the weekend roundup #tuesday’s treasures #uudet värikollaasit #willy-nilly #watw

26 kommenttia:

  1. Hello Riitta,
    this looks extremely interesting for contemporary art lovers.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Wishing you a lovely week.
    (I am now in vexed Italy) :( :( :(

  2. Hello, wonderful exhibit, the paintings and sculptures are beautiful. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  3. The Seaman reminds me of the Easter Island statues.

  4. I'm glad for your visit to the Garden Spot. You commented on cooperative the bunnies are. They are handled most everyday by their little girls, so they are gentle. As show rabbits, they are asked to sit quietly as the judge examines them, so they are used to being handled. I enjoyed your visit to the art gallery and seeing the unique and beautiful art.

  5. Preciosa. Feliz semana.

  6. Das Lied, die Stimme der Sängerin gefällt mir...

    ...die Ausstellung im Übrigen ebenso. Nicht jedes Stück spricht mich an, das ist so - jede Kunst kann man sich nicht unbedingt erschließen. Es ist eine Gefühlssache.

    Happy MosaicMonday

    Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne Woche und sende liebe Grüße, Heidrun

  7. Dear Riitta,
    this modern Finnish art looks fantastic and above all so versatile. You can't help but marvel and admire it. Thanks for showing it!
    Best wishes and a good start of the week
    warmly moni

  8. ...Riitta, such a beautiful display of art, I have many favorites! The song is so haunting, even though I don't understand the words, it's enjoyable. Thanks for sharing and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  9. How neat to have such a variety of art there....not all paintings! Beautiful!

  10. Fantástico reportaje, saludos desde España.

  11. Hi Ritta - what a treat to see such beautiful art works - I love the way the various pieces worked with the wall art.

  12. I love to go to muesums. Unfortuantely I haven't done it on awhile. It's a shame since I live close to Stockholm and all the one there.....
    Love the Lavonen art and the bird nest

  13. Riitta - yes, an eclectic collection, to be sure. It seemed that some of the sculptures were placed next to paintings with similar structures - were they created at the same time by the same artist, or is that just a coincidence? Loved the concept of the nest and our human feelings. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

    1. I am not hundred procent sure Angie, but I think these works are by different artists. I loved the green oval statues, they were called shields of Earth or something...

  14. Hi Riitta,
    what a wonderful Museum! Great Pictures and really interesting sculptures! Thank you for sharing with us!
    Wishing you a lovely day!
    love and hugs, Claudia xo

  15. Looks like a nice museum to visit. There are some interesting pieces.

  16. Thank you for this beautiful tour through the museum, accompanied by the beautiful music I enjoyed both very much!

  17. Kunst ist so unterschiedlich wie auch die Geschmäcker.
    Aber es ist toll, wenn man die Chance hat, solche ausstellungen zu besuchen.
    Danke für diesen großartigen Bericht !
    Liebe Grüße

  18. What fantastic artwork! I love the photos you shared with us showing the fascinating pieces.

    I'm so happy to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

    My Corner of the World

  19. That's an interesting exhibit. Some of the pieces do get me wondering.

  20. Dear Riitta,
    a wonderful artexhibition. I like the metallic oval statue and the colourful yellow Picture most.
    Greetings from Germany

  21. interesting collection, thought-provoking eggs

  22. Art comes in so many styles and forms. - Margy

  23. Hoe lovely!


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